The newest Patch is defective.....massive load speed hits!

Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:01 pm

Dear Bethesda,

Remember when you released New Vegas, and the masses complained of excessive load times when, let's say, the character went to open a door, and it took near a minute to load the next room? Yeah, this is like that.

I was playing when Steam, rudely stopped me playing to down load the patch.....which made matters worse. Only speaking for myself, I haven't had any complaints (much) about the game mechanics.....until now.

You folks asked for feedback, here's mine. Please advise me how to remove the patch, as it's making my game playing miserable. Thank you for your time, and please reply hastily, as I want to get back to it.

FYI, I use Nvidia graphics cards.

Thank you for all your advice folks. I am not an experienced Steam person, and my game is now in the process of "opting out" of the Beta.

I know a lot of folks are fans of Steam; as for me, I still a bit miffed that the game disk , I thought had the game on it at purchase, was just loaded with a few security access codes, and not the game itself. I guess that's the way Bethesda is rolling......getting out of the disc for PC's, and using a game distributor online for down loads. Hmmmm.....I wonder if they are looking at Orgins as well, hahahaha!!!! Thanks again everyone!!!

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Kari Depp
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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:26 pm

There's no way to remove the patch. Normally, to remove a patch, you'd have to uninstall and reinstall the game, then refuse to use STEAM in online mode until the next patch comes out.

However, since the install disk for Fallout 4 doesn't contain the whole game, a reinstall will also end up reinstalling the latest patch.

In short, you're just gonna have to deal with it, or play another game until the next patch.

I'm neither employed by gamesas nor am I capable of speaking on their behalf. I'm just point out something that is common knowledge with STEAM users.

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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 12:57 pm

I wanna investigate this, but this will take time.

As it is a beta patch, i thing you can delete the whole game (unsubscribe from beta, so opt out), then re-install the game, and you should be able to get the officially 1.2 patch again.

Or even better, delete the whole game inclusive steam, and install the game again.!

If I'm not mistaken the beta is not official (therefore a beta). So as long you don't opt-in for the beta, you should not get the patch!

I play with the 1.2 patch, despite the new arrived 1.3 beta patch!

So, no big deal actually! That's why it say beta. So don't go crazy... ;)

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le GraiN
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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:50 pm

Since this is about the beta patch:

I would assume you could just change your Steam settings for Fallout 4 so you're no longer subscribed to beta's. Then verify game cache. That should bring the game back to it's pre-beta previous state.

Also: It's a beta. Expect trouble. ;)

Lesson for the future: before installing a beta, always make a proper backup.

I'm sure a moderator will come by and move this to it's proper place in the forum.

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Lauren Dale
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Post » Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:29 pm

Just opt out of the beta in Steam, and your game will revert to the previous version.

The load time issue isn't happening for everyone. I've just updated to the beta patch, and my load times are fine (about 12 seconds to load my current save from the main menu, same as before the beta patch). Some people have reported that turning off the new features (HBAO and Weapon Debris) fixed the load time issue. Bethesda has already stated that, and that there should be a fix soon.

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