It has been four months since the fairly successful Mojave Congress Convention, and the Legion is beginning to make a presense in the area. They made even with the rest of the mojave by keeping the allied forces at bay and moving their forces in northern mojave during the Third Battle for Hoover Dam, so they are acting with a lot of subtlety, but have made enough noise that the NCR has noticed their presense. The free factions of New Vegas and the surrounding Mojave Desert have gathered here to discuss the war, and beyond...
Edwin Robert House: Has the Mojave Congress under him, as well as an influx of supporters since the Mojave Congress Convention. He still only has a few securitrons, but the amount of friends he's made due to the past convention, has put him ahead in his game.- Gingy
NCR: After their devastating defeat at the Second Battle for Hoover Dam, the NCR has finally started to extend their grasp from the west, and protect the southern mojave to keep it safe from any Legion threats.- Message me if you want this role.
Legion: Fractured since the Third Battle For Hoover Dam, but the rage of their defeat has reached the east, and now Caesar is making yet another drastic move, and sends forces into the north Vegas mojave area, and ambush patrols to prepare for the full force of the Legion. The full army of the Legion, unchecked, will burn the west.- Dark Zerker
Chairmen: Controls Gomorrah and The Tops Casinos.-Lt. Andronicus
White Glove Society: Although recently believed to not be a threat, they are undoubtedly involved in mysterious business, and their ideals and goals are unknown. Mortimer was taken in, but little is known about any interrogation, *if* it even happened.-Undead Fiend
Novac: With the advanced tech of the NCR salvaged power armor, they have been able to protect themselves for the most part. A squad of NCR troopers are nearby, still protecting the town until they are needed elsewhere.-Sebor13
Nipton: Still the NCR's main base of operations inside the Mojave, so it remains a great strategic point for the NCR.- FalloutBob
Boomers: Have not been active and have not shown much presense since The Second Battle for Hoover Dam, but are assumed to be in the aid of Vegas and House's regime.-
Brotherhood of Steel: Now based in REPCONN Test Site. House has been denying them access anywhere near Vegas, but that may change.-OhSorryOldHorse
Gun Runners: Business hasn't been quite as good since Hoover Dam II, but nevertheless, they are making do, and resume to trade with the NCR.-Paladinlewis
Great Khans: Very broken, since their elders have been killed, but they still trade drugs to the fiends, which makes them more violent and agressive than ever.-
Powder Gang: The Vault 19 Powder Gangers have been in contact with the Great Khans and Fiends but have yet to leave their vault except for scouting missions.-
Fiends: Now in bits and pieces since their defeat at McCarran, and have scattered across the wasteland. Some stick together and still raid on their own. The intoxication from their chems keeps them moving.
Jacobstown: A few prominent members remain and the settlement's Big Horn are growing nicely.-Tycho!

State Of Utobitha: Now much safter because the NCR Veteran Rangers took care of the Deathclaw threat. -The Lobotomite
Enclave: Continues to be mysterious in their endeavors, although, so far they have stayed loyal to Mr. House for the most part. Took Camp Golf from the Legion. -hircine21
The Kings: Now thriving because of their recent trade deals with the NCR, and with the Van Graffs gone, they are definitely the top dogs of freeside once more.-Champagne Supernova
Van Graffs: Crippled since their defeat from the NCR, they made themselves even with the rest of the mojave by blowing up two major landmarks in the mojave.
Goodsprings: Goodsprings wishes to remain independent of the NCR because of the tax burden that would follow and has seen the town economy collapse because of the situation in Vegas and the I-15. The NCR encampment at the water source (8 troopers) frightens the town that they are next. -
The Followers: Still located in Freeside the Followers have been helping all that they can to little avail- Undead Fiend
Crimson Caravan: Business is terrible since Hoover Dam II, but the scattered remnants of the once powerful caravan company are finally receiving more traders from the west.- NaveSenrag
Is there anyone I missed?
We'll start thursday evening officially, when I know everyone can be on. Feel free to do an opening post, but there probably won't be much discussion until tomorrow night.