The capital wasteland is such a big place so there must be at least one person who annoys you so much you just wanna feed em to a deathclaw. who's yours.
mine would have to be the women in megaton who gives you gifts. she fills up my inventory with useless crap and i become overweighed. i see her running towards me and i run away trying to escape but she allways catches me. aggggh its deathclaw time
Just one.... Hardly!
1. Your father. For so thoughtlessly and thoroughly screwing up the lives of everyone he comes in contact with, and for permanently being set as essential, so you can never do the RightThing by eradicating him.
2. The BoS and the Outcasts. All of them. Eradicate. Immediate. No exceptions.
3. Sherrif RoboGreeter Simms.
4. Moira Brown. She must be the craziest, most screwed in the head trader in ANY Bethesda game ever.
5. Dr. Li. Stuck up prig of an egghead guilty of working with your father. Another essential that desperately needs killing.
6. Optimus Prime. Gods Below! I wish I could prevent that walking pile of scrap from ever being activated!
7. Three Dog. A brain damaged spacecadet motormouth DJ who supports the BoS. Terminate on sight.
8. Victoria Watts. Another brain damaged idiot, thankfully only temporarily set as essential.
9. All residents in the BratCave. I HATE NPCs set as essential. Whiney stupid little juvenile ones even more so.
10. Sally from MZ. Crazy stupid brat tagged as essential.
How does one give someone an overdose? :confused:
I'd like to learn that as well
Also, I saw mention of Dave being punted out of his Republic. How the heck does that happen? Via a Mod or something? :confused:
No mods. It's in vanilla FO3.
You have to make him fail to win the election.
That means stealing all the votes for him, as soon as he opens the voting container to do the count.
Jenifur Charne