killed everyone in the game. followers, NPC's, everyone non essential. blew up Megaton so no more kids there enslaved Bumble before killing off the slavers set the entrance to LL to explode with a cubic buttload of mines killed off everyone in the Pitt/ Point Lookout MZ and Broken Steel nuked the Citadel killed every outcast I could find and now its just me... so lonely now...
Somehow, I think killing off everything is rather terrible. I stole some stuff to get evil Karma but, that is about it. I might use Jericho as an expendable soldier. Sure he is nice and all but, things are really for the greater good.
Right after Dr. Lesko gave me my rewards I decided that he was expendable and as he was walking out of his office I turned his skull inside out. That was the beginning. Since then anyone that I don't like is marked. Many have died and many more are to meet their maker.
I consider stealing the Ashur's Baby as an evil thing to do as well. I had a bit of trouble choosing what to do with the Pitt expansion's ending.
I did let Wherner live, after convincing him to run away, but I couldn't bring myself to let them hurt the child for their own needs. Slavery is bad, but at least Ashur had a plan and a goal to achieve.
Today? I helped those losers in Big Town. One of them died so my character ate them. The others didn't take to kindly about seeing that so they turned hostile and I had to kill them. No sense letting good meat go to waste...
Cleared out Tenpenny Tower, but left that Millicent Wellington (right name?) - that posh [censored] - alive. I used a Knife to cut her down to within an inch of her life and chased her around the building for ages, letting her suffer from her wounds. Felt like I was a sadistic murderer and she was the victim in one of those cat and mouse horror movies. I then chucked her husband's mutilated body in the girl's toilets and shepherded her into there, trapping her next to her lover's gruesome and bloody corpse. I finished her off a while later.
Most evil? That's hard to say. My road to Hell has been paved with many innocents.
Before blowing up Megaton I killed the Sheriff and took his clothes. I went into his house and his son said "YOU'RE NOT MY DADDY" and I responded with some fairly rude comment if I am not mistaken. I stole all the Sheriff's possessions and sold them later for whiskey and beer.
After blowing up Megaton I came back to the irradiated hole in the ground months later (not game months, literally months later) and I found Moira there. She was a ghoul now, and she was asking me for something.
I chased her down with a tire iron and beat her to death.
Killing everyone in Big Town? That was hardly a distraction, but I did it.
Killing everyone in Tenpenny Tower might be the single most evil session of gameplaying. So many old women running and running and none of them lived. Once I killed the main guards and those damned robots, it was easy picking taking out the residents. It was fun too. So fun.
I like to eat corpses. That tends to anger people.
Oh I forgot that I killed Three Dog. He said something smart to me about my father and I yelled "WHAT MOTHER ******?!" at the TV and watched him turn around and go to sleep. He is a trusting fellow. I set him on fire in his sleep. That was a glorious kill. You shouldn't talk poorly about my father. I have daddy issues.
Today I killed Three Dog. That SoB kept talking trash about my character so I paid him a visit. Terrible Shotgun blast to the face. Lets see you talk the talk now.
Killed everyone in megaton, scattered cromwells bits and sent my friend on a scavenge hunt. Went to moriartys salloon killed nova and gob ate them and brought them to a bed left them alone, exploded them with a hunting rifle and when everyone was dead i blew up megaton. Threw 20 bottlecap mines on the balcony and when tenpenny walked up to them I looked everywhere within a 20 mile radius and eventually found a leg, ate it and super slegded every beggar I found. I dont think my characters going to heaven!! :chaos:
I started a nuclear war in Rivet City. Shrapnel kept killing everyone with a fatman. By the time he managed to get me in a narrow corridor, CJ Young had been in about 20 explosions, and doctor preston had been through his entire pilfered arsenal and was by then using a pool cue.
Exactly!!! How many times is he gonna talk that smack on the radio, and the front when you visit him and try to treat you like you're some great guy... then underneath all that he trashed the dad.
F that noise!
Today I told little Hargrave at Rivet City that his mother's a b*tch.
Breaking into Sister's room and tripple tapping him in the back of the head with a silenced 10mm while he's asleep. All stealth assassin like, even using the recon armour at full condition for extra sneaking feel.