Alright I'm gonna set the record straight here..
Wrong. Just... wrong.
However, consoles are not that expensive, especially when you only have to buy one every what? Five, six years? Look at the money you'll spend on upgrades for a computer, and the difference isn't much. No matter what you use, as we get better games, you'll have to shell out more cash to run them, plain and simple.
Here's a novel idea: How about NOT having to have the latest and greatest games right when they come out? Hell, there's so many games I need to get caught up on from years past, I could put off Skyrim for a looooong time.
Though I probably won't, because I'm sure it's going to be more enjoyable than a few hours with the first StarCraft, which I've yet to play.
Please don't throw things at me! I'm sorry! I know, I svck...

Now myself personally, own Oblivion on the 360 and the computer. Which do you think I play more? Well you're wrong.
Oh no, I got it right. Where's my cookie?
Bottom line, I will not play on a mouse and a keyboard, so I continue to play on my xbox. And mods.. well they're nice, but honestly.. personally, I don't think mods are all that great. If the game is good enough as it is, who cares? I was so disappointed about the lack of mods out there. Almost everything is just visual upgrades, not added gameplay, and most of it is a bunch of perverted crap for female characters... ugh. Now I'm not saying there aren't good mods out there.. I'm just saying there's a lot less than I expected there to be, and it wasn't worth messing with the pc over it.
I'll admit that many of the high-rated mods over at Planet Elder Scrolls aren't all that great to me, but there are still some great ones that I've had a lot of fun with. i think you jsut need to find the right ones. Or make your own, like me.
My question is, why would anyone think a console is going to be superior to a computer? A console is a computer.. with less stuff. So how could it ever be better than a gaming computer with more stuff? The only plus the console has, is that with less things in it, that means there's less to go wrong.
Wait, I'm confused now. Are you pro-PC or pro-console? Or either? Or both? I can't tell now.