Rooster Smith- Representing the Fiends....
I urge The Followers, to also consider this, we've already changed our culture a lot. It's gonna be hard going form a raiding tribe to citizens of Freeside. We haven't heard back form Apex Predator, but we assume he's cool with it because he was the first person to OK it.
So I really need to hear back form the Strip on this issue about our chems, which we have no desire to kick. Also, the followers and Apex Predator.
And to the Boomers, we need a military pack to stand up against the NCR too, will you join us, will you drop a bomb on the head of injustice?
Nukeknockout, Ambassador of the Followers
1: The FotA, while NOT approving of chem use in any non-medical/combat capacity(basically Psycho, Med-X, and Stimpaks in appropriate situations), is willing to work with the Fiends on this provided the Followers control ALL chem distribution and quality. This way, we can ensure the chems are of a tolerable enough quality that people don't drop dead, and exercise our role in determining when someone has had just a little too much for the safety of those around him. But remember that we are trying to detox Freeside, and it is our goal to eventually cure addiction.
2: The Followers will not approve of any offensive war against the NCR. War, war never helps. The NCR is the better of two terrible, terrible choices assuming this whole "independence" thing doesn't work out.
Ambassador Ouchobrain of the Strip
Now hold it right there, Rooster, the NCR is the Strip's #1 customer, there'll be no conflict over your past disputes with NCR, am I clear? We are not interested in introducing taxes, as long as everyone works towards our common goal of making the Vegas area a safe, advanced, profitable beacon of civilisation; however the NCR has their way of doing things and this whole operation will go down hill if we can't produce funding on the Strip.
The chems too, are a problem, there are drugs in the Strip too, however there will be no violence caused by your people's Chem addictions. It's not only bad for business but take a moment and think: "Do I really want my people dying, losing their mental stability and causing themselves damage?". We are working with the FoTA to help your people, detox them, don't waste that. More troops is great and I'm glad you're providing that, the Legion is gaining ground and the NCR is losing more troops every day; but a bunch of Chem-induced psychos running amok won't help anyone. Please, look past your next fix and think about your future, your children's future.
1: There is little point in a war against the NCR, on this we can agree.
2: As James Garret said "It's bad business for our customers to become addicted".
My apologies Mr. Rooster, I thought we had addressed everything that we needed to. I don't have a problem with the fiends keeping up with their chem use but I don't want them doing it out in the open. Once we begin reconstruction we can designate a place for you to use them but I need us to be clear on this, if any violence is perpetrated against any of Freesides citizens or amongst the fiends themselves the guilty partys will be thrown out, no exceptions.
We see a problem, but we're willing to work with the situation.