#10 was luck though. Or did someone here find any indication of what game the screenshot simply had to be?
There was 1
major flaw in the quiz which made it far to easy to solve though

The door behind the terminal is a bit of a giveaway as well as the door on your right being open that has another terminal. That's the start of the REPCONN HQ.
And yeah, there was one major flaw. However, I didn't bother to look at it since I went from top to bottom.
Come on guys how did you miss the laser gun ghoul? It was in the Fallout 3 trailer for Pete's sake!
To be honest, I never watched the trailer. I just knew it was inside the Dunwich Building. :thumbsup: The lighting gave it away in the middle.
Edit: Yeah.. Got 20 / 20. Wasn't hard because of said flaw but most of them were just common knowledge if you remember your travels in both Wastelands.