Soft hackers?
The ones that will get 3:1 k/d ratio on every round?
I'm sorry, but do you not believe that some people actually have skill? That some people were actually playing FPS since 1990s playing Quake?
I am one of those players. FPS today are easy compared to Quake and CS beta back in the days.
Don't get surprised when I will always win 1v1 in an encounter with you. Back in the day of CS(pre 1.5) guns actually HAD recoil AND spread. We actually needed to time our shots.
Don't get surprised when I headshot you while running with a sniper. In BC2, not only there's a bullet delay, but there's also a fake gravity that curves the bullet down.
Xan, I think you missed my point bro. : )
I've been playing on line since Descent 1 hit the ground. air. And yes, Like it was mentioned earlier, there are some that are mutant freaks when it comes to gaming and are uncommonly accurate. These individuals are rare buy comparison of population. I've had a few friends like that. ...sadly, I'm not one of them. In fact I svck at FPS, but I still enjoy the game.
My point is that guns pointed at me should kill me, not guns that are pointed 25 to 35 degrees to my right or left.
And to answer from an earlier reply on page two, no I didn't get film of the guy with the LAW. In fact, I didn't see it, I heard it. It was on the map Crash Site and I spawned in on the street behind the parking garage and I could HEAR it! and I was all "hell no, I'm not running back into that." Incidentally, I have the Turtle beach Ear Force HPA2's. They're surround sound head phones. : ) I recommend these to anyone that can afford the $99.00 price tag.