Americans always were complicating their life, overdoing gaming rigs by using more than one GFX card (while one good card is better than 2 semi-decent/old cards AND 2 uber cards doesn't make sense because it's just overkill), using more than 4Gb of Ram "for gaming", playing games on 30+ inch LCD siting just 1m from it which doesn't make sense and so on
The fact is.... there is no need for more than one graphic card in your PC to enjoy all games on MAX settings and more than 35+ FPS, so SLI isn't priority while making game. Ppl got owned by their own stupidity in matter of building gaming rigs, and now cry over company which didn't make game 100% compatible with SLI. They did amazing job on creating engine which work on 3 different platforms, and should get a medal for that.
Are you retarded? 4gb of ram is freaking joke. Do you know anything about gaming and pcs? Windows 7 uses 1.5gb of ram just to run in the background, other things running will probably at the very least use .5gb of ram, so you telling me that 2gb of ram left over is enough to run high end games? Go back to your xbox.
Umm no, 2gb of ram for games is no where near enough, it might run it but it wont run it well.
Amazing conclusion that i am console user, where did u get that, from your ass? lmao You are only one who don't know anything about PCs.
To answer your question... YES 4gb of ram it is what system and any game can use at once, any additional memory over 4gb won't be used and thats a fact. ONLY 2D/3D graphic rendering editors and video editors use over 4gb ram. This is basic and common knowledge :p
Win7 64bit + additional small programs running -
max 1.5gb ramCrysis 2 -
not even 1.5gb ram after few hours of plaing
= there is still lot's of free memory left.
Umm no, 2gb of ram for games is no where near enough, it might run it but it wont run it well. You really dont know how ram works I can tell go look it up. So now you saying 2gb of ram (one stick)is good enough? Now your only running single channel ram (since the game is only using one stick of ram it cant run dual or triple channel obviously) ok I shouldnt name call sorry about that but you dont know what your talking about. You need to go look it up.