The Nellis Convention

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:41 pm

And to the Government of the United States of America, we are willing to help train your pilots for technology.

Just an observer here(Though I might be able to take an open faction), but I kinda doubt a couple things: First, I don't think the Enclave has a problem training pilots. Second, I doubt Pre-war flight simulators from before the mass production of the Vertibird are qualified to teach people to fly Vertibirds.

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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:19 am

Just an observer here(Though I might be able to take an open faction), but I kinda doubt a couple things: First, I don't think the Enclave has a problem training pilots. Second, I doubt Pre-war flight simulators from before the mass production of the Vertibird are qualified to teach people to fly Vertibirds.



The Enclave has the best pilots available. Mainly because (aside from recent "acquisitions" by the NCR and CWBOS), they have the only real air force in the entire wasteland.

Now if the Boomers would be willing to turn some of that substantial ordinance of theirs towards some certain targets, then we might be in business.
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john palmer
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:10 pm

To Pistolero: it was just a thought. As the Remnants are a small group, I thought that maybe the Outcasts, who I thought of a kinda the same thing (in relative terms) and that they could have passed through the Mojave.

In reference to Nukenockout, I was just trying to keep ideas rolling.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:24 pm

Dear Lieutenant, I would be more than happy to discuss things that could benifit both the Boomers and any potential ally. Name some specifics and we will consider your offer.
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:35 pm

NCR gives statehood to Mr.House. He will be governor of the small State of Vegas (Freeside, West Side and the Strip) and given representation in the Government of NCR. In exchange NCR gets to tax all business done within Vegas. Mr.House would have to follow all federal laws of the NCR.

NCR give amnesty to all former Enclave, only if they are willing to share their scientific knowledge. They will be given compensation for their work but must agree to monitoring.

Great Khans: if they agree to a pack of non-aggression and agree to follow the laws of NCR, will be given reservations of land in the Mojave. They will be tax exempt but by no means is their land considered sovereign.

Followers of the Apocalypse: if they agree to registration and to no longer actively work against NCR's goals, they will be given charitable status.

Boomers: if they agree to become apart of the NCR, they will get to stay at Nellis but control of the bases weapons will be handed over to the NCR military. Those that agree to join the military and go through training will be guaranteed 4 years stationed at Nellis and get to play with all kinds of weapons the NCR has. Their bomber will remain under the control of the Boomers.

Jacobs Town... If they agree to stay in their town and leave citizens of the NCR alone.. We will leave them alone.

All Powder Gangers willing to turn themselves into the NCR will only receive another five years added to their existing sentence. Those that do not turn themselves in will be hunted down with extreme prejudice.

Fiends.. hunted down with extreme prejudice.

Brotherhood of Steel Mojave Chapter.. For exchange of all suits of T-45d power armour, the BoS will join the NCR and have NCR representives both military and civilian, stationed in Hidden Valley.

The Legion... If the Legion agrees to with drawl all its forces to their side of the Colorado and stop all aggression toward NCR and its people. The NCR will not cross the Colorado into Arizona.
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josh evans
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:18 am

Well, I notice that you seem to like it here at Nellis.

But without our consent you have not been able to get in in the 50 years we have been stationed here.

So I am disinclined to accept your offer. Something less extreme may be arranged.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:55 pm

You think very highly of you're Nellis don't you? NCR military out numbers you thousands to one and we also have flying technology. We also have artillery of our own, and alot of ammo.. While you are running out. How long can you really expect to last against the might of the NCR? We can lay siege to Nellis for years if need be. We can rain artillery down on you and drop bombs from Vertibirds, we can snipe you from great distance and send waves of Robots against you're defences. Did I forget we out number you thousands to one? :deal:

The terms NCR gives you are more then generous and stand.
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:29 am

^ Typical NCR behavior. Goodbye democracy when you see a bit of gold in the desert.
I hope you reserve enough time to file all the paperwork, should a conflict arise.

To the Enclave: We, (being the most pure humans in the Wasteland, would possibly help with your trade needs, but we have no need of water, and alternate agreement must be arranged.

And to the Government of the United States of America, we are willing to help train your pilots for technology.

We might consider trading with you. You are trespassing illegally on federal property, having illegitimately claimed an USAF base, but we can let that slide... for now.

We are not interested in physical assistance, but aviation technology itself could be beneficial to us even if just being out of your hands. We are willing to trade medical technology, such as medicine in general and medical literature, as out experts have observed a lack thereof in your territories.
If we end up trading, you know our rules.
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:17 pm

What I don't get is why the Enclave are included in this? They are dead faction. They are wiped out in the West and were once again wiped out in DC.
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:05 am

We might consider trading with you. You are trespassing illegally on federal property, having illegitimately claimed an USAF base, but we can let that slide... for now.

Well, from a certain point of view, the Boomers claiming Nellis AFB as their preferred base is the highest of compliments towards the US Military. I mean, seriously. A people warlike in the extreme are attracted to an air base as their preferred base instead of building a fort from scrap or holing up in a civilian power plant? At the very least, they are decent caretakers.

What I don't get is why the Enclave are included in this? They are dead faction. They are wiped out in the West and were once again wiped out in DC.

Apparently, they are included for the lulz. And because there's apparently a Chicago outpost.

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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:52 pm

Apparently, they are included for the lulz. And because there's apparently a Chicago outpost.


Chicago is thousands of miles away and it would just be a small out post at best. This is supposed to be about the Mojave is it not? Enclave are just renmants, a handful of old people.

If we set it up so the Enclave are back to pre Fallout 2.. that just ruins it. They simply let lose their airborn FEV and kill everyone, game over :facepalm:

^ Typical NCR behavior. Goodbye democracy when you see a bit of gold in the desert.
I hope you reserve enough time to file all the paperwork, should a conflict arise.

Big talk from a Xenophobic group with genocidal tendencies that had their ass handed to them twice by now and is all but extinct. Oh and the Commander's office at Navarro is a great place to do all that paper work :thumbsup:

To anyone dumb enough to think the Enclave will willingly work with you.. You do know they will stab you in the back and burn your body to ash right? They worked with The Salvatores of New Reno and they had no plans to save them by giving them the vaccine for their modded FEV.

Again why is the Enclave in this?
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:54 pm

Again why is the Enclave in this?

For the same reason Mojave BoS is in this. They, too, are a rump block of remnants hiding out in a single small outpost, with no impact on the world around them.
The Enclave has significant historical... significance so they are included.
They do, after all, still exist. In-game sources confirm this several times.
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El Goose
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:51 pm

Whoa Whoa whoa! Let's all be cool my babies!

Look at us! We got Enclave people threatening Mutants, we got NCR threatening everybody! Let's all take a minute! Calm down! We're here to make love not war, remember?

now, first, I want to ask Styles of the NCR what the Fiends ever did to him? Hunted down? Extreame Prejedice? What? Why? What the hockey sticks?

Listen. Lord knows we're not fans of yours. We've suspected for a long time that you guys have secretly been hiding all the Psycho. But chill out.

We're here to make peace. Okay? now let's take a basic step in the right direction, shall we? Rather than just wipe my people off the face of the earth, or give control of freeside to a guy who doesn't own it, or insist that Nellis be annexed, let's talk it out.

You don't want to end up fighting all of us, you might win, but your over extended in the mojave, you'll probably lose. Maybe in 5 years you can get more troops, but do you want to explain all those dead soldiers to their families. Nah. Even if you win, lots of dead solders.

Let's keep it simple Styles, can I call you styles? We've been clashing with your boys at MaCarran for while now. I got nothing but respect for the NCR. I think you squares, but you bad A word squares just like grongark the Barbarian. Whatever his name is. I can't read.

Let's keep it simple. What do you want from the fiends? What can we do to make life in the wasteland more pleasent for you?

BTW, Everyone else, just want to clear things up! WE got a Chem deal in the works with Enclave, we got a thing going on with the Boomers, their gonna raid with us and fix up our vault. Good lads. And we're considering moving half of our poulation to freeside, haven't heard back from Freeside yet. We'll know soon.

We need more chems though, if anyone wants to get in on what we're selling. We need another weapons deal. 1 more would do it.

Lastly, we're looking to elevate the living situation for our young kids. So if anyone can work out an educational, study program, so our kids don't grow up to be mindless raiders like us, that'd be cool. -Rooster out-
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:44 pm

To Styles: "You may be the newest Kath Hound in the pack, but you ain't top dog yet" (Canderous Ordo, Knights of The Old Republic)

As for the inclusion of the Enclave. Few Enclave Remnant troopers have been known to rip through your beloved NCR troopers with two suits of power armour.

Like Rooster Smith said, you guys are overextended in the Mojave. It would take too much manpower to destroy the Boomers.

Also, we need not care if the Enclave introduces a FEV into the air, as we have had no mutations, and ase thus safe from the virus.

If anyone needs anything from the Boomers - except foolish 'treaties' - we will be willing to listen. The NCR has not been able to defeat the Boomers yet... And now you are on our turf. So watch your mouth.

I am retiring to my room, and please DO NOT DISTURB.

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Louise Lowe
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:11 pm

The Enclave's plans with FEV are done for. We don't have the means to distribute any modifications thereof, no means to reproduce it nor any samples. The last we had was what Eden had.

The Enclave now officially follows Colonel Autumn's doctrine. Re-establishment of the United States federal authority over its legally recognized territories CONVENTIONALLY, assimilation of near-humans into the society and extermination of severe mutations, namely super mutants and ghouls.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:23 pm

Alright before we go any further let's get one thing perfectly clear. *Stands up and slams fist on table* There is no way in HELL House gets control of Freeside, The Kings would rather be wiped out before we give up our home to that old man after he's left us out to dry all this time. Like I said before if we get help rebuilding Freeside it won't do anything but benefit the strip but it WILL remain independent, that's non negotiable.

Now then on to the issue of the Fiends moving into Freeside, its an interesting prospect for sure but one of our goals is to clean up the all the chem use that goes on, and to say moving in the fiends would be counter productive to that is a understatement. Having a standing army of their size would be invaluable but if it does happen then you must agree to fall in under the Kings leadership, of course you can keep using your chems but you can't distribute them to anyone, and I would like to have a designed area that you use instead of out in the open so as not to temp anyone in recovery. I'm also thinking that education won't be a problem, even though we don't have a rep from the Followers here with us I'm sure we could persuade them to help us with building a school.

Also Boomers, would out be interested in working out some kind of deal on weapons? Like I said we need to arm our men better and you have already said you were willing to sell some.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:38 pm

Also Boomers, would out be interested in working out some kind of deal on weapons? Like I said we need to arm our men better and you have already said you were willing to sell some.

If the Boomers wish to assist.... Whoever Mr. Predator is representing, the Enclave will call off all deals between us.
Like I proposed before, the Enclave is interested to trade medical equipment, literature and general utilities in exchange for any airborne technology in Nellis.

I would also like to note that selling weapons to outsiders will prove counterproductive later on. They might find their ways into the hands of your enemies and who knows what Mr. Predator is holding behind his back.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:48 am

To the Fiends: While we would be interested in producing the chems we use for the Nightkin, what would you offer us in return? And please understand, our doctor is only one man.

To the NCR: Would you be interested in something more permanent than us leaving NCR citizens alone? Some kind of mutually beneficial agreement, maybe?

To the Brotherhood: You know Marcus was once a good friend of a paladin (the guy Jacobstown is named after). I know your stance in mutants is... shacky at best. But maybe we can come to some sort of understanding, in Jacob's honor.

To the Kings: This is just a general question, what's your stance on mutants?
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:49 pm

Ahh Pistolero, I should have know that the Enclave would be the ones to try and disrupt talks first. If you would be so kind as to enlighten me, WHY exactly do you not want the Boomers working out a deal to trade weapons with us?

And regarding mutants Mr. Arthur the Kings have no problems with mutants, provided that they're stable enough to live around people without being a risk.
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:58 am

NCR gives statehood to Mr.House. He will be governor of the small State of Vegas (Freeside, West Side and the Strip) and given representation in the Government of NCR. In exchange NCR gets to tax all business done within Vegas. Mr.House would have to follow all federal laws of the NCR.

NCR give amnesty to all former Enclave, only if they are willing to share their scientific knowledge. They will be given compensation for their work but must agree to monitoring.

Great Khans: if they agree to a pack of non-aggression and agree to follow the laws of NCR, will be given reservations of land in the Mojave. They will be tax exempt but by no means is their land considered sovereign.

Followers of the Apocalypse: if they agree to registration and to no longer actively work against NCR's goals, they will be given charitable status.

Boomers: if they agree to become apart of the NCR, they will get to stay at Nellis but control of the bases weapons will be handed over to the NCR military. Those that agree to join the military and go through training will be guaranteed 4 years stationed at Nellis and get to play with all kinds of weapons the NCR has. Their bomber will remain under the control of the Boomers.

Jacobs Town... If they agree to stay in their town and leave citizens of the NCR alone.. We will leave them alone.

All Powder Gangers willing to turn themselves into the NCR will only receive another five years added to their existing sentence. Those that do not turn themselves in will be hunted down with extreme prejudice.

Fiends.. hunted down with extreme prejudice.

Brotherhood of Steel Mojave Chapter.. For exchange of all suits of T-45d power armour, the BoS will join the NCR and have NCR representives both military and civilian, stationed in Hidden Valley.

The Legion... If the Legion agrees to with drawl all its forces to their side of the Colorado and stop all aggression toward NCR and its people. The NCR will not cross the Colorado into Arizona.

Brotherhood to NCR: We accept your offer on two simple conditions, as long as you can try your best to prevent fights between ncr and brotherhood personnel as I will do the same. And do to our move to the bunker we now have some paladins that are itching to get out of the bunker and have some troops that have some minor claustrophobia and would love to assist ncr forces at the Dam,McCarran, or at the embassy. Trust me they will be glad to get out of the bunker and it will help you guys as well. I step down from the floor and will let someone take it from now.

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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:41 pm

*sits back with a cup of tea and sips*

I think the Remnants are just going to see how this all progresses. We'll largely take our cues from the Enclave proper.

Although the offer of amnesty with the NCR is a welcome gesture, we aren't going to become effectively monitored prisoners of yours.

Currently the Remnants are looking for an area in which to construct a small settlement, for the purposes of leaving in peace for a change.

(Also should the MWBOS be represented by someone? They are going to have dealings with both Caesar's Legion and the Enclave after all.)
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Helen Quill
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:35 pm

Apex Predator - Mr.House is not interested in taking over Freeside, however I do have a mutually beneficial deal. You need renovations and guns? We have caps. We will supply caps to Freeside on the conditions that they are first spent on small arms (to protect the well being of Freeside, not terrorising) and renovations, as well as that Freeside is cleaned up (no thugs, far less crime). You get Freeside cleaned up with a well armed militia and we get a safe, suitable passage to New Vegas. Agreed?

I must reject Styles' offer, the Strip's profits are House's, as well as other trusted allies. Besides, a small state? We have grander designs.

We also have an interesting proposition for the Enclave Remnants. If the remnants acquire the platinum chip and stay on hand for other tasks, they will be provided with a safe, luxurious refuge on the New Vegas Strip; you will be under the benevolent jurisdiction of Mr.House, not hunted by NCR.

The Fiends shall never have a grasp on Vegas, I assure you. If needed, you shall be crushed. Do we understand eachother?
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:06 am

Brotherhood to NCR: We accept your offer on two simple conditions, as long as you can try your best to prevent fights between ncr and brotherhood personnel as I will do the same. And do to our move to the bunker we now have some paladins that are itching to get out of the bunker and have some troops that have some minor claustrophobia and would love to assist ncr forces at the Dam,McCarran, or at the embassy. Trust me they will be glad to get out of the bunker and it will help you guys as well. I step down from the floor and will let someone take it from now.


Agreed :foodndrink:

To respond to some other comments: The Fiends are drugged out psychopaths.. If they are willing to turn themselves in to the NCR they will receive detox and get 5 years in prison. If not they will be hunted down.

The Enclave don't play a role in this.. They are no longer a faction. You can make the case that the Mojave chapter of the bos are remnants, but there are still a couple hundred of them. Enclave are nothing but a handful of old people.

I must reject Styles' offer, the Strip's profits are House's, as well as other trusted allies. Besides, a small state? We have grander designs.

Mr.House doesn't have "grander designs" he just wants to run his company and the Strip. NCR is giving him more then he wants.. control of Freeside and Westside and a seat of power in the NCR. He can open up factories all across the NCR. He will make billions and have a say in how NCR is run. NCR will get alot of employment and taxes. Win win.

Also must I remind you that NCR can easily take the Stip if we so wish to do so.

(Also should the MWBOS be represented by someone? They are going to have dealings with both Caesar's Legion and the Enclave after all.)

If we are going to ruin this idea by having the Enclave at the hight of their power, then we might as well have the Midwestern Brotherhood.. but we also don't know much about them. All the info we have is 80+ years out of date.

If they get included I would like to represent them as well.
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:37 pm

^ Hah, why would you give us a free state when, if you secured the Mojave, you could overun us. You aren't the most trustworhthy sort. May I remind you that you have little in the way of of supply routes, you are losing ground to Ceaser's Legion and that your economy is being eroded by the Mojave campaign. We want to rebuild humanity, Vegas is more than a city, it is a shining beacon of humanity. Who better to rebuild than House, the most intelligent, Pre-war human alive? Caps are everything, caps are power, we have caps.
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:38 pm

^ Hah, why would you give us a free state when, if you secured the Mojave, you could overun us. You aren't the most trustworhthy sort. May I remind you that you have little in the way of of supply routes, you are losing ground to Ceaser's Legion and that your economy is being eroded by the Mojave campaign. We want to rebuild humanity, Vegas is more than a city, it is a shining beacon of humanity. Who better to rebuild than House, the most intelligent, Pre-war human alive? Caps are everything, caps are power, we have caps.

The NCR isn't out to fight an all out war with the Legion. We only want to contain the Legion on their side of the Colorado. We don't see them as a big enough threat to justify the expence of a military campaign of conquest against them.

We came into the Mojave before the Legion. What is putting a drain on us is Mr.House. We can easly deal with him by military force but we don't want a public relations nightmare on our hands.. Diplomacy is the way of NCR but keep in mind we will not spin our wheels forever.

We are giving a great deal of power (trust) to Mr.House by giving him a role in government.. his own STATE! Also keep in mind we are the only ones keeping the Legion from overrunning the Mojave. So its deal with us or for sure be wiped out by the Legion. This goes for all factions that call the Mojave home.

NCR is a giant sleeping bear. Best not to piss it off. Besides the Legion all other faction in the Mojave are nothing compaired to the NCR. It would be like Road Island telling the other 49 states that its going to war with them. How long do you think it would last against such an overwhelming force?

You might get lucky and force the NCR out of the Mojave.. but we will be back and in much greater numbers and we will not be trying to make such generous deals. Again keep in mind, you might get lucky and win out against NCR's mojave force but then the Legion will flood in. We are the Dam that is keeping them at bay.
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