Apex Predator, Freeside/The Kings
Alright then let me start by adressing Mr. NukaKnockout regarding the Followers. What you wanted to do with the fiends is basiclly what we were planning anyway, that is to take them under our wings and educate the children, like you said pretty much moving them away from being raiders and intergrating the next generation back into society and helping make Freeside stronger. I'm perfecty ok with letting the Followers oversee all chem traffic in Freeside but I'd like to see a report written up and brought to the King at least once a week so he can keep a eye on things, other than that I think if Mr. Rooster agrees we can all shake hands and begin ironing out the final details of our agreement.
Ambassador Daniels, the robotics building is yours if you want it, you can make better use of it than we can anyway and it'll be a good place to start a research and development center. However anything else you want you'll have ask me about it, because as much as I hate to say it and weaken our bargaining position, aside from offering you a prominent position in the Freeside coalition I'm not sure what else we can offer, but I am open to suggestions.
(We might need to wrap this thing up pretty quick guys, we're losing people and it seems to be slowing down. Just sayin.)
Rooster Smith, the Fiends.
Alright first i want to say that I'm glad we have a representive for the Powder Gangers, that means we have every faction represented, a complete success!!!
Second, I want to thank the Followers and the Kings for allowing us to continue using Chems. We agree to all your terms including not recruiting new Fiends. We're not concerned with passing on the old ways so we don't care if we're the last of the Fiends. thank you both.
Ouchobrain, having gained the right to use our chems, we will give in to all other demands and services that you need.
The Fiends will only be force for good in a united Freeside and United Wasteland.
Now we can move fowards.
I just want to make certain things clear about the NCR. We don't want to go to war with the NCR but i think they will want to go to war with us. WE HAVE TO ADDRESS THIS! They want to annex Freeside. Their ambassador has already gave our land to the Strip. Ouchobrain, to his credit, has turned them down.
I'll say it once, and I'll say it again, The NCR will not negotiate until they know we can match them in force. That's why we need to grow the coalition. tomorrow, I will try to persuade more groups to join Freeside, either as citizens or in a military sense.
As for the Powder gangers, our days of Raiding is over. We learned that you can't keep up that lifestyle forever, that's one of the things we've learned since this Nellis convention started. Tomorrow we will make a case for everyfaction joing this united wastleland, including the ncr and legion.