I'm blown away. I thought I knew the people on this forum well enough to be able to predict where most would stand on most topics. For the most part, you guys are pretty liberal. Freedom of expression seems to ring loud in these halls for most things, but not with sixual themes. I often see terms such as 'Who cares what they think? If you like it, do it! (wear it, eat it, etc. etc.)
After reading a good chunk of responses, I'm left wondering why? Why is this game bad? Is it the rating it received? Would the responses be different if it was 16+ or 18+ or even 21+? Is it the sixual themes regardless of age?
I see Rhianna's 'S&M' mentioned. It's a fairly mainstream song about something that's been blocked on MTV. (See: 30 Seconds to Mars 'Hurricane'. They wont play the directors cut, or the 'edited' version of the directors cut which is a very powerful video.)
I personally think the game looks like a LOT of fun. Maybe because I'm a college age male? Perhaps I'm overly liberal about sixual themes, maybe I'm just an exhibitionist but I stand firmly on my soap-box preaching freedom of expression and anti-censorship. Who is this game going to hurt? If I play it in the privacy of my house with another couple, who's morals are being strained? Who am I disrupting? Who am I hurting?
While I can jump on the '12 is too young' boat, I think if the age rating were the issue that was pushed rather than the game itself, it would make a lot more sense. Sure! The Wii has a lot of family games, but it's not for children per se. The Wii released titles such as CoD: WaW and Manhunt which of course were banned in some countries, but not in the U.S. where this game is banned. I find that odd, but apparently that's America's culture. I'm disappointed that I'm going to miss out on such a party game because the U.S. doesn't like sixual themes.
So I sit here wondering, hoping all of you nay-sayers still check on this thread and can give me the answers to the questions floating about my head.
For me, the game just seems bad

. I'm an advlt with what I believe is a healthy attitude to six and I still think it's a crappy idea for a video game lol. As a bit of fun with mates, it seems weird, and as a bit of sixy fun, it seems awkward and weird.
The fact that people (esp. the media) focus on the age rating is inevitable - they marketed a game as a "sixy party game" (IIRC that was the genre in one of the other links provided) and the age rating is 12. However, as many commenters on the news site I posted mentioned, 12 year olds don't really earn their own money, and parents are still responsible for what they buy. I think the game looks like crap, so I wouldn't buy it - I'm an advlt with my own tastes and money, so I can make that decision. Even if they pushed it up to 15 they would still focus on it, probably linking video games to teenage pregnancies or something (really wouldn't surprise me).
As to the Rihanna song, on the one hand I really like it lol, so my first reaction was negative concerning the censorship. However, there's no denying it's a raunchy song. I think the artists who have their songs threatened with censorship should be given options - have the song censored or agree to have it played past the watershed. That way if they want the coverage they can have it, or keep the song as they envisioned it. Censoring it without her knowledge seems unfair to me. Thing is with freedom of speech/expression, you can have it, but don't expect everyone to agree with you, or air your views if the material could be considered offensive and possibly hurt that company (not saying I find it offensive, just that companies may take that view to avoid a PR headache in terms of the song).
Also, have you seen the new Lady Gaga video? The lass gives birth to a weird alien thing - I expect that to be the next thing that people deem offensive. I reckon they'll probably have to chop off the beginning of the vid where she gives birth.