You're absolutely right, I was just a little worried I would be unable to have a number of the things on the isles that I wanted at the scale it is. I tested with some placeholder objects though, it turns out I will be able to place everything I wanted to after all. /smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
No. The Yokudan settlement will be in the same place the Yokudan camp was in Redguard, on the north shore of Stros M'Kai directly north of the Palace. I plan to have their homes built into the beach in some way.
And now for some screenshots. As of now, the basic landmass and height of it is made. I'm now shifting my efforts to creating the models and textures that will populate this landscape. There's quite a bit I have to do, but I'm not short of ideas, and the art in Redguard provides a good reference for me to work off of. I'll be posting updates as I go along, as usual. /smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
I also haven't said anything, but thanks for all the positive feedback! I hope I can live up to at least my own expectations of this mod, so I'm going to keep at it. /biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />