:foodndrink: Here's to you, C_Mireneye!
I feel the same way.
Like you, I have lived, loved and modded Morrowind since the beginning. This community has been my second home since 2002. I have not only learnt a lot, I have also have made new friends... and I lost one of the dearest friends I have ever had, when Grumpy so tragically passed away in 2005.
A few years ago, I honestly feared that the MW community was dying. Then, the forums were moving really slowly, and it was sad to compare with the thriving activity in the Oblivion forums.
Today.. it seems to me (who have been away in long intervals, for family reasons) that the activity in the community has increased rather than decreased. When I looked a little while ago, there were 3 full pages with threads that someone had posted in today in this forum. In the OB mod forum, there were 4 pages. Two years ago, it would have been 1,5 pages in MW section and 8 pages in OB section.
At some point, the Morrowind community will if not die so at least sort of 'fade away with dignity'. But, it wouldn't surprise me if it actually outlived the OB community.
Why? Well, to start with, there has now been a number of Morrowind vs Oblivion threads in the TES general forum. In each poll the numbers are approx the same - 75 % consider MW the better game.
Second... I made my first post in the OB CS forum yesterday. I've been tinkering on an OB companion (my first attempt of an OB mod - she talks like crazy, unfortunately in sveeeedish english, as I've been voiceacting, myself

), and I ran into a really serious game bug that seems to affect all companions ever released (after a while, they don't use arrows when using a bow so they make 0 damage). I thought bringing this subject up in the CS forum would start a discussion. Heh... 24 hours later, and no-one has replied. Only 16 views of the thread. And lots of other threads also have 0 replies to them. As I felt this was really discouraging, I went to the MW CS forum and had a look. There, you will still get replies to your questions!
Third... places like the Great House of Fliggerty... As long as there are modders as engaged in helping others as the Fliggerty team, that will continue to bring life and soul - and heart! - into the community.
Fourth... the Morrowind is a mixture of so many generations of gamers and modders. I know people here that are in their early teens, and people who are around 70. There are people who arrived yesterday, and dinosaurs like me who registred back in 2002. What we have in common is that we in general are people with a long attention-span... we find a game, we like it, we stick with it. Morrowind isn't a fling... it's a long-term relation for so many of us. (Hey, I have 9 copies of Morrowind GOTY in my desk... have to make sure that I don't run out of CDs for a very long time to come)
Fifth... modding is relatively easy with the MW game engine and CS. As the npcs aren't fully voiced, you can write long and involved dialog without having to consider how to get voices for it. Which means it's relatively easy to make quality quest mods. The AI is on a comparably low level, but that means that modders can determine more - in newer games like Oblivion, the AI will overrride the modder's wishes.
Now I have been typing for so long that the post by C_Mireneye that I referred to at the start is probably one page or more ahead of mine.
And that also says something... in a dying Morrowind community, there wouldn't be a lot of people discussing the future of Morrowind modding.