Also keep in mind that it has been stated that all the media shown by Bethesda so far is on the Xbox 360. Comparing Crysis, a PC game to a game on the Xbox 360 isn't really a fair comparison. If I recall correctly the PC Version will have better textures, and with modders taking advantage of DX 11, Skyrim on the PC could look significantly better than what we've seen so far.
Anyways, I think what we have seen so far is incredible already, and that's mostly based on the screenshots, which don't do the game much justice based on what I've read.
PC will have higher res textures. We don't even know how high. Could be only slightly higher.
Higher res doesn't mean depth. PC version will be pretty much the same as the console version according to Todd, sadly.
It will take years for modders to take advantage of DX 11 through a graphics extender, if such a mod would ever come. You have no idea how hard it is for modders to do such things. There are many difficulties and it takes immense amounts of time. Having a closed source engine force modders to "hack" features in. This causes many problems.
Don't expect modders to ever make "depth" in textures through tessellation or parallax occlusion mapping or whatnot.
Best thing modders would be able to do is to enhance normal maps, and that's only half-mediocre compared to results we could get otherwise.
It may sound harsch, but what I said above is pretty much the bitterness of truth. I hope I will be wrong before 11/11/11 though, but I doubt it, seeing as the development is so far and seeing Todd's view on it.