If you play Infamous second son, KZ shadow fall for PS4, even the pevious ND games from U1 to TLOU, you'll know that Sony first parties are no joke.
Yes in 2005 E3 sony showed a lot of CGI, but they learned from their mistakes and the cutscenes shown now are in engine, run in console harware in real time, they are a lot closer to the actual gameplay.
Naughty Dog since uncharted 2 never disappointed us and showed in game cutscenes which are as close as possible to the real game.
Even a fan trailer made with cryengine 3(in-egine cutscene) can pull high quality graphics:
https : / /www . youtube. com /watch?v=IrxBX7sn_xE
https : //www . youtube . com / watch?v=VUzuMIaFUR4