1) My character usually travels with....
a) ED-E
B) Rex
c) No one ("animal" companion-wise)
2) What is your character's signature weapon, IE, the one you use the most, the one you prefer to use and the last weapon you would ever abandon if forced to abandon all but one? Choose your weapon not based on practicality (don't say "well I prefer A Light Shining in Darkness but would abandon Lucky last since Lucky's ammo is easy to find" or "I use YCS/186 most, but I'd keep the Survivalist's Rifle because it handles close range combat better) or based on which of your weapons would be the WISEST to keep if you only had one, but based on what you truly prefer using and use the most of all.
3) Which Traits did you choose?
4) What are your three main skills? (Tagged skills)