the robo-butler, who believes your seriously injured when you've only been scratched, gets in the door way blocking the bed, and never gives you enough purified water
Yeah the butlers are ANNOYING! When you have everything all nice and neat and setup they go and knock everything over :stare:
I also agree Nathan is annoying.
Moria gets annoying after awhile her voice just gets irritating after awhile.
Sticky aka the annoying man 'nuff said
Dad is also annoying.
Brian Wilks "Those monsters they're going to eat me WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I'll be in the middle of combat at the super duper mart then he just runs up out of nowhere every time I start a new character and do the super duper mart quest. He one time interrupted me in combat turned my character around and once I got done talking to him I get my head blown off because I was about to take a stimpack when he showed up.
Tenpenny is annoying pip pip cheerio!
The people in tenpenny tower are all snooty which makes them annoying the clothe tailor especially, there's nothing MARVELOUS about him.
I woudln't say the female ghouls are annoying but they always make the back of my throat dry and makes me want to get something to drink when they talk.
And yes the brats at little lamplight are annoying, but McCready is the only character I like and I find him funny.