Title pretty much.
Title pretty much.
Everyone who participated. If you logged in to the beta server you agreed to the NDA - signature or not.
There is some stuff floating around the internet where you can create your own character without being in beta... they generate a fake server with their own localhost ip.
those people probably never agreed to NDA ... that's pretty much why i ask.
Actually, they probably did, and are just breaking it.
they can use anyones ID and leak material... this is just stupid.
If they are generating fake servers etc then they have legally already gone far beyond breaking an NDA and Zenimax should probably be getting lawyers involved.
This. Although I highly doubt anyone's made private servers yet.
OP: Anyone claiming to have "special" access of any kind to private servers or a workaround for the NDA is lying. The game is still in closed beta, and any players with access to it are under the NDA.
there has been two actually. zenimax took care of one of them and yeah... there's one left.
i follow every leak and i don't feel bad for doing so!!
i wanna play soo baad
If you know of any such servers I'd do Zenimax a favour and report them. Things that that will just do the game harm in the long run. I know we are all desperate for info and gameplay footage but don't let your craving for infomation help a bunch of crooks.
You should probably feel a little bad for supporting illegal activity, but to each his own. At the very least, take "leaks" with a grain of salt. Or a giant boulder of it. Anyone claiming to have exclusive information on the game is, at best, leaking their opinions of a game that's still in development. And since they've already proven that they don't have much care for honesty, how reliable do you really think their information is?
Edit: And, as mentioned above, if you actually know of a private server, you should inform Zenimax. That's hugely illegal.
WildStar takes leaking less serious.... you can even choose "I followed every leak" in their survey.
However leakers will probably get banned
I don't want to snitch... i'm pretty sure they will find out themselves
Also anyone playing on any of these dodgy servers is probably having every little bit of their personal data stolen and their credit cards being used to pay for who knows what in some very dubious places.