After I remade Hrafna (Now called Leysa, which is Norse for tear.) I realized how much I love Necromancy in the first place. Leysa still has the same personality traits. But she has a different build. Trained into stealth, illusion, the dagger and my favourite, Necromancy, which I will come with later. Figure it, a mentally unstable and depressed girl capable of not only killing, but also of raising deadmen and manipulating the mind of people. Despite this, she's still chaotic good, as before. She could even calm down people, only to fade in the shadows to put an end to it without them realizing.
Now back to topic, Necromancy. If my character doesn't want to sneak, which is about 50/50, then she can just put an end to somebody and raise him/her as ally, then she could just successfully take their enemies as a supporting, or even a damage dealing role.
So yeah, lord Hevnoraak, your doomed maiden is back, Potema will be jealous.
What I love so much about Necromancy is that it can go different directions. It isn't always that ''evil'' trait where you want to dominate everything. It could be turned around as a tool to punish the evil and to rescue the innocent. And also, Necromancy in Skyrim is awesome. From raising corpses to getting Just awesome.
PS: Do note that ''dark'' has nothing to do with evil, nor does ''light'' has anything to do with good.
If I call something dark or light, magic in this case, it will be based on aesthetics and atmosphere.