Hello every one. Just wanted to state a glitch that is really killing the game for me. as I'm playing in the chapter "semper fie or die" after the first time one of the marines said " MOVE UP GOOO!" my game went down hill from there. Why ?, because the guys decide to NOT STOP AT ALL reapeting the same thing over and over.. its like 4 or 5 guys SCREAMING " MOVE UP GOO. GOO GO GO MOVE MOVE UP GO MOVE UP....... MOVE UP GOO MOVE UP GOO..GO MOVE UP!"... its all i hear. i went threw a few check points and they keep saying it. restarted the game, along with loading it from other check points ( after a few of the semper fie or die check points ) and they keep on saying it, if you have encountered this DILEMMA please say some thing about it or if you found a fix for it let me know. i love this game sooooo much and its soo amazing, so that a few marines reapeting the same phrase over and over again can kill the game for me ?. nahh i dont need that.. oh and yes iv attempted to kill them all so they can SHUT UP but too bad they dont die

Thank you for your time, hope i get some feed back, see you all around the glitchy field of New York