We haven't seen any NCR forces in the trailers nor is Bethesda talking about the NCR being in Fallout 4
I wonder if we'll see the idealistic Militia in the Commonwealth, thoughts?
We haven't seen any NCR forces in the trailers nor is Bethesda talking about the NCR being in Fallout 4
I wonder if we'll see the idealistic Militia in the Commonwealth, thoughts?
Why would the NCR be anywhere near Boston? The NCR is in California. Boston is in Massachusetts. They're three thousand miles apart. In between is Legion territory, Midwestern BOS territory and who knows what else.
I seriously doubt we will see even the slightest mention of the NCR in Fallout 4 because it would make very little sense.
Never underestimate the rule of cool.
Err, what is the idealistic militia?
As Enclave said, the NCR is a full-fledged state.
I expect a mention of the NCR or at least the West Coast. There was a mention of the Midwest Brotherhood and the West Coast in FO3 and a mention of the East Coast Brotherhood in FONV, but that was it, a mention.
Basically, if the FO4 story has any background relating to the goings on in California or the Mohave, then we can expect one or two lines of dialog. But we can't really expect any more than that.
There is a remote possibility that some remnants of the Master's Army could reach the East Coast about the time of FO3 or FO4, but we have seen no evidence of it yet. There is even a smaller possibility of Midwest Brotherhood activity, but so far all evidence points to the Brotherhood presence being East Coast Brotherhood.
The NCR and West Coast Brotherhood are both in too weakened states to mount any kind of effort on the East Coast. The most we can expect of the Enclave is some remnants much like was found in the Mohave.
Not going to see NCR in FO4
First off, they are seperated by thousands of miles, as has previously been stated
Second (and more importantly) FO4 takes place 4 years before Fallout New Vegas. If the NCR had only gotten as far east as Nevada four years AFTER fallout 4 starts, it stands to reason that they wouldn't be as far east as Boston 4 years before
I wouldn't necessarily discount the idea that there might be one or two more well travelled npcs from NCR, or who might at least be familiar with them, but honestly I wouldn't expect even that much
As many have already said, I doubt they will be there in person. Most likely will be mentioned in dialogue and maybe a scrap piece of armour thats been traded across the wasteland or in a veterans stash somewhere to pick up and wear. Loved the ranger's armour and hope I can find a set (without mods haha)
Seeing that this games take place 5 years before New Vegas I doubt the NCR would have made it to Boston without getting past Cesar's Legion
We don't know that it takes place before New Vegas, and Bethesda's MO of always pushing the timeline forward would go against that. Don't necessarily take the 200 years tweet as an exact number.
If they appear at all, I hope its just a few scouts. Kinda the Lewis and Clark of the post-apocalypse. New Vegas made it seem like a big deal for them to come as far as Nevada, the east coast seems a bit further.
Considering that the NCR's Capital is closer to Vegas than it is to it's furthest southern reaches in Los Angeles it was hardly a trek for them to pursue Vegas. They were merely more focused on claiming the more developed lands around the coast than pressing east. That and New Vegas was originally supposed to be set in the 2050's which would have probably been a more reasonable time for them to head east than when they did in-game in the 2070's.
Good point. But still, they are supposedly stretched thin as is:
A major presence that far away would seem odd to me. The East coast should be as alien to the NCR as the West was in 1803 to the U.S. (Jefferson thought there was a chance that woolly mammoths would be found, to give you an idea of how foreign it was).
Considering that they have to police what was once the most populous state in the nation and some of it's largest ruins they certainly are thinly stretched/
I'm not arguing for their appearance in-game. It's not going to happen, let's not even give credence to the notion of scouts.
Yeah cheers.
The Brotherhood made the trek twice and Enclave made it. There is a precedent. I'd prefer they keep the two coasts separate though, just to promote creativity. Fallout 4 should be more about the Institute and whatever other factions are there.