Well here goes my rant... although CRYTEK state that they are actively monitoring the hacker situation, I believe that they are filling us full of **** ...
here is why, I entered 10 games at random..
7 of those games had at least 1-2 hackers...
2 out of those 7 were full on 6vs7 hackers...
WTF is CRYTEK doing to this franchise ??? it was meant to be a massive amazing game that just ended up being a flop and a complete waste of my money.
multi-player is full of hacks/glitches/bugs and fail hit detection, whilst single player has to be the most linear gimped/buggy FPS I have EVER played...
I dont know about anyone else but I also sick of being kicked from a server for reporting a hacker, this makes the admins as bad as if not worse than the hackers for being complete jerks.
Also i thought CRYTEK were resetting hackers account ?? well i think its funny as **** to see that when you look at the top score boards for the multiplayer game you will notice that the top 20 are actually hackers..
for example HOW THE **** does a person get 110% accuracy and -10% misses ???
Sorry CRYTEK for sounding so negative!!! but you completely **** this game up for the sake of a quick release for your console sales.
I mean honestly if blizzard or valve released a game in this state they would be hung out to dry lol
i suppose that's the difference between a class developer and a sell-out developer.
OK rant over please feel free to QQ about my remarks,

like i give a **** lol it will probably be removed AGAIN lol