» Fri May 27, 2011 9:46 pm
Well as a slaver when I come across some random wastelander or junkie or whatever, the first question I ask my self is well how far are we away from paradise falls? You see I have to escort them back now because they always end up dead if I let them go by themselves, plus if its a long trek I get bored and Jericho starts whineing and its simply not pleasent for anyone involved. So what I do now if its too far away or I simply can't be bothered is to just go ahead and bash their little skulls in with a shovel . . .and take their stuff.
Hell I'll enslave anything! Women, children, old people, whatever, if they can operate heavy machinery or do not require all their major organs we'll find them a home! I even tried mezzing brahmin, radroaches and all sorts of [censored] creatures. With little success mind. :sadvaultboy:
That was just today though, proberbly the worst thing my evil character did however was when I killed every single resident(except jericho, I liked his hair) in megaton with kitchen utensils, then just to make sure, I levelled the place with an oversized atomic bomb. That was cool.