I want to explain the idea real quick. In the Mojave Wasteland, everything is as it was before the Courier arrived. The NCR and the Legion are about to clash over Hoover Dam. Mr. House is watching intently, possibly planning to join the fray with his army of Security. The fate of every citizen in the Mojave and every faction in the Mojave weighs in the balance.
However, war is not necessary the logical conclusion. Thanks to the NCR's Ambassador Crocker, all sides have agreed to meet in the Neutral location of Nellis Air Force Base, home of the Boomers. It's a historic occasion, for no outsiders have ever been allowed inside Nellis before. It gives us hope that we can all avoid war in the Mojave, and also, walk away from the table with some aid, assistance, or partnership that will better our faction and helps our faction work toward it's ideals.
For example, the Followers of the Apocalypse want desperately to bring medical care to the wasteland, the NCR wants to make the world a safer place for people, possibly annex large portions of the population and Mr. House wants to restore the world to it's former glory.
The goal is to negotiate with other factions in this thread, and get what your faction needs and wants. Each faction has it's own Legitimate needs and it's own ideals. Most likely you will have to compromise an ideal for a need or a need for an ideal. But I will leave the that to you. What ever faction you get put with it, you get to decide what they want and if it can happen. You get to pull the trigger on whether or not you accept another factions counter offer, or whether you pull out of the negotiations all together and lead your faction either to war, or to work out their problems on their own.
If you want in sign up here, I'm going to list all the factions available, you can recommend one if you want. I'm gonna wait 24 hours and then see how many people we have. Chances are we may have more or less than we need, I'll try to get everyone in by adding factions if it comes to that. If two or more people want the same one, I'll put somebody with another faction, if that happens...
Take the the time to learn and use your own knowledge to find out what their needs are, what their ideals are, and what assets and services they can offer potential allies.
How valuable are your assets? How big are your problems? I'll leave that up to you to decide and the other factions to decide if you can help them or hurt them. You guys all know this game very well so it will lead to some cool debates.
So you all have 24 hours to post here if you want to participate, after that, if we have enough people, I’ll post the format and rules for the debate. There wont be that many rules.
I hope you guys sign up, I never got to participate in any model UN or anything like that so this could be real fun and engaging. I'll supply info about where these factions are at during the negotiations so you can get a better idea of what to bring to the table.
Here are the 13 factions we'll be using.
1. NCR- Big Army, but overextended in the wasteland. Focusing mostly on the dam here. They have citizens all over but most are in and around the sharecropper farms and Free-side
2. Caesar's Legion- Another big army. It's citizens are all back east, mostly in Arizona. They Maintain a big camp in the fort.
3. The New Vegas Strip. This is Mr. House's Faction. The strip is home to some of the wealthiest citizens of the Mojave.
4. The Kings/Free-side Citizens of Free-side who would wish to see Free-side remain independent from the NCR. The Kings are the main militia of this faction. Remember, the courier has not united them with the Followers, so there is tension.
5. The Followers of the Apocalypse. Citizens of Free-side who wish to see Free-side remain independent as well. Great medical knowledge. Tension between them and the Kings.
6. The Boomers. Our Host's, citizens of Nellis. Great arsenal of explosives and anti aircraft weapons. For this faction, I'm sweetening the pot a bit to make things more interesting, they used their robots to bring the Bomber back to Nellis and it's in full working condition, they have a Bomber at their disposal!
7. The Brother hood of Steel. They live in a well protected bunker, great militia, great training, small population though.
8. The Great Khans. Fantastic Drug dealing business. People all over are addicted to their chems but the Khans still live in Squalor. Why? Maybe because their hunted down by the NCR? Maybe because people don't take kindly to their hostile activities?
9. The Enclave Remnants- This is a weird one, so I'll explain. These are the Remnants from Arcade's quest. But it's not just them. Their people are other former Enclave soldiers, supporters and citizens. Their sizable enough to be a decent militia and they have a functioning vertibird. Great training. But their people are being hunted. For the sake of these negotiations, they have gathered their people inside their bunker to be ready for whatever the fallout is.
10. The Enclave. Not a real faction in The Mojave, but there are at least 2 really good candidates for this one so I'm gonna allow it. I'll explain their position. They have a bunker similar to the Remnants. They have a similar population to the Brother hood of steel, they have great training and some power armour. And they have a fleet of Vertibirds equal in number to that of the NCR, even though their population isn't anywhere near NCR levels.
11. Jacobs-town. A town of super mutants and Nightkin with cloaking technology. Great training from the master's army. They have been long misunderstood in the wasteland.
12. The Fiends. Hopelessly addicted to chems, this makes them incredibly durable raiders. They can't feel their teeth, let alone pain. They have numbers that are bigger than most raider tribes. They have a similar population to the great Khans. They also have a secure home in Vault 3.
13. The Powder Gangers. Secure home in the NCR correctional facility. The have a similar number of population to that of the fiends and Khans. They are located among trade routes that give them ample opportunity to jack people and steel their caps and goods. Their not well trained but they have boat loads of dynamite.
Those are all the factions. I'd take advice if I can get it. Let's give this 24 hours and if we get enough guys, we can start the thing in 24-48 hours after that. I'll take anybody. I'd love all these factions. So I'll take whatever is left over.
Thanks for the read, Peace!