Is the multiplayer dead already ?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:17 am

got bored after 30 minuts of multiplayer. Didn't touch the singleplayer yet ( will wait till the AI is fixed, dx11 etc). This game exactly reminds me of the new WOLFENSTEIN, which was aswell a poor beta and died online after 2 months. I already knew that the review scores of all the gamemagazines where pure **** but I couldn't resist buying this game for 22 euro on release, because crysis 1 and warhead were unique.
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:55 am

I have to admit, i was never really good at multiplayer games, especially at first person shooters. But crysis 2 multiplayer amazed me such that i kept playing and got better. Now i often end up as one of the best three. I just love the maps, the suit modules (which allow different tactical configurations), crash site as game mode and the support bonuses. The bugs are annoying, yeah, but for me they are tolerable.

The only thing really, really, really pissing me off are those hackers or cheaters or whatever you want to call them. You just have to use google and at the first page you find a patch, making every weapon a one-hit-killer. What the ****? What kind of software design is this if the client (not the server!) decides which weapon deals which damage?

I'm level 33 now, and I really enjoy the game each time, just until one of these kiddies logs in and ruins my game experience.
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:54 pm

If he is super human then yes ;) Believe me, its not something which human brain "learn" by training, simply aver brains can't register difference in amount of displayed frames per second above 30-35fps. It's beyond human perception so your friend is misunderstanding something, difference in how graphic animation is more smoother is one thing and see difference in amount of displayed frames is another thing ;)
And Good day to you sir.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:12 am

yes get back to playing 18th century graphics pls we dont want you here anyway.

What's with the hating? Counter-Strike is the perfect example of how to do a mulitplayer game right; the original mod was released in 1999.

It's been around for 12 years and it still has a ridiculously strong community and tons of servers.

Do you honestly care so much about graphics that you'd rather play a broken game like Crysis 2 over a game that works so well, it's still going strong 12 years after its release?

Theres nothing special about cs at all, would take 1 day to design a game equally good really.
And yes i know what im talking about im a programmer.
Also if you find c2 gameplay boring i kinda question how you would NOT find cs boring, point that piece of **** gun in a certain direction, and hope your opponents HP drops.........................?? While looking at graphics that are worse than in LEgo Batman.

Yes, counter-strike is pretty old, but it still fun for many.
Yes, it is inferior to many newer games for graphics, and gameplay in it's stock state, but there are plenty of tools for modding.

I play on a Python-engine WCS mod server with 100+ BALANCED classes. What powers the classes have are defined by THE COMMUNITY. And there are active developers on the servers coding new features into the mod 24/7. The servers have max 38 players (was 48, but split into two smaller servers), have admins on, use a separate MySQL server to store all data for shared ranking XP etc, have 99.8% uptime, deathmatch mode, votekick/voteban for cheaters, and you can make your own classes up for the developers to put in (with balancing of course. There are 100+ classes you can choose.

THAT is what I like about CSS.
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:09 am

Soft hackers?

The ones that will get 3:1 k/d ratio on every round?

I'm sorry, but do you not believe that some people actually have skill? That some people were actually playing FPS since 1990s playing Quake?

I am one of those players. FPS today are easy compared to Quake and CS beta back in the days.

Don't get surprised when I will always win 1v1 in an encounter with you. Back in the day of CS(pre 1.5) guns actually HAD recoil AND spread. We actually needed to time our shots.

Don't get surprised when I headshot you while running with a sniper. In BC2, not only there's a bullet delay, but there's also a fake gravity that curves the bullet down.
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:44 am

Soft hackers?

The ones that will get 3:1 k/d ratio on every round?

I'm sorry, but do you not believe that some people actually have skill? That some people were actually playing FPS since 1990s playing Quake?

I am one of those players. FPS today are easy compared to Quake and CS beta back in the days.

Don't get surprised when I will always win 1v1 in an encounter with you. Back in the day of CS(pre 1.5) guns actually HAD recoil AND spread. We actually needed to time our shots.

Don't get surprised when I headshot you while running with a sniper. In BC2, not only there's a bullet delay, but there's also a fake gravity that curves the bullet down.

I have seen soft-hackers as well.
You can tell in the replays if you watch very carefully.
Their aim path follows the path of your head, but is slightly delayed. But if you slow down or stop, you WILL get headshot It's a "soft" aimbot. What gives it away is the smoothness and speed of the where the aim is traveling. The aim will travel in a direction exactly where your head was about 100-300ms ago at a constant speed.

The tracking starts at the moment the user starts firing.
It's not an Insta-lockon-your-head aimbot, but an assist that is still more efficient than an average gamer, but makes it hard for someone else to identify them as a hacker.

I've seen straight up aimbot (where a player is firing continuously and hitting 100% of his shots)
The amount of bullet drop is easily calculated but the distance from an aimbotter's opponent. The actual aimbot tool either (a) takes into position where the opponent is directly from reading the server packets of locational info, or (b) identifies the color of an opponent's head and identifies how "far" it is by counting pixels.
(a) is more advanced than (b).
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:35 pm

I've stopped playing too. I swore even before this game came out that it will be my "game-to-play" for the next couple of months, at least. Recently I've gone back to Call of Duty, Battlefield, Fable, pretty much every game BUT Crysis 2.
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:41 am

Soft hackers?

The ones that will get 3:1 k/d ratio on every round?

I'm sorry, but do you not believe that some people actually have skill? That some people were actually playing FPS since 1990s playing Quake?

I am one of those players. FPS today are easy compared to Quake and CS beta back in the days.

Don't get surprised when I will always win 1v1 in an encounter with you. Back in the day of CS(pre 1.5) guns actually HAD recoil AND spread. We actually needed to time our shots.

Don't get surprised when I headshot you while running with a sniper. In BC2, not only there's a bullet delay, but there's also a fake gravity that curves the bullet down.
Why do people keep talking about all this SKILL? There really isnt that much skill to fps. Ya there is some and ya can get really good at it, but just because someone has played the same game or type of games for 3 years doesnt mean they will be better at it then someone who played the game for 6 months. It doesnt take that long to get as good as your going to get at it. And 1v1 is one thing but I think generally people are talking about the random stuff that happens in games with 16 or so people in them. Like some one stated earlier you cant do anything about getting shot in the back when you are shooting some in front of you.
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:20 am

Soft hackers?

The ones that will get 3:1 k/d ratio on every round?

I'm sorry, but do you not believe that some people actually have skill? That some people were actually playing FPS since 1990s playing Quake?

I am one of those players. FPS today are easy compared to Quake and CS beta back in the days.

Don't get surprised when I will always win 1v1 in an encounter with you. Back in the day of CS(pre 1.5) guns actually HAD recoil AND spread. We actually needed to time our shots.

Don't get surprised when I headshot you while running with a sniper. In BC2, not only there's a bullet delay, but there's also a fake gravity that curves the bullet down.

Xan, I think you missed my point bro. : )

I've been playing on line since Descent 1 hit the ground. air. And yes, Like it was mentioned earlier, there are some that are mutant freaks when it comes to gaming and are uncommonly accurate. These individuals are rare buy comparison of population. I've had a few friends like that. ...sadly, I'm not one of them. In fact I svck at FPS, but I still enjoy the game.

My point is that guns pointed at me should kill me, not guns that are pointed 25 to 35 degrees to my right or left.

And to answer from an earlier reply on page two, no I didn't get film of the guy with the LAW. In fact, I didn't see it, I heard it. It was on the map Crash Site and I spawned in on the street behind the parking garage and I could HEAR it! and I was all "hell no, I'm not running back into that." Incidentally, I have the Turtle beach Ear Force HPA2's. They're surround sound head phones. : ) I recommend these to anyone that can afford the $99.00 price tag. :P
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:12 am

If he is super human then yes ;) Believe me, its not something which human brain "learn" by training, simply aver brains can't register difference in amount of displayed frames per second above 30-35fps. It's beyond human perception so your friend is misunderstanding something, difference in how graphic animation is more smoother is one thing and see difference in amount of displayed frames is another thing ;)
And Good day to you sir.

Ofc that you will be able to see difference between 30 and 60.... naked eye can almost see frames one by one when you display image @ 30fps. BUT we are talking about being able to "see" difference between 50 and 60fps. There is HUGE dif. between comparing 30-60fps and 50-60fps..... so your post is pointless because it isn't proving anything nor discovering anything which we already didn't know.
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:15 am

hows the multi dead? i played like 3 months and its so epic
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:48 am

The terrible condition it was in at launch didn't really help it's survivability. Hackers and the immense amount of bugs made people decide not to come back. Personally, the PC version should have been delayed another week or two for polish. Hell I'd even accept a month delay just for them to work the bugs out, and also to get real anti-cheat protection system, as well as having DX11 on launch.

I still come back to singleplayer to do levels over again to figure out better ways I can tackle each one. Crytek did a great job with that portion of the game. Crytek UK on the other hand needs to step their game up when it comes to developing for PC, because multiplayer was pitiful at launch and it's taking too long for them to fix it.
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naome duncan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:30 am

The terrible condition it was in at launch didn't really help it's survivability. Hackers and the immense amount of bugs made people decide not to come back. Personally, the PC version should have been delayed another week or two for polish. Hell I'd even accept a month delay just for them to work the bugs out, and also to get real anti-cheat protection system, as well as having DX11 on launch.

I still come back to singleplayer to do levels over again to figure out better ways I can tackle each one. Crytek did a great job with that portion of the game. Crytek UK on the other hand needs to step their game up when it comes to developing for PC, because multiplayer was pitiful at launch and it's taking too long for them to fix it.
Try 3-4 months delay. We're pushing a month since release and they haven't addressed a single one of the numerous issues surrounding multiplayer connectivity issues.
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:19 am

Tonight is my last night playing MP. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THE DARN CHEATERS!!!. Seeing guys floating across the map. Getting one shotted all the time while I have to empty a full clip from behind. A-Holes using Aim Bot's. It's not fun at all. This is why I stopped playing PC games and went to consoles. Graphics are definitely better on the PC BUT MSFT takes cars of Cheaters on XBOX Live. Thanks alot Crytek for allowing Cheaters to ruin this game
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:34 pm

yah you are right today a cheater on the multiplayer!!!!!!! HATE IT! HE KILLED ME THE MOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;its dying because of cheaters and cheapskates!!!!!!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:34 am

You need help everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:58 am

You need help everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like wishful thinking by a cheater. Karma always prevail.
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Kira! :)))
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:24 am

This game never had a chance at holding a long term community with such rampant cheating and very little enforcement tools.

I remember Crytom posting how this game features both built in anti cheat and server admin tools... guess what, both came in way too late. Built in anti cheat is a joke and there are was admin tools even released with the game? Almost no server bothers monitoring their **** now anyway.
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:52 pm

Honestly, I've been biding my time. Playing C2 (in single player) and some other games. I'm really looking forward to sinking my teeth in to multiplayer, but I'm thinking I'll wait until the DX11 patch, if for no other reason than that has a shot to revitalize the MP community.
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Jarrett Willis
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:19 am

You need help everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like wishful thinking by a cheater. Karma always prevail.

well except that technically, karma isn't visited to you until your NEXT life. ... that doesn't do well for a game's Development cycle. ; )
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:45 pm

Soft hackers?

The ones that will get 3:1 k/d ratio on every round?

I'm sorry, but do you not believe that some people actually have skill? That some people were actually playing FPS since 1990s playing Quake?

I am one of those players. FPS today are easy compared to Quake and CS beta back in the days.

Don't get surprised when I will always win 1v1 in an encounter with you. Back in the day of CS(pre 1.5) guns actually HAD recoil AND spread. We actually needed to time our shots.

Don't get surprised when I headshot you while running with a sniper. In BC2, not only there's a bullet delay, but there's also a fake gravity that curves the bullet down.

We're not talking about 3:1 kill to death ratio. That's a result I reach pretty often, not constantly, but as i said before I don't have much fps multiplayer experience. No, we are talking about players not getting uncloaked while shooting primary weapons or (using aimbots) ending up with a kill to death ratio of 40:1 (happened to me yesterday).

But because there are cheaters, I'm getting paranoid and after I got killed, let's say, "skilled", I think this must have been a cheater. This is what really pisses me off about multiplayer: Not the single cheater, but the feeling that everyone could be one. If you're playing with the permanent feeling that the game isn't fair, it's not really fun anymore.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:08 am

jes i is dead look at the servers...
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:28 pm

Yeah, everytime when I go into multiplayer most of the servers are empty, did everybody get bored of this game or something?
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:43 pm

Everytime i play everybody calls me a cheater. Its not my fault everybody svcks and dont know how to use your powers.
Remember when your using armor (you will be glowing like JAPAN, everybody can see you).

Run and Cloak and Jump alot. Get to the high grounds fast!!!
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Devils Cheek
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:31 am

Yeah, everytime when I go into multiplayer most of the servers are empty, did everybody get bored of this game or something?

The game has so many problems I dont find it hard to believe a lot of people stopped playing it already. Its either log in issues, hardware compatibility issues, hackers or people are constantly losing progress.

I myself had a 4-5 day break from Crysis 2 because of all the issues.
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