The most useful tip Fallout 4 never told you?

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:14 pm

So now its no secret that a l o t of mechanics tied into the game are expected to be learnt, not taught
I was curious what "tip" helped you out the most during your starting days of Fallout 4

For example, (xbox one, works for PC and PS4 equivalent) in building holding A when the cursor is over a collective group of objects allows you to move it all at once so you can build things in the open and set them right in the desired place
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:08 pm


I know that if you place items on a rug, you can then move the rug and it will include other items this way. But DAYUM.

-> If you're having trouble placing items on display, don't forget you can go into Workshop mode to move them (they will be automatically rotated upright)

-> wish I knew this earlier: CANCEL on a companion makes them go to their LAST location, NOT THEIR FIRST. If you want Piper, Nick, and Hancock to ever go back to their jobs, DO NOT tell them to stay at a settlement EVER.

-> Speech success is determined by formula (eg -64 + 15xCHR for hard) <- in that example, that means even if your charisma is 10, you still have a 14% chance to FAIL. Getting CHR to 11 (using bobble or kit) will make it a sure thing.

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Darren Chandler
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:33 pm

Bobbleheads can take a special stat to 11 permanently if you have the special stat to 10 (without drugs/clothing/boosts) already. If you picked up the SPECIAL bobblehead before you get 10 in its particular stat, you missed your chance to get the stat to 11.

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James Shaw
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:29 am

Probably the amount of purified water you can get building large generators over the river... I get around 200 each day with 288 water at sanctuary.

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Jeff Turner
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:10 pm

Agreed on the water one. I read about that somewhere and have been abusing it in every settlement that can build those industrial water purifiers. Swimming in caps now :P

Mine though would be about how OP stealth is. Absolutely nobody talks about sneaking in the game, and it is practically never mentioned, in fact I am pretty sure the PC is the only person to ever actually try to sneak. But with decent perks the game is just super easy mode.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:15 am

There is no safe storage if there are NPCs or settlers around, and the workbench is not safe either.

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Abel Vazquez
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