"Eight, Eight, the burning eight. Between Sunday and Monday there lies a day so dark it will devastate."
Yeah, I wish
Sesame Street was emo, too.
POSTMODERNISM LOLYea that works, but things originally seem to have been the other way around.
The Complete WWYWTDB suggests that a Staff or Tower appeared to the selective, so the staff of Chaos being made out of eight part plus a gem seems to have lead to the Tower and Wheel symbolisms but those don't rely on the Staff of Chaos.
Well, that might be stretching it. I was just thinking that the Staff of Chaos could be a myth-echo of THE Tower from the point of view of a particular cultural identity/ideology -- that is, like the other Aldmeri Towers. The difference being that THIS particular Tower would have been smaller in physical size, and may not represent a particular cultural identity's point of view but, rather, use the point of view and base identity of an
individual (it's original creator, whose name I will look up and edit in) in its place. If that is possible and even makes sense.
See, the problem with my theory is that it assumes that this great enchanter had such a naturally mythopoeic worldview that it could, given a myth-echo of the Zero Stone and some fine-tuning, actively channel creatia and, therefore, become an integral part of existence, just as the other Towers helped shape existence through their cultural outlook. Is that even possible?
I'd like it to be.

Also, the Jewel of Fire as its Stone, totally.
It turns the Staff of Chaos from something fundamental to the world, to something that can be pretty much detached without any problems. Just another extraordinary artifact.
Well, yeah, that's why I just bull****ed my own proto-Monkey Truth to make it "essential" and worthwhile to own for a megalomaniac with a god-complex.
Is anything really fundamental to the world, though? I see towers getting sparsely thrown down here and there, Earth Bones being wrangled for centuries, and living tree-cities taking firm, firm root into the ground. Empowerment is like a toothbrush in TES, and defying belief is the toothpaste. Brush on, you crazy diamond.
Well, technically no, nothing is fundamental in a world that is fundamentally shaped by flowing myths. However, as it stands, the Staff of Chaos is just a shiny enchanted staff that was somehow connected to Jagar Tharn and somehow allowed him access to some pocket realm of Oblivion and was enough leverage for him to make a deal with Dagon. By making the Staff a small Tower, and therefore an active agent in that myth-making process, it lends credence to its plot relevance, special powers over Oblivion (and, therefore, creation), and a whole slew of other plotholes that the devs probably wouldn't patch up anyway.
But this isn't even fanon yet in anybody's book other than mine, so I wonder if my words fall upon deaf ears.
EDIT: Um...yeah, off-topic. 8 is important because the Ayleids kind of had an 8 fetish and made it mythically important. So there.