"I'd be happy to let you through Freeside's gates. Hopefully you can be more reasonable than the Bull has been about this, however just as their reputation precedes them, so does yours. I'm going to ask that you be checked for chems before entering Freeside, as I can't risk more drugs flowing through the place, and I'm sure Ms. Swift doesn't either. We'd be willing to trade for Stimpaks and Fixer, but Psycho, Turbo, and all that other garbage is prohibited, yeah?"
Imam the 2nd-The Khans
"Fair enough, you may check us for Chems, however we ask that when we leave Freeside you return them to us. We can't afford to lose profit on Chems, and indeed we can't afford to lose profit on anything. We also accept your contract to supply Stimpaks and Fixer, however due to the high cost of creating these we must ask that you pay a 2% markup. If this can't be arranged then perhaps we can simple sell you one or the other at no markup."