Brotherhood to NCR: We accept your offer on two simple conditions, as long as you can try your best to prevent fights between ncr and brotherhood personnel as I will do the same. And do to our move to the bunker we now have some paladins that are itching to get out of the bunker and have some troops that have some minor claustrophobia and would love to assist ncr forces at the Dam,McCarran, or at the embassy. Trust me they will be glad to get out of the bunker and it will help you guys as well. I step down from the floor and will let someone take it from now.
Agreed :foodndrink:
To respond to some other comments: The Fiends are drugged out psychopaths.. If they are willing to turn themselves in to the NCR they will receive detox and get 5 years in prison. If not they will be hunted down.
The Enclave don't play a role in this.. They are no longer a faction. You can make the case that the Mojave chapter of the bos are remnants, but there are still a couple hundred of them. Enclave are nothing but a handful of old people.
I must reject Styles' offer, the Strip's profits are House's, as well as other trusted allies. Besides, a small state? We have grander designs.
Mr.House doesn't have "grander designs" he just wants to run his company and the Strip. NCR is giving him more then he wants.. control of Freeside and Westside and a seat of power in the NCR. He can open up factories all across the NCR. He will make billions and have a say in how NCR is run. NCR will get alot of employment and taxes. Win win.
Also must I remind you that NCR can easily take the Stip if we so wish to do so.
(Also should the MWBOS be represented by someone? They are going to have dealings with both Caesar's Legion and the Enclave after all.)
If we are going to ruin this idea by having the Enclave at the hight of their power, then we might as well have the Midwestern Brotherhood.. but we also don't know much about them. All the info we have is 80+ years out of date.
If they get included I would like to represent them as well.