» Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:34 pm
I think it looks great and providing it doesn't reveal anything in the game world until you've actually discovered it there shouldn't be a problem.
I think there will be only a traditional 2d map in caves and the like, as you can't really have a dragons eye view of a cave layout..... or can you?
I do think it would have been nice to have had the option of a 2D traditional parchment map in game as well as the fancy sat nav style so that all players are happy..... maybe there will be, how much dev time would it actually take to have a basic 2D map anyway?
If not mods will probably sort it out for PC players somewhere down the line...... That doesn't solve the issue for console players that don't like it though.
Still things change and you aren't always going to like the changes and other times you will, you've just got to, as the saying goes...."Take the rough with the smooth"