Sound is an important part of the game. Very important. It strengthens the atmosphere, immersion and feeling of basically everything in the game. Without Jeremy Soule for instance, my Oblivion-experience definitely wouldn't have been the same.
This is what we've heard so far of Skyrim:
Other videos that may be of interest to hear:
So, what are your thoughts about this, so far?
A few questions to think about and perhaps answer:
Do you like the main theme (if so, what is your favourite part?)? Do you like the soundtrack? Do you like the voice of Esbern (Max von Sydow)? Do you like how dragons sound like in the trailer?
Do you like how the Dragon Shout sounds like in the trailer? Do you like how it sounds when you're hitting/slicing with weapons (or drawing the sword) in the trailer? Do you like the panting sounds in the trailer?
Do you like the sound of the Draugrs in the trailer?
I'm sure there are things I've missed mentioning to discuss. The above are just examples

I personally think (without cluttering the first post too much) that everything sounds great. The main track is epic; my favourite part is 0:54-1:08. I love the soundtrack that we heard; very atmospheric with a slice of epicness. I'm very very happy that Jeremy Soule is composing. I love all the sounds in the trailer, especially the hitting/slicing sounds and how dragons sound like. I'm not too hyped about the Dragon Shouts (I don't know why, honestly...), but it sounds good. I'm very happy of the panting sounds. I added a mod to get that in Oblivion and it was nice to see it being in Skyrim already!