go to the buttom of this post and read the sarcasm edition.
(for some reason my old account cannot utilize the forum so I won't be introducing myself)
What made crysis a little more awesome that the others? Huge open enviroments and destruction! (IMO)
This is not a graphics discussion: The reason crysis runs on consoles is because pretty lights were more important than saying: maybe people won't like to be stopped by a lamp post when driving a big car (personal experience)
Or: Maybe people won't mind this invisible wall in the water (painful experience here as well)
If this game had been a ground-up pc game we wouldn't have to make do with narrow corridors, and yes, a street is narrow in this case. Now all we (dissapointed pc gamers) have is skybox effects of falling buildings, and this is not gonna be changed by any magical DX11 post-release patch.
-for those who might not know what a skybox is: its the out-of-bounds area around the manouverable enviroment.
Ive been having some minor issues that nobody else seem to have reported, so I'll just get that out of the way first.
*It seems that my destructable enviroment is broken, because now the entire landscape is static, aside from a few objects i can throw around.
(Physics like vegetation effects eg. tree destruction missing)
*The nano suit is telling me how to play the game, and I can't find the MUTE button.
*My health bar is not showing on the HUD.
*The control option for tilting right and left is not showing in my settings menu.
*My in-vehicle models are missing.
*Cant activate binoculars
As a final conclution: this is defenitly the best console game i have ever played on my PC.