The Nellis Convention

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:27 am

Ambassador Stonewall; Boomers

To the BoS: We have one B-29 Superfortress Bomber. If you wanted to move into Nellis, the same rules would apply to those of the Remnants. However, as they are already residing here you will need to clear up whether or not they want you here too (should you wish to come here). Alternately, you could take the rest of the bunkers, clearing them out so your Chapter may grow (possibly wastelanders who want to join the BoS could?). And there is a BoS Safehouse up north, you could repossess that.

To the Strip: We have accepted your offer to find the Platinum Chip, in exchange for technologys and ammunition. We will send out a party immedietly.

To the Fiends: While we have no want of war, if it is the only option left to us, we will be on your side.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:18 am

Ambassador Stonewall; Boomers

And the Boomers may move into the HQ and the Test site.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:12 am

Ambassador Stonewall; Boomers

To the BoS: We have one B-29 Superfortress Bomber. If you wanted to move into Nellis, the same rules would apply to those of the Remnants. However, as they are already residing here you will need to clear up whether or not they want you here too (should you wish to come here). Alternately, you could take the rest of the bunkers, clearing them out so your Chapter may grow (possibly wastelanders who want to join the BoS could?). And there is a BoS Safehouse up north, you could repossess that.

To the Strip: We have accepted your offer to find the Platinum Chip, in exchange for technologys and ammunition. We will send out a party immedietly.

To the Fiends: While we have no want of war, if it is the only option left to us, we will be on your side.

Ambassador Ouchobrain of the Strip

Boomers - Great.The target is a scumbag called Benny, in the Tops Casino, tell the man at the counter, Swank that Mr. House has sent you to reposess stolen property, the robot Victor will give you a pass. However, do not cause a disturbance, it's bad for business, take out Benny in a secluded area, retrieve the chip and get out of there. We'd do it ourselves but we can't send Securitrons into casinos.

We will start supplying salvaged shells from other military bases through caravans, don't blow them up. You'll continue receiving regular shipments for as long as your services are provided.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:52 pm

Ambassador Stonewall; Boomers

Some of our best people are on the way.

If the strip has no objections, and we Boomers do spread to the Test site and the HQ, we would like some upgraded securitrons, and in return, you may use the rocket at the Test site.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:24 pm

Ambassador Stonewall; Boomers

Some of our best people are on the way.

If the strip has no objections, and we Boomers do spread to the Test site and the HQ, we would like some upgraded securitrons, and in return, you may use the rocket at the Test site.

It's true that Mr. House may have some... future uses... for a rocket, hmm alright under the additional pretense that we are provided with 50% of the scrap metal and electronics with the use of the rocket we will send over a few Securitrons, you may find that they will suddenly start performing differently, don't be alarmed, it will be some new software kicking in.

(going to bed now)
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:31 pm

Ambassador Ouchobrain of the Strip

Jacobstown - While we don't personally have anything against them, some customers find mutants repulsive and as such don't want them on the Strip, most can stand Ghouls, but most NCR citizens despise Super Mutants. As such, if we would ever come to an arrangement, Super Mutants cannot be in close vicinity to the Strip and Vegas.

We may be interested in bolstering the signal strength of Black Mountain so we can use it as a commercial radio, advertising businesses such as Crimson Caravan (for a fee) as well as the Strip, with music in-between. However, Tabitha and her Nightkin are in the way, I propose to you, Arthur, that you make Tabitha back down (as super mutants yourself). We get our radio station and you get all the super mutants from Black Mountain as well as an advert on the radio telling Super Mutants to congregate at Jacobstown for free. Interested?

Fair enough, while we'd like to see mutants accepted everywhere, we're not going to go about it like the barbarians those kind of people think we are. We agree to your plans for Black Moutain. And thank you for the thought of the advert, though can you expand the message for both Super Mutants and Ghouls?
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:05 am

Apex Predator, Freeside/ The Kings

Ambassador Daniels, I do understand that the Brotherhood has a agreement with the NCR, but what I'm asking of you is that you break it. Like I said nothing is set in stone yet and we think that you'd be much better off joining the Freeside coalition than forming what may turn out to be just a temporary truce with a sworn enemy.

Also ambassador NukeKnockout, I understand your concern with my allowing the fiends to continue supervised chem use once we begin letting them into Freeside, but as I told Mr. Rooster, if any of the fiends start any kind of fights or show any violent tendencies we won't hesitate to have some of our men either throw them out or put a bullet in their head. That being said, what kind of alternatives do you have that we might could consider?

Ambassador Ouchobrain, I want to say thank you for being so generous in helping our cause and I'd like to say that if there's anything we can do to help out Mr. House or the strip, please let me know.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:53 pm

Do the powder gangers have Representation? if not i would like to represent them
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:40 pm

Apex Predator, Freeside/ The Kings

Also ambassador NukeKnockout, I understand your concern with my allowing the fiends to continue supervised chem use once we begin letting them into Freeside, but as I told Mr. Rooster, if any of the fiends start any kind of fights or show any violent tendencies we won't hesitate to have some of our men either throw them out or put a bullet in their head. That being said, what kind of alternatives do you have that we might could consider?

Nukeknockout, FotA ambassador.

Well, here is our overall plan: The current generation of Fiends is both supervised and regulated on chem use; at the same time, people are barred from joining the Fiends and their children are educated and taught better. This current generation of Fiends will be the last generation of Fiends, as the next generation will be fully integrated into the new society that will rise in Vegas. Other than that, I agree with your proposal. It is worth noting, though, that Dr. Farkas would not. She would push for everything, but there's a reason she's not the negotiator and I am. I am aware the Followers can only get so much of what we want.

To bring this to pass, the Followers will control all the chems in Vegas. As professionals and humanitarians, we are best qualified.

Mr. Ouchobrain, did you say Benny? As in, leader of the Chairmen Benny? One of our doctors worked with him on a...project a while back. Something about a reprogrammed Securitron and an attempt to acquire Mr. House's data for humanitarian purposes.

Mr. Vzaar, it is good to see that the Powder Gangers have finally arrived. Any deal between the Powder Gangers & the Followers of the Apocalypse begins with the Powder Gangers ceasing to interdict supply lines and slaughter civilians.

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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:42 pm

Vzaar Powder Gangers

i apolgise for being late i was quite busy with affairs concerning ncr troopers and some dynamite

NukaKnockout:This could be veasible but a large sum of caps would be have to be provided otherwise we will continue and the attacks may worsen and deals will be made to strenghen the attacks

Mr Rooster:We are like our peoples in a way a joint rading system would be quite beneficial for us both wouldn't you agree

Ambassador Stonewall:I would like to make some sort of deal on weapons and explosives we are lacking such things and are hopeing to make a deal

FalloutBob:We too hate the people of the ncr and what it stands for in exchange for weapons and caps the powder gamgers could weaken the ncr even more by dissrupting trade routs and rading provided we get help from the leigon
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:23 pm

Apex Predator, Freeside/ The Kings

Ambassador Daniels, I do understand that the Brotherhood has a agreement with the NCR, but what I'm asking of you is that you break it. Like I said nothing is set in stone yet and we think that you'd be much better off joining the Freeside coalition than forming what may turn out to be just a temporary truce with a sworn enemy.

Also ambassador NukeKnockout, I understand your concern with my allowing the fiends to continue supervised chem use once we begin letting them into Freeside, but as I told Mr. Rooster, if any of the fiends start any kind of fights or show any violent tendencies we won't hesitate to have some of our men either throw them out or put a bullet in their head. That being said, what kind of alternatives do you have that we might could consider?

Ambassador Ouchobrain, I want to say thank you for being so generous in helping our cause and I'd like to say that if there's anything we can do to help out Mr. House or the strip, please let me know.

Ambassador Daniels BoS

Ambassador apex, part of the reason I'm allied with NCR is there extreme numbers. it's obvious whoever allies with them. But if everyone is working on getting freeside powerful and clean than I'm willing to offer styles our power armor suit deal in order for a truse. That dosent mean that we would work wi them and join there forces. So if styles is willing to do that than I will consider joining the act in getting freeside better. Maybe. I don't know what's in it for the brotherhood. If we move in to freeside I want us to take control of the building where the NCR handed out food and cerulean robotics building cause I think fiends and residents will pick fights with my brothers so we would like to be away from everyone.

"Steps down and let's someone take the floor"

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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:12 pm

Apex Predator, Freeside/The Kings

Alright then let me start by adressing Mr. NukaKnockout regarding the Followers. What you wanted to do with the fiends is basiclly what we were planning anyway, that is to take them under our wings and educate the children, like you said pretty much moving them away from being raiders and intergrating the next generation back into society and helping make Freeside stronger. I'm perfecty ok with letting the Followers oversee all chem traffic in Freeside but I'd like to see a report written up and brought to the King at least once a week so he can keep a eye on things, other than that I think if Mr. Rooster agrees we can all shake hands and begin ironing out the final details of our agreement.

Ambassador Daniels, the robotics building is yours if you want it, you can make better use of it than we can anyway and it'll be a good place to start a research and development center. However anything else you want you'll have ask me about it, because as much as I hate to say it and weaken our bargaining position, aside from offering you a prominent position in the Freeside coalition I'm not sure what else we can offer, but I am open to suggestions.

(We might need to wrap this thing up pretty quick guys, we're losing people and it seems to be slowing down. Just sayin.)
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:45 am

Apex Predator, Freeside/The Kings

Alright then let me start by adressing Mr. NukaKnockout regarding the Followers. What you wanted to do with the fiends is basiclly what we were planning anyway, that is to take them under our wings and educate the children, like you said pretty much moving them away from being raiders and intergrating the next generation back into society and helping make Freeside stronger. I'm perfecty ok with letting the Followers oversee all chem traffic in Freeside but I'd like to see a report written up and brought to the King at least once a week so he can keep a eye on things, other than that I think if Mr. Rooster agrees we can all shake hands and begin ironing out the final details of our agreement.

Ambassador Daniels, the robotics building is yours if you want it, you can make better use of it than we can anyway and it'll be a good place to start a research and development center. However anything else you want you'll have ask me about it, because as much as I hate to say it and weaken our bargaining position, aside from offering you a prominent position in the Freeside coalition I'm not sure what else we can offer, but I am open to suggestions.

(We might need to wrap this thing up pretty quick guys, we're losing people and it seems to be slowing down. Just sayin.)

Rooster Smith, the Fiends.

Alright first i want to say that I'm glad we have a representive for the Powder Gangers, that means we have every faction represented, a complete success!!!

Second, I want to thank the Followers and the Kings for allowing us to continue using Chems. We agree to all your terms including not recruiting new Fiends. We're not concerned with passing on the old ways so we don't care if we're the last of the Fiends. thank you both.

Ouchobrain, having gained the right to use our chems, we will give in to all other demands and services that you need.

The Fiends will only be force for good in a united Freeside and United Wasteland.

Now we can move fowards.

I just want to make certain things clear about the NCR. We don't want to go to war with the NCR but i think they will want to go to war with us. WE HAVE TO ADDRESS THIS! They want to annex Freeside. Their ambassador has already gave our land to the Strip. Ouchobrain, to his credit, has turned them down.

I'll say it once, and I'll say it again, The NCR will not negotiate until they know we can match them in force. That's why we need to grow the coalition. tomorrow, I will try to persuade more groups to join Freeside, either as citizens or in a military sense.

As for the Powder gangers, our days of Raiding is over. We learned that you can't keep up that lifestyle forever, that's one of the things we've learned since this Nellis convention started. Tomorrow we will make a case for everyfaction joing this united wastleland, including the ncr and legion.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:47 pm

FalloutBob:We too hate the people of the ncr and what it stands for in exchange for weapons and caps the powder gamgers could weaken the ncr even more by dissrupting trade routs and rading provided we get help from the leigon

The Legion will provide you with 50 cowboy repeaters if you take the towns of Primm and Goodsprings.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:39 am

Ambassador Arthur of Jacobstown

Jacobstown agrees with Ambassador Rooster, with both the Legion and NCR flexing their might we smaller factions are not going to stand forever. While we mutants would rather not get involved, it seems our hands are going to be forced eventually.

To the Powder Gangers: What's your take on mutants?

To the Kings: What's the general consensus of mutants in Freeside? We want to start making regular trips to the Silver Rush, but if that will cause problems we won't, or we'll just hire some humans do do it for us.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:20 pm

Vzaar Powder Gangers

Jacbostown:We do not see you mutants as athreat and will not shoot on sight however we do not see you as equals

Fiends:Such a shame we could have made many good raids but you have made your decision

Leigon:we agree to this as long as the powder gangers can take the towns for ourselfs and leigon sniper support is provided for primm

Boomers:My offer still stands as we need weapons and explosives we would like regular shipments in return for caps or our services
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:40 am

Ambassador Arthur of Jacobstown

Jacobstown agrees with Ambassador Rooster, with both the Legion and NCR flexing their might we smaller factions are not going to stand forever. While we mutants would rather not get involved, it seems our hands are going to be forced eventually.

To the Powder Gangers: What's your take on mutants?

To the Kings: What's the general consensus of mutants in Freeside? We want to start making regular trips to the Silver Rush, but if that will cause problems we won't, or we'll just hire some humans do do it for us.

Ambassador Nukeknockout of the Followers

The Followers will not see any mutants that behave themselves as anything other than the rational creatures they are.

Vzaar Powder Gangers

Jacbostown:We do not see you mutants as athreat and will not shoot on sight however we do not see you as equals

Fiends:Such a shame we could have made many good raids but you have made your decision

Leigon:we agree to this as long as the powder gangers can take the towns for ourselfs and leigon sniper support is provided for primm

Boomers:My offer still stands as we need weapons and explosives we would like regular shipments in return for caps or our services

Mr. Vzaar, I am afraid the Followers cannot ethically help you after this turn of events. You have made your stance towards chaos and cruelty clear, and we will no longer provide anything.

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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:36 am

Ambassador Ouchobrain of the Strip

First, I thank those who have pledged further support.

The Strip sees the Powder Gangers as stupid raiders, unwilling to change, as such, we believe they should be wiped out to free pressure on Primm and Goodsprings, with our combined forces, we could then strike a deal with the NCR over the Quarry. We wipe out or scare away the Deathclaws and get half the rock from the Quarry for building repairs in Freeside. We could trade with Primm and Goodsprings (maybe gecko will become a delicacy?)

The Strip is also hostile to the Legion, who have stated their hostility..

Jacobstown, the advert will be for Ghouls too, you may be better off convincing Tabitha's lackeys first.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:30 am

Ambassador Ouchobrain of the Strip

Jacobstown, the advert will be for Ghouls too, you may be better off convincing Tabitha's lackeys first.

Thank you, and we have just sent out a team bound for Black Mountain. Since a Nightkin will be our lead negotiator (he's rather more level headed than the rest, or maybe the cure's working) we have good expectations.

To the Followers: I know you guys don't mind us, I just want the general consensus of the average citizens of Freeside. While we could use the energy weapons, we don't want to risk any kind of violence in Freeside.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:36 am

Ambassador Stonewall; Boomers

To the recently arrived Ambassador Vzaar: It is the belief of the Boomers that the Legion would betray you at the first opportunity. They have done nothing but call for the executions of all the members of the Mojave and their family's since they came here. And where would they be getting their Cowboy Repeaters? Or their Sniper support? You should join the Coalition of Wastelanders.

We are also agreeing with Ambassador Rooster Smiths statement that the NCR will not negotiate until they are shown the power of the Wasteland. We need to stand together.

To Ambassodor Daniels: You may still move here to Nellis if you would rather, as no fights would break out between our factions.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:07 pm

Apex Predator, Freeside/The Kings

In regards to mutants in Freeside, while the King nor myself either one have a problem with them, I am concerned that there might be some amount of hostility from some of our other citizens. That being said, I do have a suggestion for how we can get around that. On a trial basis we could have some of the Kings members escort any mutants around Feeside for the time being until we get a feel for how people might respond, since we're getting caps from the strip to arm our men with better guns and armor it shoud discourage anyone from trying anything.

Also, I believe that Mr. Rooster correct when he says that until all of us can find some common ground and find a way to work together that the NCR and Legion both will continiue to bully us, and I look forward to his argument.

I'm also still waiting for Ambassador Daniels to get back with me regarding the Brotherhood joining the Freeside coalition.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:17 pm

Ambassador Stonewall; Boomers

To Ambassador Apex Predator: I believe that Ambassador Daniels is waiting for a yay/nay from the NCR, but it seems that Ambassador Styles has left the meeting prematurely (to the detriment of all our negotiations).
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:15 am

Ambassador Arthur of Jacobstown

To Freeside: We agree to your "testing the waters" plan. Thank you for the offer, by the way. We would also like to join your "Freeside Coalition", is there anything you wan as an entance feet? Soldiers or supplies?
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:45 pm

Apex Predator, Freeside/The kings

Regarding Jacobstown joining the Freeside coalition, we would be happy to have you. I tell you what, I believe you said earlier you were working with the Followers to produce medical supplies out of some of the plants around Jacobstown, right? That alone is going to be a great help to our people, but I will say that the more you can produce the better, especially considering we're going to be rehabing some of the fiends. Also if any conflicts ever come up, having some super mutant foot soldiers would certainly be a great help.

Tell you what else we could do, after we get some of the buidings around Freeside repaired and new ones constructed, we might could even set up a super mutant "embassy" of sorts, just to try and get people to accept mutants a little bit better than they do now.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:08 am

Ambass. Daniels BoS

To all freeside participants:

I agree to take the robotics building and move my brothers in to freeside, try not to start fights with my brothers.

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