You added Boone back and didn't include all the super duper guys from my list

I'll need to see who Mercy is but Randell Clark is a good add

NO. Raul is a badass, end of story. Give him Medicine Stick with SWC rounds and you'll see what I mean. (I know you say that it's not his default gun, but he didn't have a very powerful default gun because he was a prisoner)
Also, consider his past, what he has survived, how long he has been alive etc. and you won't be able to deny that Raul is a badass god-tier character.
No, he does not get Medicine Stick, he does not get his perks or fancy outfit.....He gets to be Raul Tejada, that very ghoul you find in the cells of Black Mountain. Joshua Graham, Gaius Magnus, Colonel Royez, Legate Lanius, etc do not need any Courier intervention to be God Tier, because they are God Tier. Raul is you like is Jesus to the rest of characters, he isn't quite God but has the potenial to be near-God.
Being a badass isn't the same as being a God Tier, and after reading up on his past he seems nothing more than an average joe with a trigger finger, all he did was kill X amount of raiders and some people who burnt his original house, all for revenge continously during the attacks he was breaking down and losing confidence in himself before finding Tabitha's signal.....doesn't sound like a badass anymore