Eh...I hate to sound like an idiot, always clicked in my head that Wulfharth's soul was in the Mantella, mainly because it's stated that the soulgem is used on him and at the time it was easier to process in my head that an avatar of Lorkhan could power the Anumidum better than Arctus' soul could. I feel that, in some weird ass way, the Underking's Heart blasting the crap outta Arctus' somehow made him become the next Underking.
In the end, I find both about equally plausible though.
To Ravager: yeah he does, though I don't remember if he stated that in the interview.
edit: Nope he doesn't. But check these pieces of info:
1. If Nerevar didn't kill a god at Red Mountain...why the hell is he "Godkiller" then?
2. According to The Five Song's spiritual sequel, the Arcturian Heresy, eventually people got confused on who Tiber Septim was, thanks to the Underking's placement in another part of Tamriel, as well as other crap. It was as if Septim was in two different places at once.
3. Like I said, Vehk himself even references events recorded in the Five Songs and the Heresy, most importantly the point where he killed Tiber Septim.
...Yes. He was at Red Mountain.
While as always, this is merely my opinion, I still feel it has much merit.
Vekh does lie as convenient to his enemies and when he believes those around him will harm themselves if he offers them truths they cannot handle. So various people confuse this with an inability or basic unwillingness to tell the truth. I tried the approach to Vekh several ways and discovered that his notes and such that he left out for me when I decided that the best course was to work with him held much merit - and worked well with other literature that I had read and made a lot of sense.
Often when people feel they are attacked they react with lies. Sometimes people who are not being attacked, but believe they or something they value is being attacked, lie too - and they get even worse if you try to tell them more truth.
1. If Nerevar didn't kill a god at Red Mountain...why the hell is he "Godkiller" then?
Maybe that is the 'once and future' thing? Prophetic reference to the Nerevarine who it appears is destined to kill demi-god/s? Though I do not discount Nerevar's having killed a divine being at Red Mountain.
There is only one thing more he might have done. It has been said he killed his best friend, the Dwemer King, but could he also have interfered with / affected the Dwemer Numidium in some way and became part of the cause for its destruction?
That period was so confused it's almost impossible to finally determine what actually occurred and decide where wishful thinking deviates from fact. A fine example of what happens to Lore when conflicting cultures write about the same events = there are many Lores

Sotha Sil for Divine Emperor!
(Of course then we'd have a puppet government.)