The Nellis Convention

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:48 am

Alright, guys, if you have been following the United Wasteland Thread, then you know the deal. Bridges had the fantastic idea to put together a model UN type of debate for the Wasteland. This was an exercise in diplomacy and speech-craft. However, Bridges hasn't been on this site since the 6th of November, so I thought I'd get it going if nobody has any objections to that.

I want to explain the idea real quick. In the Mojave Wasteland, everything is as it was before the Courier arrived. The NCR and the Legion are about to clash over Hoover Dam. Mr. House is watching intently, possibly planning to join the fray with his army of Security. The fate of every citizen in the Mojave and every faction in the Mojave weighs in the balance.

However, war is not necessary the logical conclusion. Thanks to the NCR's Ambassador Crocker, all sides have agreed to meet in the Neutral location of Nellis Air Force Base, home of the Boomers. It's a historic occasion, for no outsiders have ever been allowed inside Nellis before. It gives us hope that we can all avoid war in the Mojave, and also, walk away from the table with some aid, assistance, or partnership that will better our faction and helps our faction work toward it's ideals.

For example, the Followers of the Apocalypse want desperately to bring medical care to the wasteland, the NCR wants to make the world a safer place for people, possibly annex large portions of the population and Mr. House wants to restore the world to it's former glory.

The goal is to negotiate with other factions in this thread, and get what your faction needs and wants. Each faction has it's own Legitimate needs and it's own ideals. Most likely you will have to compromise an ideal for a need or a need for an ideal. But I will leave the that to you. What ever faction you get put with it, you get to decide what they want and if it can happen. You get to pull the trigger on whether or not you accept another factions counter offer, or whether you pull out of the negotiations all together and lead your faction either to war, or to work out their problems on their own.

If you want in sign up here, I'm going to list all the factions available, you can recommend one if you want. I'm gonna wait 24 hours and then see how many people we have. Chances are we may have more or less than we need, I'll try to get everyone in by adding factions if it comes to that. If two or more people want the same one, I'll put somebody with another faction, if that happens...

Take the the time to learn and use your own knowledge to find out what their needs are, what their ideals are, and what assets and services they can offer potential allies.

How valuable are your assets? How big are your problems? I'll leave that up to you to decide and the other factions to decide if you can help them or hurt them. You guys all know this game very well so it will lead to some cool debates.

So you all have 24 hours to post here if you want to participate, after that, if we have enough people, I’ll post the format and rules for the debate. There wont be that many rules.

I hope you guys sign up, I never got to participate in any model UN or anything like that so this could be real fun and engaging. I'll supply info about where these factions are at during the negotiations so you can get a better idea of what to bring to the table.

Here are the 13 factions we'll be using.

1. NCR- Big Army, but overextended in the wasteland. Focusing mostly on the dam here. They have citizens all over but most are in and around the sharecropper farms and Free-side
2. Caesar's Legion- Another big army. It's citizens are all back east, mostly in Arizona. They Maintain a big camp in the fort.
3. The New Vegas Strip. This is Mr. House's Faction. The strip is home to some of the wealthiest citizens of the Mojave.
4. The Kings/Free-side Citizens of Free-side who would wish to see Free-side remain independent from the NCR. The Kings are the main militia of this faction. Remember, the courier has not united them with the Followers, so there is tension.
5. The Followers of the Apocalypse. Citizens of Free-side who wish to see Free-side remain independent as well. Great medical knowledge. Tension between them and the Kings.
6. The Boomers. Our Host's, citizens of Nellis. Great arsenal of explosives and anti aircraft weapons. For this faction, I'm sweetening the pot a bit to make things more interesting, they used their robots to bring the Bomber back to Nellis and it's in full working condition, they have a Bomber at their disposal!
7. The Brother hood of Steel. They live in a well protected bunker, great militia, great training, small population though.
8. The Great Khans. Fantastic Drug dealing business. People all over are addicted to their chems but the Khans still live in Squalor. Why? Maybe because their hunted down by the NCR? Maybe because people don't take kindly to their hostile activities?
9. The Enclave Remnants- This is a weird one, so I'll explain. These are the Remnants from Arcade's quest. But it's not just them. Their people are other former Enclave soldiers, supporters and citizens. Their sizable enough to be a decent militia and they have a functioning vertibird. Great training. But their people are being hunted. For the sake of these negotiations, they have gathered their people inside their bunker to be ready for whatever the fallout is.
10. The Enclave. Not a real faction in The Mojave, but there are at least 2 really good candidates for this one so I'm gonna allow it. I'll explain their position. They have a bunker similar to the Remnants. They have a similar population to the Brother hood of steel, they have great training and some power armour. And they have a fleet of Vertibirds equal in number to that of the NCR, even though their population isn't anywhere near NCR levels.
11. Jacobs-town. A town of super mutants and Nightkin with cloaking technology. Great training from the master's army. They have been long misunderstood in the wasteland.
12. The Fiends. Hopelessly addicted to chems, this makes them incredibly durable raiders. They can't feel their teeth, let alone pain. They have numbers that are bigger than most raider tribes. They have a similar population to the great Khans. They also have a secure home in Vault 3.
13. The Powder Gangers. Secure home in the NCR correctional facility. The have a similar number of population to that of the fiends and Khans. They are located among trade routes that give them ample opportunity to jack people and steel their caps and goods. Their not well trained but they have boat loads of dynamite.

Those are all the factions. I'd take advice if I can get it. Let's give this 24 hours and if we get enough guys, we can start the thing in 24-48 hours after that. I'll take anybody. I'd love all these factions. So I'll take whatever is left over.

Thanks for the read, Peace!
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:07 pm

I'm going to assume Styles is going to take the NCR since he was voted for it so I'll take the Kings.
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brenden casey
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:15 am

Like I said before, I am willing to assume leadership of the Enclave, the legal successor to the United States government and the sole remnants of true humanity.
I will, again like said before, represent mostly the East Coast Enclave, although I am obviously 100% committed to any and all Enclave personnel, even those no longer in active service (aka the "Remnants").
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:01 am

< Great Khans by "people" Im assuming you mean NCR exclusivley... No evidence of khans doing harm to any other faction, aside from the punk vegas families.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:14 pm

9. The Enclave Remnants- This is a weird one, so I'll explain. These are the Remnants from Arcade's quest. But it's not just them. Their people are other former Enclave soldiers, supporters and citizens. Their sizable enough to be a decent militia and they have a functioning vertibird. Great training. But their people are being hunted. For the sake of these negotiations, they have gathered their people inside their bunker to be ready for whatever the fallout is.
10. The Enclave. Not a real faction in The Mojave, but there are at least 2 really good candidates for this one so I'm gonna allow it. I'll explain their position. They have a bunker similar to the Remnants. They have a similar population to the Brother hood of steel, they have great training and some power armour. And they have a fleet of Vertibirds equal in number to that of the NCR, even though their population isn't anywhere near NCR levels.

Why not just combine these two under one large "Enclave" group. Its not that the Remnants chose to form their own faction or anything. Someone picked to represent the remnants can just as well represent active Enclave personell (presumably in Chicago). The goals are basically exactly the same: survival, consolidation, and attempted re-building of the organizations power.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:15 am

Like I voted before. I would like to take leadership of the Mojave Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel. I feel that I could be the best choice for the bos and that Im willing to do anything for the good of the bos.

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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:39 pm

I'd like to be the BoS guy, buy if the last topic is any indication several people will end up voting themselves for them.
So I nominated myself for Jacobstown, I guess.

I still say there should be a Vault Dweller/Chosen One/Lone Wanderer/Courier-esc faction though.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:06 pm

Not nominating myself as I tend to debate with bullets but this seems like a very interesting thread. Can't wait for the dicussion to start.
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:11 am

I'm not really understanding what this is. I would love to be part of an event, but can someone please "dumb-down" what Rooster Smith posted?
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:28 pm

Okay guys, I'm gonna start off here by responding to some of your posts and after that I'll give you all a update on where we stand on this.

Aadrian. have you ever heard of a Model United Nations? Basically, you will be assuming the role of an ambassador from one of these fraction. You will debate with everyone else, make deals and treaties, and the goal is to walk away from the Nellis Convention with some substantial benifit to your people. Example, the Great Khans really have bad living conditions. The Enclave want to bring the entire wasteland under it's control and I think they also mean to exterminate everyone who isn't one of them, not 100% on that ...

It's a lot of fun, it's an exercise in debate, why don't you pick a faction and I'll try to get you that one?

Mishaxhi, we night need you, your more then welcome to join, there is no law against negotiating with bullets.

High Elder, right now I don't see how the courier would work, but if you can convince me how he would be a faction with something to offer the wasteland, I'll be willing to hear you out, I just think he's only one man and for that reason, he wouldn't have an army or needs. I'll listen to you ideas though, I'm gonna give this another 24 hours to get off the ground.

Lt. Andronicus, I feel like the Remnants were just following orders. I feel like their goals and the Enclave goals might be different, and I feel like their needs definently are. i feel like most of the remnant just want peaceful lives, away conflict, while the Enclave has political ambitions.

Kitchen man and Apex, I don't know much about the Khans, which is why you'll make a better choice for them over me. I dig those guys though. Apex, Would you like the NCR if Styles doesn't participate?

Alright, now, here we go! We have 6 out 13, possibly 8. I'm gonna wait another 24 hours and then make my final choices. If we have less than 13 by then, I'm gonna say those factions didn't come to the table. We'll debate without them.

I'm also going to list who is involved so far, tomorrow, you guys will get your official factions, and the rules and format! If you get stuck with a faction you don't like, you can change it to a faction that you would better be suited for.

So that's tomorrow, if you guys want, try to get your buddies involved so we can fill up all these spots, if we can't though, no big deal.

Any idea/ advice, I'm an open minded person.

1. Apex Predator
2. Kitchenman ( best superhero name ever!)
3. Lt. Andronicus
4. Pistolero
5. Daniels
6. High Elder Authur
7. Rooster Smith
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:22 am

Ok, thanks for clarifying. I'm gonna have to sit this one out, I haven't learned enough of the factions needs to be in this
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Jade Payton
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:22 pm

Hi, I am new to this idea, but would like to help out the boomers.
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:45 am

I support the idea of splitting the Enclave in two, even if they should be one, as it's good to have both me and the good Lieutenant representing the one and true remnants of the United States of America.

I look forward to massacring you all.
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:54 pm

I support the idea of splitting the Enclave in two, even if they should be one, as it's good to have both me and the good Lieutenant representing the one and true remnants of the United States of America.

I look forward to massacring you all.

But who is on whose side?
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:58 pm

But who is on whose side?

All I know is that the Enclave fights for itself, and post-Eden East Coast Enclave will likely seek a conventional takeover of America as it now lacks means to reproduce FEV Curling-13, which means it would align itself with any Remnants who identify themselves as former Enclave personnel or descendants thereof.
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Emilie M
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:50 am

All I know is that the Enclave fights for itself, and post-Eden East Coast Enclave will likely seek a conventional takeover of America as it now lacks means to reproduce FEV Curling-13, which means it would align itself with any Remnants who identify themselves as former Enclave personnel or descendants thereof.

A conventional-war Enclave may also attempt to make some form of a alliance/non-agression pact with factions with which they share common ground for a specific period. There aren't many factions that fit that description (barring special circumstances) but the MWBOS may be one.

Although I dare say that currently, the Enclave should probably be more focused less on "taking over the U.S." and more on "getting through this next century alive." Their operations would be more defensive in nature more than likely. They may even choose to remain secluded and hidden in Chicago (a move that would be wise in my view).
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Red Sauce
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:20 am

I support the idea of splitting the Enclave in two, even if they should be one, as it's good to have both me and the good Lieutenant representing the one and true remnants of the United States of America.

I look forward to massacring you all.

The brotherhood will not back down against enclave forces.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:02 am

Carry on.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:46 pm

A conventional-war Enclave may also attempt to make some form of a alliance/non-agression pact with factions with which they share common ground for a specific period. There aren't many factions that fit that description (barring special circumstances) but the MWBOS may be one.

Although I dare say that currently, the Enclave should probably be more focused less on "taking over the U.S." and more on "getting through this next century alive." Their operations would be more defensive in nature more than likely. They may even choose to remain secluded and hidden in Chicago (a move that would be wise in my view).

Ten females to each male.
Problem solved :nod:

But.. *sigh*.. I agree. Maybe it's time we put our guns down for a while. I would cease military training of women for now, except the most talented ones, as unfortunately they need to be producing new pure strains for future use. The males we need to keep alive as long as possible to provide an maintain steady gene flow - genetic bottleneck is upon us now and may lead to reproductive problems later on. At least 5-to-1 child ratio, and very carefully pairing individuals as far from family as possible to prevent inbreeding.
Education must still be an important part of our society, as people need to know what they are fighting for. What's an Enclave soldier who doesn't speak fluent Latin?

MWBOS is a good candidate for alliance, if they still exist. The weaker they are the better since we need to prevent them from taking advantage of our weakened position.

Furthermore, we need to get a new president from the military ranks. Politicians are no longer viable, it's time for full scale martial law.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:16 pm

The brotherhood is looking for a truse with the ncrif possible and is dedicated to do whatever it takes to do good for the people of Vegas.

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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:37 am

The brotherhood is looking for a truse with the ncrif possible and is dedicated to do whatever it takes to do good for the people of Vegas.


So that means the Brotherhood is having an open doors day and it switches to raiding hospitals instead of, well, people?
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:29 pm

The brotherhood is looking for a truse with the ncrif possible and is dedicated to do whatever it takes to do good for the people of Vegas.


Because that makes sense.

I'm willing to fill in whatever empty spaces there are, I also believe that the Remnants should be either merged into the Enclave, or removed because the Remnants are really just trying to hide.
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:27 pm

But.. *sigh*.. I agree. Maybe it's time we put our guns down for a while.

Oh I wouldn't say that. They'll be plenty of fighting that needs doing in order to secure a defensive line. :gun:

I would cease military training of women for now, except the most talented ones, as unfortunately they need to be producing new pure strains for future use. The males we need to keep alive as long as possible to provide an maintain steady gene flow - genetic bottleneck is upon us now and may lead to reproductive problems later on. At least 5-to-1 child ratio, and very carefully pairing individuals as far from family as possible to prevent inbreeding.

Indeed. This policy was apparently in place by Fallout 3 already (hence why there is only female officers and scientists, not front line grunts) but it needs to be stepped up post-AAFB and watched very closely.

The continued survival of the Enclave entirely depends on how many people got out during the debacle at Adams. Judging by the numbers of Vertibirds that were buzzing around in the skies above the Base, it was a significant number. It remains to be seen whether or not they were able to regroup at Chicago however (for now lets assume they did).

Furthermore, we need to get a new president from the military ranks. Politicians are no longer viable, it's time for full scale martial law.

Martial Law doesn't necessarily mean that the President needs to be a general or other some such active personnel. Although previous military experience is absolutely ideal given the present situation. Civilian control of the armed forces is paramount, so any President will need to have resigned their military post before assuming command of the state. The Enclave after all, is more than just a military.

If Eden re-built the line of succession from himself, then those individuals in the line are now the acting command authority of the United States. I'm assuming (for the moment, until we find out otherwise) that these are the "Enclave High Command" mentioned in Broken Steel. I'm also assuming that they were safely evacuated out of AAFB.
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:13 pm

The continued survival of the Enclave entirely depends on how many people got out during the debacle at Adams. Judging by the numbers of Vertibirds that were buzzing around in the skies above the Base, it was a significant number. It remains to be seen whether or not they were able to regroup at Chicago however (for now lets assume they did).

Lyons says that the Enclave is far from dead. They still have the numbers to pose a considerable threat post-AAFB, they just lack leadership.

Martial Law doesn't necessarily mean that the President needs to be a general or other some such active personnel. Although previous military experience is absolutely ideal given the present situation. Civilian control of the armed forces is paramount, so any President will need to have resigned their military post before assuming command of the state. The Enclave after all, is more than just a military.

If Eden re-built the line of succession from himself, then those individuals in the line are now the acting command authority of the United States. I'm assuming (for the moment, until we find out otherwise) that these are the "Enclave High Command" mentioned in Broken Steel. I'm also assuming that they were safely evacuated out of AAFB.

Yes, but I'd still have someone from the military in charge as we are rapidly approaching the moment of truth and we need to sacrifice petty principles if we want to survive. The Enclave doesn't have any politicians left. It's lucky if they have more than a handful of scientists. The only candidate we have is someone from the High Command. Military government is important now as military is all that's left of the United States at this point. And of course, I just plain don't trust politicians. Military provides an honest, temporary solution and if they have any respect to what they fight for they will step down once things are better. But of course, they won't live to see that day as it will take decades at least.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:35 pm

Because that makes sense.

I'm willing to fill in whatever empty spaces there are, I also believe that the Remnants should be either merged into the Enclave, or removed because the Remnants are really just trying to hide.

I don't think they should be removed cause Pistolero has a good point, and there's remnants out there trying to settle into new life's that just haven't come forward.

By the way, what I meant was what we will try to do is to basically achieve world piece to be honest, no one likes war. And if there's enemies that threaten the brotherhood then we will use the appropriate force or diplomacy to solve the situation. Brotherhood dosent want to be enemies with anyone if possible.
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