The Nellis Convention Part Two

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:05 pm

James Turner - The Kings

"I'd be happy to let you through Freeside's gates. Hopefully you can be more reasonable than the Bull has been about this, however just as their reputation precedes them, so does yours. I'm going to ask that you be checked for chems before entering Freeside, as I can't risk more drugs flowing through the place, and I'm sure Ms. Swift doesn't either. We'd be willing to trade for Stimpaks and Fixer, but Psycho, Turbo, and all that other garbage is prohibited, yeah?"

Imam the 2nd-The Khans

"Fair enough, you may check us for Chems, however we ask that when we leave Freeside you return them to us. We can't afford to lose profit on Chems, and indeed we can't afford to lose profit on anything. We also accept your contract to supply Stimpaks and Fixer, however due to the high cost of creating these we must ask that you pay a 2% markup. If this can't be arranged then perhaps we can simple sell you one or the other at no markup."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:10 pm

*Kruser smiles at Ulysses's comment

"Who says Freeside is not yet under Legion eye"?

"Hey Turner do you want the NCR to send their best legion catcher to Freeside and ensure these Dogs aren't hiding within your ranks also Khans, may I suggest you simply don't bring those chems to Freeside"

ooc: decided to re-post this as i think enclave may have missed it :wink:

*Returning to the matter at hand, Sutler cleared his throat; finally ready to make peace with his past.

"First," he said he calmy. "I require the release of any surviving Enclave prisoners or war for their repatriation to the United States Government. Secondly, the location and free passage to the site of where-ever the remains of my fallen compatriots of Navarro were disposed, buried in a mass grave I don't care - it's time to bring these people home. Thirdly, the return of Navarro to the United States Government."

I can agree to one and two, although I should point out there is only a couple of Prisoners left, most have either sevred their time and left, joined the NCR or have died of natural causes. You can have those left in Jail the rest however are out of our hands."

"As for the third demand, Navarro was stripped of any and all tech after the battle for it, shortly afterwards an memorial site set up in the remains of the base with a graveyard for all know enclave personiel beside it.... I guess you can have it but it's no longer a base"
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:36 am

Alice Swift - FoA Rep

Alice raised an eyebrow and listened to the back and forth debate. Here she thought she could have saved some depraved Slaves from an uncertain fate, but it seems that things didn't quite turn out as she had planned.

First, she turned to Andrew Matthews. "Freeside is a FREE place, hence the name. Nobody will have rights to anyone section, and as James already pointed out, they won't step foot in or around an Ormerta place and neither will the Followers, if your conditions stand. You are nothing but cheap thugs, unwilling to change your ways and work for the better of the community."

"As for you Sammy," she said and looked at the Chairmen rep, "I've already made it clear that I do not want Freeside to be re-build on the backs of Slaves. I've only agreed to the deal, because I was hoping to get these poor people away from the Legion camp for a time." There, she said it, made her intentions clear. In a way she was relieved that the Legion withdrew their support, but she was saddened by the fact she wouldn't be able to help or maybe free any slaves... for the time being.

"I'm sorry Kruser, but I do have to agree with the majority, Legion should not wander around in disguise. I'm sorry that we couldn't work together, because I feel that the Legion sets itself apart from everyone and I was hoping that we could all work together there." With a sigh, she leaned back.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the Goodsprings ambassador. "Welcome, welcome Johnny, it's good to see you here," she greeted him with a smile. "I will certainly discuss your situation with my associates. I'm sure we can provide you with help, for exchange of fresh water. Although, as you said, it is quite a distance, between Freeside and Goodsprings, we would have to discuss transportation as well," she added.

When the Imam offered his help, she nodded. "We accept your help," she said with a grateful smile. "I do agree with James however, that we can't have any drugs brought into Freeside. We already have an issue and the Followers have been fighting the addiction problem for quite some time now, we really don't need to add to our problems," she added with a shrug. "I guess a 2% markup is agreeable," she added as an after thought. "I'm glad we could come to an agreement."
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:31 pm

I'll let those slaves know they Won't be leaving.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:11 pm

I'll let those slaves know they Won't be leaving.
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claire ley
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:04 pm

I'll let those slaves know they Won't be leaving.

"Of course, I expected nothing less from a Legion representative," Alice said with a resigned sigh.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:37 pm


"Hey Turner do you want the NCR to send their best legion catcher to Freeside and ensure these Dogs aren't hiding within your ranks also Khans, may I suggest you simply don't bring those chems to Freeside"


The arrogance of the Bear is astounding... as is its ignorance. Check your own camps, cities, and bases first, I know there are numerous Frumentarii within NCR borders... only a small percentage are ever caught.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:56 pm

Sammy Rallo, Chairmen Rep.

*Sammy looked restless, losing his nerve.*

"[censored], has the Crimson Caravan gone bust? I need a [censored] increased shipment of spirits to The Tops, pronto like! Where is that bastard rep?"

*Sammy took a second to calm himself.*

"If anyone can provide, fresh, quality spirits and beer for the next month, The Tops pays well."
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:58 pm

"Of course, I expected nothing less from a Legion representative," Alice said with a resigned sigh.

Or perhaps I will pit them against each other in the Arena...

*Kruser smirks
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:26 pm

Imam the 2nd-The Khans

*Smiles widely*

"Well then Followers you have yourself a deal, I will begin shipping down the Stimpaks and Fixer."

*Writing a memo Imam hands it to his body guard and points for the door. Nodding slowly the body guard turns and runs out the door*

"As for the issue of booze, I have a few distilleries left over at Red Rock, if you want to help us clear out the Cazadors I'd be more than happy to allow the Chairmen free reign over how much of the alcohol they keep."

*Reaching into his vest Imam pulls out a long bottle of vodka. Unscrewing the lid he sniffs it and smiles. Handing if over to the Chairmen rep he slyly adds*

"Mmm, just take a whiff of that."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:04 pm

Or perhaps I will pit them against each other in the Arena...

*Kruser smirks

"I see how fast the Legion turns. First, it's warm smiles and now we are back at committing atrocities against human beings," Alice spat the words at Kruser.

Imam the 2nd-The Khans

*Smiles widely*

"Well then Followers you have yourself a deal, I will begin shipping down the Stimpaks and Fixer."

*Writing a memo Imam hands it to his body guard and points for the door. Nodding slowly the body guard turns and runs out the door*

"As for the issue of booze, I have a few distilleries left over at Red Rock, if you want to help us clear out the Cazadors I'd be more than happy to allow the Chairmen free reign over how much of the alcohol they keep."

*Reaching into his vest Imam pulls out a long bottle of vodka. Unscrewing the lid he sniffs it and smiles. Handing if over to the Chairmen rep he slyly adds*

"Mmm, just take a whiff of that."

Trying to regain her composure, she nodded at the Imam and reached across the table to shake his hand. "We are in dire needs of supplies and I'm glad we are able to ensure a continued supply of Fixers and Stimpaks," she said with a smile, but frowned at the bottle of whiskey in his hand.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:40 pm

Alice smiled at the Courier and let out a small sigh of relief. "Yes, oh yes, the Mormon Fort can't possible hold all the patients we've received since the Battle of Hoover Dam. That's one of the reasons, why I was late. We are short on supplies, short on personnel and short on space. This is a perfect example that we need more space and updated equipment to treat the wounded better. I would like to establish a hospital in the Mojave, preferably with rooms and not just a "tent city". If we could have the help in rebuilding Freeside, we might be able to move into one of the buildings there. Think about it, this type of facility would help everyone. We would be very grateful for the research you offer and we would make sure to put it to good use," she said. "Of course your Army will have our support, Courier," she added without a moments hesitation.

She turned to Sammy. "Sammy Darlin'," she said with her sweetest smiles, "you may have noticed that Freeside is mainly a pile of rubble, where would you establish your diggs?" She asked and rolled her eyes.

After her speech, Alice stole a few looks at Krusor, considering his previous offer. Then she leaned forward and waved Krusor towards her.

"Listen, I came here with an open mind and I can see that you are willing to help. We, the Followers, have a saying: Don't waste a chance of turning an enemy into an ally. So, here is what I propose. You can sent some Legionnairies to help with the re-building effort and we will share valuable medicinal information with you," before Krusor could protest, she hurriedly added, "Of course the remedies will consist of only natural ingredients. I know how the Legion detests chems and so do we, well chems beside Stimpaks that is." She tilted her head and waited for his reply.

The Courier- New Vegas

Thank you, we will send supplies your way via securitron and possibly we can renovate Vault 19 as a hospital. With that being said, Legionaries to help with the hospital building? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

I don't approve of them being within a good fifty miles of Vegas, let alone inside it. If you need help with the renovation effort, the securitrons can oblige.
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:58 pm

"I see how fast the Legion turns. First, it's warm smiles and now we are back at committing atrocities against human beings," Alice spat the words at Kruser.

Trying to regain her composure, she nodded at the Imam and reached across the table to shake his hand. "We are in dire needs of supplies and I'm glad we are able to ensure a continued supply of Fixers and Stimpaks," she said with a smile, but frowned at the bottle of whiskey in his hand.
"I am not the Legion's finest in Infiltration for nothing Mrs Swift."

*Kruser continues his smirk
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:32 pm

The Lobotomite - Ambassador of Black Mountain

*Lobo gets up again, speaks to the Nightkin waiting outside and sits back down*
"I have just sent word back to Black Mountain to let them know about the further arrangements we have made."

*Turns to Kruser*
"A fully armed squad of Nightkin is being readied and will make its way to Cottonwood Cove. I know the one in charge, he will keep them in line."

*Turns to Alice Swift*
"Thank you for the offer, I will send one of our more scientifically oriented kin to learn these recipes. Several others of my kin will also make there way to Freeside."

*Turns to Steve Henderson*
"Thank you ambassador. A squad of Nightkin will be dispatched to the prison to aid in its reconstruction" and its defense."

*Lastly addresses all three*
"All of this will happen after this meeting has finished.

OCC: What happened to Quarry Junction?
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:20 am

The Courier- New Vegas

Thank you, we will send supplies your way via securitron and possibly we can renovate Vault 19 as a hospital. With that being said, Legionaries to help with the hospital building? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

I don't approve of them being within a good fifty miles of Vegas, let alone inside it. If you need help with the renovation effort, the securitrons can oblige.
You may not approve but your efforts are useless anyway. The Legion has many eyes courier.
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Laura Samson
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:49 am

Ambassador Steve Henderson - Mayor of Primm

*Looks over to see the Khans offering the Omerta's alcohol*

"We are also in need of alcohol for the patrons of our casino, would you be interested in supplying us?"

OOC: Going now, will post more tomorrow
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:18 pm

ooc: Um wait I thought I was offering the Chairmen? XD

Imam the 2nd-The Khans

"Why of course, and pending the response from the Chairmen, we might be able to arrange a section of the Red Rock produced alcohol to be sent to you. Lets say 5% returns to the Khans, 45% to Primm, and 50% to the Chairmen? Of course this will require a small Khan presence of about fifteen people to return to Red Rock, so if anyone has any qualms with this then speak now."

*Imam looks at the Courier and Lobo*
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:39 am

Captian Connors-Boomers

Imam the 2nd-The Khans

"Why of course, and pending the response from the Chairmen, we might be able to arrange a section of the Red Rock produced alcohol to be sent to you. Lets say 5% returns to the Khans, 45% to Primm, and 50% to the Chairmen? Of course this will require a small Khan presence of about fifteen people to return to Red Rock, so if anyone has any qualms with this then speak now."

*Imam looks at the Courier and Lobo*

We require alcohol to help fuel our bomber and other machines, more specifically ethanol. We can offer power from our solar panels, crops, or even more weapons.

OOC: Sorry I haven't been posting. Hard to post at school.
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:33 am

Captian Connors-Boomers

We require alcohol to help fuel our bomber and other machines, more specifically ethanol. We can offer power from our solar panels, crops, or even more weapons.

OOC: Sorry I haven't been posting. Hard to post at school.

Imam the 2nd-The Khans

"Well I'm afraid we cannot provide any ethanol from the stills that still exist at Red Rock. But I can see about bringing a small portion of our alcohol to Nellis as we deliver our Fixer and Stimpaks to the Kings and Followers. However, any amount we could provide will be fairly small and might not make much of a difference. If you still want to trade then that is fine, its just, we won't be trading very much. Now as for medical supplies I can offer you the same deal as I did with the Kings and Followers."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:32 pm

Sammy Rallo, Chairman Rep.

*Sammy had been sampling the intoxicating aroma and taste of the quality Vodka.*

"Ring-a-Ding, baby! Best Vodka I've had in years! You Khans are some master brewers, I'll give you that, kicks like a mule but as succulent as a ripe mutfruit. Well, with this new weapons shipment we could help you clear out those critters, although a couple of Securitrons would be a boon. I'll send a squad of our best shooters to Red Rock at once."

*Sammy took another sip, he looked as if he had drank far too much.*

That sheemsh like a fair deal, 50 pershent for the Chairman will do... just... finesh.
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:28 am

Sammy Rallo, Chairman Rep.

*Sammy had been sampling the intoxicating aroma and taste of the quality Vodka.*

"Ring-a-Ding, baby! Best Vodka I've had in years! You Khans are some master brewers, I'll give you that, kicks like a mule but as succulent as a ripe mutfruit. Well, with this new weapons shipment we could help you clear out those critters, although a couple of Securitrons would be a boon. I'll send a squad of our best shooters to Red Rock at once."

Imam the 2nd-The Khans

*Smiling proudly*

"Thank you, we take pride in our work. I will arrange for some men to meet your squad and we should hopefully have the stills up and running shortly. Now there is one thing we need to address--how are we going to divide the alcohol produced between Primm, The Khans, and you? I can assure you that majority will always go to you, and that the Khans will take no more than 5% of the total produced alcohol. But I'm not sure if Primm has any specifications in mind."

*Cracking his knuckles Imam begins to write a figure on some more parchment. Looking it over he hands it to Sammy and Steve*

"How does that look?"

OOC: Sincerest of apologies to Crimson Caravans for poaching your client. c:
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:01 am

"Alcohol, such A useless craving for the weak, they depend on it, like a baby svckling from it's mother's briast".
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:52 pm

Captian Connor-Boomers
Imam the 2nd-The Khans

"Well I'm afraid we cannot provide any ethanol from the stills that still exist at Red Rock. But I can see about bringing a small portion of our alcohol to Nellis as we deliver our Fixer and Stimpaks to the Kings and Followers. However, any amount we could provide will be fairly small and might not make much of a difference. If you still want to trade then that is fine, its just, we won't be trading very much. Now as for medical supplies I can offer you the same deal as I did with the Kings and Followers."
We'll take whatever we can get, thank you.
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:01 pm

You may not approve but your efforts are useless anyway. The Legion has many eyes courier.

The Courier-New Vegas

I know that you have Frumentariis inside Vegas.

*Addresses the entire group*

The Legion's morals are the opposite of those we live in. We don't stand for slavery, using women as breeding stock, nor putting every settlement in our eyes to the sword. The Legion does not have a place in Vegas, or near Vegas, in fact, I don't want to see them gain another foothold within a hundred miles of Vegas. (I consider Cottonwood cove a little over 100 miles). No group in the Mojave in their right mind would help you gain a foothold in the Mojave.

*Points at the Frumentarii*.

I know you're asking why, so I will tell you. Regardless of how much more reasonable you are than the oaf that was sent in before yourself, the Legion will never stop needing to conquer. Let's say we integrated you into our society. This is assuming that you are able to drop your slavery and sixism values. You would possibly stay peaceful a few months, but the Legion's taste for blood is never sated, and once they are strong enough, they will need to conquer. They'll push past Vegas, inflicting civilian and soldier casualties, and then they will enslave who they see fit, and they will move onto the NCR, and the last eight years will have been for nothing.

The absolute most I can do for you, Frumentarii, is strike a few business deals to keep your nation from collapsing for the time being, but that is the furthest extent, and I will not authorize the Legion's occupation of the Mojave in any way, shape, or form.

With that being said, your citizens are allowed, but your military presence must stay back in Arizona and New Mexico, where it belongs.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:56 pm

Captian Connor-Boomers

We'll take whatever we can get, thank you.

Imam the 2nd-The Khans

"Excellent, in exchange we would like you to impart your knowledge of building solar panels as well as providing us with some heavier ordinance than the dynamite we previously arranged for."

OOC: So just to make it clear here is who the Khan's have made trade agreements with

The Boomers
Followers and Kings
The Chairmen
Possibly Goodsprings
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