I think the orginal myth of the Nerevarine was worse then the one that really came. In the myth he was to drive all non-dunmer from morrowind, but the one that came killed the false gods, stopped dagoth Ur from taking over Tamriel and protected people. Id say he was good. Though I do say the Vivec was still alright, though it is not required of the Nerevarine to kill him.
Though you have to agree, the Nerevarine does cause Red Mountain to explode destroying much of Morrowind, simply because he took away vivec's power to hold the rock above vivec in place.
What better way to drive the outlanders out of Morrowind than by
blowing up Morrowind?
Seems to me the Nevervarine did everything he was supposed to.

But to answer the original question, I think it all depends on who you talk to, and how long-term you look at things.
To some, the Neravarine was a jerk who became a werewolf and gutted Fargoth and stole his home (for example, not that I ever did it :shiftyeyes:), wheras to others he was a hero who saved the Empire (and also led to its downfall), whereas others might see him (one day) as the one responsible for creating the bonds of friendship between the Nords of Solstheim and the Dunmer.