The Nellis Convention

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:21 pm

Rooster I'd be honored to represent the NCR should Styles choose not to. After all, who better than me after all the time that I've spent serving this fine country of mine? Watching it grow from the small time settlement of Shady Sands into the massive super power that it is today, after personally leading a squad of rangers into the fight at the first battle of Hoover Dam. Who better than I who after spending months of training in the Baja, honing my skills to become the best fighter I could be, returned to once again help my fellow soldiers boot the disease known as Caesar and his Legion back across the river, to ensure peace and stability for not just Vegas but the west as a whole?

Edit: I can't think of anybody else right now who we could get to help us with this, everybody I know on here is busy playing Skyrim right now. Doggone traitors.
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Dan Scott
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:43 am

Well I can see we got some BoS enthusiasts, so I will back down. I pledge my allegiance to the NCR and/or Brotherhood of Steel and will try to take over if the need arises (Highly doubtful).
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:16 pm

Well I can see we got some BoS enthusiasts, so I will back down. I pledge my allegiance to the NCR and/or Brotherhood of Steel and will try to take over if the need arises (Highly doubtful).

You sound like head paladin Harkin.

And I don't think that the Brotherhood would get along with the NCR, as they want pretty much the exact same thing. Unless they decided to merge into one group. (Plausible)
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:05 am

Lyons says that the Enclave is far from dead. They still have the numbers to pose a considerable threat post-AAFB, they just lack leadership.

True. But I'm hesitant to trust anything that Elder Lyon's says. Especially if its concerning an organization that not to long ago didn't even register on his radar. This is the same man after all, who can't be bothered to send a recon team to follow a mutant patrol back to the source of the super-mutants.

Like I said though, with the Enclave's apparent surviving numbers in Broken Steel, there should be enough to at least maintain a base population level. There's also the possibility that Adam's wasn't the only base (although it certainly was the command center) and that other minor ones had been settled in the transfer from Raven Rock to Adams. I would also guess that the High Command was out of the base the moment the Brotherhood began to attack via some COG protocol.
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:40 pm

I would like to represent the NCR but I wouldn't mind sharing the representation with apex predator :foodndrink:
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des lynam
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:15 pm

Why not have whoever wants to represent a faction represent a faction (or have two of three people represent a faction)? Those people could represent different ideological takes on faction (or perhaps even different sub-groups within a faction) as long as their ideas stay within what the faction actually is in-lore. As a perfect example, us Enclave supporters generally have specific leaders we specialize in supporting and defending (Mr. Enclave: Richardson, Pistolero: Autumn, and myself: Eden).

I'm not entirely sure how this whole thing is going to work, but that way there can be multiple debates going on at one time with a gaggle of people. Rather than having to wait for one specific person to log on to the forums to represent a group and respond to a debate (and at the moment nothing but looking for "ambassadors" has really occured, not much debating really :tongue: ).

I also think its highly unlikely all these "representatives" would be online at the same time and willing to continue a lengthy debate in the same thread.
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:59 am

I would actually vote against splitting the Enclave in three, as all the three are dead with only Autumn having a slim chance of survival.
The more divided we are, the less effective we are.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:41 pm

I would actually vote against splitting the Enclave in three, as all the three are dead with only Autumn having a slim chance of survival.
The more divided we are, the less effective we are.

No I wouldn't want to split it up either. Because that wouldn't really make much sense, they are all the same faction after all. Just different leaders.

What I meant was, if a debate comes up concerning a specific leader (say Autumn) then you, Pistolero could respond in kind with your views if you would be inclined to. Likewise the same could be said for myself if a matter of defending Eden or his plan came about. Else-wise if its just a general discussion on the Enclave then it would be a collective effort.

Same could go for the BOS, NCR, or any number of factions. That way there is always someone ready to debate/defend a factions interests.
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:17 pm

Alright guys, time to get started here! Gonna be good, two things to get out of the way first, number one, I want to mention that we are proceeding with the full support and blessing of Bridges, the guy who came up with this idea. This is important to me so I'm glad he OK'd it. I'm sure it's important to many of you too. Bridges turned down an offer of any faction he wanted but I wanna let him know he can change his mind at any time if there's still an open slot, though he said he wants to take the position of observer.

Second, in response to LT. Andronicus, we can't break up the factions into multiple groups, theres always a head honcho calling the shots. We're playing the role of ambassadors but really, every nation that ever negotiated had one guy making the final call.

So let me first start off by listing who gets what faction. There are a few blank ones, these groups will not be coming to the table so to speak, but if you want, you can switch yours to any blank faction before you start negotiating, once you start negotiating, you can't switch back. I'll explain the format for the negotiations in a minute.

Also, anybody who is not yet involved can take a blank faction, but you have to wait 24 hours so anyone who wants to switch can.

1. NCR- Styles
2. Legion-
3. The Strip ( Mr. House ) - Ouchobrain
4. The Kings/Freeside- Apex Predator
5. The Followers/Freeside-
6. The Boomers- Stonewall
7. Brotherhood of Steel- Daniels
8. The Great Khans- Kitchenman
9. The Remnants- Lt. Andronicus
10. The Enclave- Pistolero
11. Jacobstown- High Elder Author
12. Fiends- Rooster Smith
13. Powder Gangers-

I think I got everybody, hope I didn't miss anyone. If I did, tell me, if you wanna switch tell me, we got the Legion open, we have the powder gangers open. Followers as well.

So now let me list to ya, the format of the negotiations.

First, think about your faction, what do you know about them based on your experience in playing fallout new vegas? What are their needs? What is hurting them? What are their ideals, what is the goal that their trying to achieve?

Also, what are their assets? What can they offer potential allies? What can they do in the military sense? What services do they offer? Are they skilled soldiers or warriors? Do they have some kind of skill, merchandise, or service they can offer someone? What is their living situation? Maybe their territory can be used as a military base? Or maybe it can simply offer a safe, secure place to live for a faction that needs one?

Think about basic essentials. Food? Water? Are you guys getting what you need? What about life expectancy? In the real world, would you wanna live the way your factions living?

What about education? What kind of career choices or life is waiting for your children when they grow up?

You have 24 hours to think about these things, as of right now, NEGOTIIATIONS ARE ON!!! This is an open forum. I'll ask you not to go 24 hours without posting something.

But your first post has to be very specific, I'll explain to you what your first post should be.

1. List your needs and ideals. Tell everyone here what your hoping to get out of this negotiation. Maybe it's a request for a treaty, maybe it's a civil rights issue, maybe your people need aid in some way. Whatever it is, tell us what you want. If you have demands, the same thing goes, tell us.
2. List your assets. List anything you are willing to offer the wasteland as a whole or potential allies. Anything that your willing to do in exchange for your goals.

That's it, once that first post is made, you can start posting to specific groups! You can talk to the NCR, you can talk to Mr. House, or any other faction individually. If they have something you need or want you guys can make a deal, same goes for if you have something they could use.

It's up to other people to judge the value of your assets. They can decide if you have something to offer them or not. You can make deals with each other, and bring other factions in on that deal.

Now about time, we all have different schedules, so what we'll do is, always make time to post one post a day, addressing anything that comes up concerning your group. I know this might take long, but by having a 24 hour rule, it will ensure that we make a little bit of progress everyday.

When will this end? I don't know but it's not important, eventually, every one will either gain what they need, or exhaust every possible avenue for obtaining it so let us not yet put a date on when to rap this up, it will come naturally, and when it does, we can put it to a vote on whether or not we're done.

There is nothing you can't talk about, but it has to be in this thread. No secret deals or anything like that. We're operating under the assumption that everything the ambassador says is true. If you don't want to make a peace treaty, simply don't sign it, if you don't want to give aid or services out, don't agree to it. We are also operating under the assumption that everyone is willing to hear people out about ending conflict, at hoover dam or anywhere else, but not necessarily agreeing to that.

About Treaties. Any kind of treaty wont be finalized until we've all walked away from Nellis, so if you want to make a deal for food or a military alliance, then you can go ahead and agree to it, but you can change your mind at anytime before the Convention is over.

So that's that. Let's get started, I'm gonna post first. I just wanna give y’all the heads up, I'll be posting mostly in character, unless you guys have some questions, in which case, I'll break it.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:31 am

The Enclave is willing to trade medical knowledge and related literature in exchange for vital resources, chemicals and ammunition. The trades must be on our terms and the trading partner must arrive unarmed to ensure a quick and clean transaction. Depending on the state of our industry, we can sell weapons as well. Depending on the partner we might need to submit you to genetic scanning, for entirely scientific reasons. Free water is given to those who comply.

The Enclave is not willing to forge any alliances but will respect any non-aggression pacts should one be made.

Furthermore, the Enclave is not willing to share any details of its whereabouts, plans, numbers and the like. Aforementioned trade actions are to be made on neutral grounds and any entry to Federal property is strictly prohibited.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:57 am

Hello Everyone, I want to start off first by welcoming everyone to the Nellis Convention. And I want to thank our very gracious hosts in the Boomer Community. They've made me feel very welcome here. Not as many Chems as I would like, but it's cool. Different strokes to the move the world and all that. I'm doing just fine, I've been sniffing paint in the hangers.

I would like to kick off negotiations by first listing a bunch of proposals that my group, effectionatley known as the Fiends, would like to secure for the betterment of our people.

Proposal Number One: This is the most important one and I want to really hammer home the point that my Leader, Motor Runner has made it very clear that we are not going to budge on this.



I'm sorry about that... let me take a moment to compose myself.

Now, what we are looking for is a sizable and steady supply of Chems. We don't know how much we need, I'll admit, our people are not mathematicions. I can't even spell that. But we need a great deal. I'm sure somebody at this table, can tell me how much we need base don our population. I have all the info right here, it's written in crayon but it's accurate.

If anybody is willing to supply us with this amount of chems, we would appreciate it very much.

Proposal Number Two: Some of our people have been complaining about the amount of radiation in our Vault. We have a love/hate relationship with out vault. We don't know how it works and that's frustrating. there are rooms in there we can't even open.

So if somebody can do that thing with it that other vaults do where it makes the radiation go away, awesome!

Proposal number 3: We would like to form a partnership with another faction regarding Raiding. We just feel that life would be so much easier if we had bigger Raiding parties. Sure, we would have to split the loot, but there would be more of it. So if someone wants to raid with us we're willing to talk about the details.

Proposal number 4: We will fight for food and cooler weapons. While not as important as chems, it's either feast or famine out there in the wasteland. We need supplies of food and water and a more regular supply of ammo and weapons. We've become really accustomed to energy weapons.

Proposal number 5: Education, Jobs and Pardons. This is a very minor proposal. But some of our mothers and fathers have been thinking about making sure that our children don't do chems. I guess I can see that. I don't have any kids that I know about but i wouldn't want them doing what I do everyday. We would like to set up a system where our children would be educated, maybe someone can come to the Vault for a certain amount of days, or maybe we can bring our kids to you. i don't know what you would teach them but what ever gets them a regular job is what we're looking for. Also, we would like immunity so that their parents wont be arrested or executed while their over there, and in return, we wont kill, rob or [censored] you while your over here.

That wraps up our proposals.

Let me tell you what we're willing to offer you if you can help us out here.


1. A sizable army. We're not the NCR but we're the biggest Raider Tribe in the Mojave. We're a force to be reckoned with, we have great weapons and we can overtake any town in the mojave if it came to that. Except the strip ofcourse, you guys gotta chip in for that one. We're very confident that we can even take Freeside, as big as it is. So freeside! It would be wise to cut a deal with us! LOL!

2. Great Warriors. Man, these guys are just jacked up! They have no idea what's going on! I saw one guy fight without a head! he had no head and he was still fighting! Some say it was the chems i was on and their probably right. But do you wanna take that risk? NO, it's much better to have us fiends on your side! We make a great addition to any army.

3. We're not just for [censored] and killing anymore. We Fiends know that we have to adapt. Times change, and we intend to change with it. We understand that not everyone is very agressive. Some factions like to chill out. we get that. We can defend your territory for you without in anyway harming anyone who doesn't attack you. WE make excellent peace keepers! We've never done that before, but I assume we make good peace keepers. We just demand 15 minute Chem Breaks twice a day. And lunch.

4. Vault 3 is huge and secure. If you need a safe place to live, spend the night, or even keep an active military, Vault 3 is the place be ! I just Rhymed! I also want to assure you, that no harm will come to you while at Vault 3, as long as you have something useful for us, such as what I explained before.

Well, that's all i have to say right now. Please contact me in this thread if you want to cut a deal. I'm gonna wait a bit and then approch some of you as well with some very exciting offers!
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:52 am

The Enclave is willing to trade medical knowledge and related literature in exchange for vital resources, chemicals and ammunition. The trades must be on our terms and the trading partner must arrive unarmed to ensure a quick and clean transaction. Depending on the state of our industry, we can sell weapons as well. Depending on the partner we might need to submit you to genetic scanning, for entirely scientific reasons. Free water is given to those who comply.

The Enclave is not willing to forge any alliances but will respect any non-aggression pacts should one be made.

Furthermore, the Enclave is not willing to share any details of its whereabouts, plans, numbers and the like. Aforementioned trade actions are to be made on neutral grounds and any entry to Federal property is strictly prohibited.

Would the gentlemen fromt the Enclave be interested in selling Chems? That's kind of a big thing with us.

Does Vital resources include slaves? We get some of those, I mean, their people before we get them, but then their slaves. We would like to accasionally buy weapons and ammo but we need to be armed. It wont do us anygood if we die along the way.

It seems like you guys need supplies, basic bital resources and junk but you don't want to make an alliance. Weird! Come on man, what do you think Raiding is!? You gotta get out there and hustle man! Join up with us, we're cool baby! We tell the best stories!
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:56 pm

The Enclave is willing to trade medical knowledge and related literature in exchange for vital resources, chemicals and ammunition. The trades must be on our terms and the trading partner must arrive unarmed to ensure a quick and clean transaction. Depending on the state of our industry, we can sell weapons as well. Depending on the partner we might need to submit you to genetic scanning, for entirely scientific reasons. Free water is given to those who comply.

The Enclave is not willing to forge any alliances but will respect any non-aggression pacts should one be made.

Furthermore, the Enclave is not willing to share any details of its whereabouts, plans, numbers and the like. Aforementioned trade actions are to be made on neutral grounds and any entry to Federal property is strictly prohibited.

Yo! Enclave guy! I just got an idea! You guys have those Vertibirds right? Well, like, we could chase some travelers or traders in one direction, and you could already be there inside your big vertibird! Whoa!

they'll be like! Darn! We have to give up now or that Veribird will shoot us! Bummer!

Come on man! Raid with us!!!
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Jade Muggeridge
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:56 am

Would the gentlemen fromt the Enclave be interested in selling Chems? That's kind of a big thing with us.

Does Vital resources include slaves? We get some of those, I mean, their people before we get them, but then their slaves. We would like to accasionally buy weapons and ammo but we need to be armed. It wont do us anygood if we die along the way.

It seems like you guys need supplies, basic bital resources and junk but you don't want to make an alliance. Weird! Come on man, what do you think Raiding is!? You gotta get out there and hustle man! Join up with us, we're cool baby! We tell the best stories!

The Enclave has had issues with chems lately, combat enhancing stimulants have been the source of many complaints, failures in combat and general tardiness.
On my authority the issuing of Psycho, Mentats and Buffout to Enclave personnel is to be ceased.

So yes, I suppose we could sell you them. As said before the Enclave agrees to trade only in locations decided by us, and we will accept no more traders to arrive than is absolutely necessary.

We are not interested in slave labor. For now.

For the last time, the Enclave is not interested in any alliances. Had we more resources we would be glad to fund slaver and raider activity like back in the good old times, but they are currently very low on our priority list.

Yo! Enclave guy! I just got an idea! You guys have those Vertibirds right? Well, like, we could chase some travelers or traders in one direction, and you could already be there inside your big vertibird! Whoa!

they'll be like! Darn! We have to give up now or that Veribird will shoot us! Bummer!

Come on man! Raid with us!!!

Absolutely not. The Vertibirds must stay grounded except for pivotal military missions and pilot training. Any civilians approaching Vertibirds, and any Federal property, is to be fired upon.
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sam westover
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:46 am

My only reason for having a courier faction was that certain individuals seem to have a lot of impact on the Wasteland. I can see why a faction like that would not work in a case like this, so I withdraw my idea.

Edit: So has this thing started yet or not?

In character: the representative of Jacobstown asks that the Envlave people stop staring at us... mutants are people too.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:55 pm

In character: the representative of Jacobstown asks that the Envlave people stop staring at us... mutants are people too.

Make no mistake, staring is the least of the problems the Enclave will give you freaks.
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Anne marie
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:27 am

I thought Masters was for Mr.House (in which case I'll be for Freeside), but whatevs. I also believe that there is no living courier so Benny has the chip?

In the case of House not being in possession of the chip, a full payment of 1000 caps will be issued to the man who aquires and brings the chip to the securitron, Victor, outside the Lucky 38. The person or group who brings it will need to be reliable, dressed appropriately for the Strip and cannot be raider or junkie scum.
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brian adkins
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:23 pm

Roughnecks! I forgot about you buddy! We still got the Legion, followers and Powder gangers open! sorry bro, let me know what you want.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:10 pm

High elder, it started alreasy, if you have any needs/demands, list them.

Ouchobrain, What I don't think Masters is involved, he hasn't participated in this thread, but if he wants, in, You can choose to give him Mr. House/The Strip, would you mind contacting him and asking?

I'm gonna get going just checking in, I'll let this breath until later tonight than I'll post again with some counter offers/ proposals...
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Eve Booker
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:45 pm

Good day ladies, gentlemen, esteemed mutants of all shapes and sizes, my name is Apex Predator, you can call me Apex for short, and today I'll be taking the floor for the Kings and the community of Freeside as a whole. Myself and The King feel that Freeside has been getting the short end of the stick for far too long and have been left by Mr. House and the Vegas families to fend for themselves. Some of the things we're interested in getting our hands on are first off all some new weapons for our men out keeping watch on the streets, our boys do as good of a job as they can but with nothing but a few handfuls of simple revolvers what they can do is limited. Some semi automatic guns such as marksmen carbines or even service rifles would be nice but we're open to other offers as well.

Something else we need is detox chems, a lot of the citizens of Freeside could do a lot more to help us if they could kick their drug addictions but unfortunetely that's a lot easier said than done.

Of course nobody is going to be willing to work with us unless we have something to offer back, and even with our limited resources right now I think we may have a few tricks that some of you might be interested in hearing. Many of you who have ever been to Freeside know just how big of a place it is, and despite many of the buildings around the area being in ruin there are still plenty of them that are usable, unfortunetely with crime the way it is in the area no one is willing to help set up new businesses and homes. What we propose is that if we can get our hands on some of the things that we need, like the weapons and chems I mentioned, then we can begin a massive push to clean up our community and help turn it from a slum into a thriving prosperous area. Of course this would help increase traffic into the Vegas are but it would also help jumpstart the local economy as well as give a boost to the surrounding areas if we could do something like build schools, perhaps moving the Gun Runners in, as well as many other business opportunitys we could discuss if your open to hearing them.

Well I believe I've taken my time to speak, of course if you have any questions to ask me about some of our plans or perhaps some offers you might be wiiling to talk about I'm open to them. Thank you all for your time.
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Wayne Cole
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:25 pm

The brotherhood is looking for good paladins and a huge shipment of energy weapons. Mostly gauss rifles
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:04 pm

Well, hello and welcome from all of The Boomers here at Nellis.

Please don't screw with us, as we have a Boeing B-29 Superfortress that would take most of you to your knees in an instant. We are more than willing to show it to you all later.

We would be willing to buy scrap metal, and scrap electronics.

And any gunpowder would be appreciated, as we will be able to create more ammunition. That was particularly pointed towards the Powder Gangers, as the name implies, you may be able to help.

We have enough weapons for ourselves, and we may be convinced to sell some of these to prospective buyers. (Energy weapons to the Fiends, and Gauss weapons to the BoS.)

To the Enclave: We, (being the most pure humans in the Wasteland, would possibly help with your trade needs, but we have no need of water, and alternate agreement must be arranged.

To the Fiends: We would also be willing to help in your raids with our Artillery, but due to our weapons being highly expensive, we require 70% of the profit intake. We would also be willing to help you in your Vault 3 problem.

We may be convinced to clear out Vault 34 for our mutual benifit [with a willing party, terms confirmed later].

Since you NCR seem to have a fasination with us, we would like to find mutual needs.

Talk to us here,

And to the Government of the United States of America, we are willing to help train your pilots for technology.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:21 am

I would like to temporarily take the floor again. Apex, you mentioned something about schools. As i've said, we're also looking to send our children to some type of educational center.

As for our advlt members, chems is an important part of our lives. We like things the way they are, without five-0 rolling up on our block. But the thought of moving into freeside intiruges us. We would contribute to the local economy and many of us have said that living in a vault can be depressing. We know you guys have a pump and there is some kind of toll on that. We're not intersted in paying a toll but we would offer services in exchange for tap water rights, and enough caps to feed ourselves.

I know what your thinking, we're going to spend it on chems. No. I am personally in charge of Chem money and food money. If you want however, you can ration out our breakfast lucn and dinners, and take the caps our of pay.

What services can we offer. You will need a heavier military presence. Who knows what's going to happen at Hoover dam? We are a great militia. Our people would serve under your command. All we ask is for the right to use chems in our downtime. For the right to bring them in and use them. We will not have to worry about more chems being brought into your own community, as we will not share, I guarentee that.

Now, as I said, We would live in Freeside, and while on your turf, we'll abide by your rules. but there is one more condition. We want a better life for our people. so we may advise you from time to time about somethings. For example, The Strip has a great deal of resources and we may want in on that. NCR too, but those guys are squares. we're willing to hear them out, but we don't expect negotiations to go well.

as long as we agree to live in freeside and contribute to your economy, we will cease all violence against freeside citizens and obey your orders as it relates to military action.

As for the Boomers, Vault 3, wether we live in it or not, can be an asset to us, a military post for sure. We would love for you to come in and fix it up but we have no desire to do anything with vault 34. as for Raids, we will split everything/70/30 with you for as long as it takes to clean up vault 3. After that, we must go to 50/50. We have self respect after all.
You guys may be the thunder, but we're the lightning.

Now, about Jacobstown. We here that you guys have a doctor up there that is experimenting with the effects of Nightkin stealth. We here that Nightkins trip out when they use it. We'll have whatever their having, if you can get us the stuff that is strong enough to mess up a nightkin, we'd be happy to hear out any request you have from us. We also want you to show us how to make it.
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He got the
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:40 pm

We will accept you offer of 70/30 until the end of the Vault 3 clean-up as it may take some time. We also agree to then revert to 50/50, as long as we can use it as a base/ temporary quarters, when nessecary.

Also, do you think we should have a representative from the Brotherhood Outcasts as their agenda seems a little more harsh that the normal Brotherhood. And they look really cool in red.
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:48 am

Also, do you think we should have a representative from the Brotherhood Outcasts as their agenda seems a little more harsh that the normal Brotherhood. And they look really cool in red.

Absolutely not. First, we have enough boyscouts here already. Second, the Outcasts are a very small bunch, no more than few dozen members. Third, they are irrelevant to the larger scheme of things. Fourth, this is mostly about the Western United States, with the Enclave as its most Eastern participant because of its importance.
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