Um, when compared to vanilla oblivion, vanilla FO3 was head and shoulders above it in quality, game mechanics, and story. Now, when compared to Morrowind, yes, it is somewhat lacking....... Morrowind was a fantastic game right out of the box. I couldn't play vanilla oblivion for more than an hour before I saw it as pointless, and modded it beyond recognition. (to use your words.

) FO3 was pretty good, but, there were aspects that I wanted to see changed. One of which was Patches that didn't break more than they fixed........ I am still on version 1.4, and really gave up following the game for a while, hoping they would sort some of that out. Oblivion suffers from pretty much the same thing, but, there isn't going to be any fixes for that, and we know it. Morrowind...... The FANS are fixing the game..... Technically illegal, or at least, a violation of the license agreement.... but we discuss it on Beth's own boards, and they don't seem to mind.
I give up trying to understand their thinking.......

agreed that it was better than Vanilla Oblivion; but I couldn't enjoy FO3, until I made Accurate_Guns, which later became Combat_Overhaul (removing VATS, removing disperse rate on guns, so that they don't shoot all over the place)
although the first mod I made, was before the GECK was out (No_Fast_Travel) ^^
I can see the technological advancements, but I fail to see the gameplay aspect of it
it's made even more casual than Oblivion (now you don't even need to concentrate whilst fighting, you just push VATS)
that and the fact that ever since Oblivion everything's gotten... shinier and more plastic
if however they utilize the technology they have, but go back to a darker, grittier TES, refine the Radiant AI so that it actually works, etc; it will be worth it
but if they just update the engine in the same manner they did between OB and FO3, then I'll hesitate before I buy it
(and I "am" a bit biased, since I enjoy STALKER far more than FO3; BUT I enjoy Morrowind more than Gothic, so... it evens out ^^)