Sloads are the superior race.
^^ And it looks like it's been taken hook line & sinker. Another race war, what a lovely forum.
Roleplay wise I think the best races to play as are: Imperial, Nord, Redguard, Breton, Orc, Dark Elf.
Nords are milk drinkers
Lizards are just pets that should return to live in their threes.
We are the ones.
Wait for it . . .
*waits for Hevnoraak to appear to go on a roaring rampage of how dragons are superior to everything speech*
Yeah, that can happen but I am still waiting for Hev to arrive to start kicking our butts on this topic . . . and we know he will do so when he wants to.
Khajiit of any kind weak? Unarmed attacks do 15 points of damage and of course NIGHT EYE an unlimited amount of times per day. Nothing like attacking at night with a stealthy Khajiit. Bosmer might be on the list......and even Argonians, but not Khajiit.
I love how the OP talks about how great the Altmer are. Really? No resistances and lame Highborn once a day. Wow!
My Nordic blood is boiling and all, but I'll keep my head calm.
I always believed that there's no such thing as racial superiority, and that one should not use his ethnicy as a throphy. Instead, the individual man or woman should prove his worth by whatever skills he or she has. Be it warfare or farming.
Also bear pelts are stylish.
Nords are easily a top 3 race in Skyrim. Their racials are wicked good especially as warriors as you can scare off a whole army of melee enemies buying time to heal, or make yourself night invulnerable against frost magic, the most dangerous magic to a warrior.
I believe that Imperial got shafted this time, the passive racial ability makes less difference than the Khajit hand to hand bonus on Legendary. (According to the UESP it applies to all other races as well courtesy of a bug so it isn't even unique). Don't get me wrong I really like Nords, they're tied first for my favourite race with Imperials and I love how they evolved the race from being barbarian drunkards in previous games to a fully fleshed out civilization based on Scandinavia and viking lore.
With that being said, I agree that the Main Quest is extremly catered to Nords. Even more than Morrowind was for Dark Elves. I believe that one of the things Oblivion got right was how you were the Champion of Cyrodiil, nothing more, nothing less, not a reborn two color-Elf, not a wonderchild when it comes to ancient nord magic.
That is the problem. Man.
Mer > Man
DunMer > everything else
There is no such thing as racial superiority, if I the Dovahkiin can drink mead with multiple followers of multiple races who faithfully follow me on my raids to burn down the Thalmor embassy then so be it.
Italics are a Dovahkiin of mine who is not in my signature by the way.
His name is Shadow Nord-Heart and he is a khajiit who thinks he is a Nord.
He never lived in the ratway. He just identifies himself as a Nord, has always done so since he was a child and says you will make a fine rug cat to any khajiit bandit he meets. Yes the irony of all of that is rich.
So, he screams "Skyrim beling to the nords" when he attacks? Better he watch his back. I saw Galmar using kahjiit shoes when he goes to bed.
Actually he makes Galmar facepalm and say things such as divines help us, the cat thinks he is a Nord.
Rofl how do you guys get so rustled about this? I never even knew that people entertained the idea of men being superior to any kind of elves. Elven accomplishment throughout Tamrielic history overshadows any man made device.
Foolish humans.
The ancient Nords did kind of slaughter a whole elven race, leaving the few who were left to be corrupted by Dwemer.
The Nordic chieftains honoured the Snow Prince, who was killed by a Norse child, by burying him in a freshly dug barrow, his body wrapped in fine silk.
Not that bad for puny mankind. If I'd say so myself. They even respected their fallen enemy by protecting the barrows. The Elves of today could learn alot from the Ancient Nord ways.
Talos overshadows anything that the elves have done.
In fact the fact that the Dragonborn is quite literally the only thing short of another dragon that can kill a dragon for good would probably over shadow anything the elves have done and most Dovahkiin would have been human anyway. The fact that three humans actually sent Alduin through time (ok they had help from the elder scroll but they still rebelled against Alduin and the dragons, although also with help from a dragon but it is still counts) which caused him to reappear perhaps before the Dovahkiin got to Helgen. The roaring we heard before Alduin appeared? That may not have been one dragon but two brothers fighting which would explain why it took him so long.
Alduin is not like most villains who have their minions try to kill the hero at the start of the game, instead he tries to do it himself even though it does not work.
The legacy of the dragonborn overshadows everything that the elves have ever done.
Did the elves rebel against dragons? No that was the humans. Did the elves have a hero that could literally devour a dragon's soul? No it was humans again, canonically speaking the last Dragonborn is most likely human. Did the elves end the Oblivion crisis? No, Martin Septim who was a human and Akatosh who was a god were responsible for that. The Thalmor may claim that they ended the oblivion crisis in Alinor but they didn't, it ended when Martin sacrificed himself to save the world. The Thalmor can just take their godhood gambit and stuff it up their rear ends until they find a way to escape mundus without destroying anyone who does not want to escape mundus. Magnus already found a way to do so without destroying Mundus, so did many of his followers, where do you think the sun and stars came from? Humans have had many major accomplishments that overshadow anything the elves have done is what my point is. Do not even make me bring up what Ysgramor did to you after the Night of Tears, sure he and the five hundred may have over did it a bit but still the Atmorans who were more than likely humans still managed to drive one species of elf into hiding and near extinction. Said elves were betrayed by their own cousins, elves that we now know as dwarves. When Ondolemar says that Markarth could never produce a superiorily bred mer such as himself he must have not studied the city's history because it was build by elves. He was insulting elves that day. If anything Dragons are more superior than anyone because the only thing short of another dragon that can kill them for good is the Dragonborn, of course the divines could probably do that themselves but they don't have to.
Do not even get me started on the Ayelids either, they were pretty much wiped out BY HUMANS, of course one can say that the Ayelids deserved what they got!
A khajiit arguing how dragons are superior, never thought I would ever see that one coming.
This one is confused, is that one a khajiit or a Nord? Or is that one a Khajiit that thinks he is a Nord?