If there is interest, I might as well include local replacers such as Emma's Dagon Fel and Tel Mora headreplacers, Carnajo's Unique Heads Balmora, Boethia539's Unique Faces Project ? Seyda Neen, etc? (...)
Mhmm. The thread has been viewed 2 394 times, and I've seen it resurface once or twice in the last weeks? So it's official now:
what has been promised will be delivered!! (Just don't hold your breath. I'm lazy.) :shrug:

Er, about this:
Due to time constraints, GhanBuriGhan's http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=335 is not included yet. I will add it later, probably next week.
Obviously it has been delayed. :hehe:
What happened: while taking screenshots of this replacer I realized that most of the NPCs I used for comparison so far were left untouched by
World of Faces. It wouldn't have made much sense to post screenies of the 11 changed NPCs (out of 36) alongside the general replacers. So I decided to treat
World of Faces as a local replacer. (That just means that the comparison pics for each one of these mods will feature a specific selection of NPCs?)
As of now, most pics from
World of Faces,
Unique Heads Balmora,
Emma's Dagon Fel Headreplacer and
Emma's Tel Mora Headreplacer have been taken. I still have some resizing and organizing to do; I'll post them as one goes along. I have no ETA for you, but hopefully the next update won't take too long?
(By the way, in the process I discovered something that may be of interest should some among you happen to use Riptide's replacer alongside
Unique Heads Balmora and
Emma's Dagon Fel Headreplacer: both latter mods are mostly included in Riptide's mod (36 out of 45 heads from Carnajo's mod and 16 out of 21 fom Emma's). I will update the original post with this info when I upload the screenies of the corresponding mods.)
Also, the most observant among you may have noticed that I just updated http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/3188/trombinoscope19thenpcma.jpg from the original post. The pic of Vodunius Nuccius was inaccurate. It's fixed now.
Thank you guys for the nice feedback. :tops: