The nut kick: No destructable enviroment

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:47 pm

go to the buttom of this post and read the sarcasm edition.

(for some reason my old account cannot utilize the forum so I won't be introducing myself)
What made crysis a little more awesome that the others? Huge open enviroments and destruction! (IMO)

This is not a graphics discussion: The reason crysis runs on consoles is because pretty lights were more important than saying: maybe people won't like to be stopped by a lamp post when driving a big car (personal experience)
Or: Maybe people won't mind this invisible wall in the water (painful experience here as well)

If this game had been a ground-up pc game we wouldn't have to make do with narrow corridors, and yes, a street is narrow in this case. Now all we (dissapointed pc gamers) have is skybox effects of falling buildings, and this is not gonna be changed by any magical DX11 post-release patch.

-for those who might not know what a skybox is: its the out-of-bounds area around the manouverable enviroment.

Ive been having some minor issues that nobody else seem to have reported, so I'll just get that out of the way first.

*It seems that my destructable enviroment is broken, because now the entire landscape is static, aside from a few objects i can throw around.
(Physics like vegetation effects eg. tree destruction missing)
*The nano suit is telling me how to play the game, and I can't find the MUTE button.
*My health bar is not showing on the HUD.
*The control option for tilting right and left is not showing in my settings menu.
*My in-vehicle models are missing.
*Cant activate binoculars

As a final conclution: this is defenitly the best console game i have ever played on my PC.
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:46 am

^ Maximum post ^
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:06 am

good post.
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Assumptah George
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:12 am

go to the buttom of this post and read the sarcasm edition.

(for some reason my old account cannot utilize the forum so I won't be introducing myself)
What made crysis a little more awesome that the others? Huge open enviroments and destruction! (IMO)

This is not a graphics discussion: The reason crysis runs on consoles is because pretty lights were more important than saying: maybe people won't like to be stopped by a lamp post when driving a big car (personal experience)
Or: Maybe people won't mind this invisible wall in the water (painful experience here as well)

If this game had been a ground-up pc game we wouldn't have to make do with narrow corridors, and yes, a street is narrow in this case. Now all we (dissapointed pc gamers) have is skybox effects of falling buildings, and this is not gonna be changed by any magical DX11 post-release patch.

-for those who might not know what a skybox is: its the out-of-bounds area around the manouverable enviroment.

Ive been having some minor issues that nobody else seem to have reported, so I'll just get that out of the way first.

*It seems that my destructable enviroment is broken, because now the entire landscape is static, aside from a few objects i can throw around.
(Physics like vegetation effects eg. tree destruction missing)
*The nano suit is telling me how to play the game, and I can't find the MUTE button.
*My health bar is not showing on the HUD.
*The control option for tilting right and left is not showing in my settings menu.
*My in-vehicle models are missing.
*Cant activate binoculars

As a final conclution: this is defenitly the best console game i have ever played on my PC.

Why was this game created in 2011 and runs worse then a game created in 2008 which has more gameplay and mechanics then the newer version?
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:47 am

Why was this game created in 2011 and runs worse then a game created in 2008 which has more gameplay and mechanics then the newer version?

One word...

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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:34 pm

+1 my man!

Having the suit tell you "HEY DUDE YOU CAN SNIPE THAT GUY! HEY DUDE, YOU CAN RESUPPLY THERE!" Of course, I didn't need to resupply because of the hundreds of other resupply points I found 5 minutes prior.. don't even get me started on the lampost on the FDR. I hit it for the first time and stared in disbelief for a couple of seconds, I was dumbstruck and I haven't been like that since 1998 (when models replaced sprites).

The sky is blurry, seriously, does our dude need glasses? It's murkier than primordial soup! But please Crytek, disable our annoying suit from dictating how to play the game.. whoever had this idea should be kicked in the balls.
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:38 am

Don't get me wrong. I think Crysis (1) must have been too expensive to develop and then only rake in on the pc market, for a sequel of the same magnitude. I understand the direction, but not why this game isn't being reviewed with its predecessor in mind. The few ratings I've seen are around 90%, but compared to the sequel its less than that.

In short: I feel dissapointed.

Hahaha I hear you. Again, think of it as a console game - its holding your hand
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:03 am

I cant play multiplayer,spend 60 bucks for wath (for ****)........
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:31 am

+1 my man!

Having the suit tell you "HEY DUDE YOU CAN SNIPE THAT GUY! HEY DUDE, YOU CAN RESUPPLY THERE!" Of course, I didn't need to resupply because of the hundreds of other resupply points I found 5 minutes prior.. don't even get me started on the lampost on the FDR. I hit it for the first time and stared in disbelief for a couple of seconds, I was dumbstruck and I haven't been like that since 1998 (when models replaced sprites).

The sky is blurry, seriously, does our dude need glasses? It's murkier than primordial soup! But please Crytek, disable our annoying suit from dictating how to play the game.. whoever had this idea should be kicked in the balls.

You forgot "Hit Start to Play!".

Good one.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:07 am

I feel for thise who are having technical problems, but can't the 2000 *help help help help help* threads be moved to a technical support forum?
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:54 pm

Amen, this game is an unfortunate victim to the console era, they need to hurry up and release new consoles so the pc crowd will get some good pure pc tech games again.
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emma sweeney
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:57 am

Amen, this game is an unfortunate victim to the console era, they need to hurry up and release new consoles so the pc crowd will get some good pure pc tech games again.

Well BF3 will have full on destruction and at least DICE is gimping the console version so PC doesn't suffer. I wish Crytek did the same thing but oh well.
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kevin ball
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:19 am

I'm afraid it will be another few years. Nintendo is never going back to the power of processing, and with new gesture detection interfaces for X and 3 it would seem silly for M and S to just turn away from their current generation.
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WYatt REed
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:23 pm

Amen, this game is an unfortunate victim to the console era, they need to hurry up and release new consoles so the pc crowd will get some good pure pc tech games again.

Well BF3 will have full on destruction and at least DICE is gimping the console version so PC doesn't suffer. I wish Crytek did the same thing but oh well.

dont forget that its also from ea like crysis is also

it dont matter who developes the game if ea says no dx 11 our whatever they have to do it.

so after this fiasco called crysis 2, i really dont trust anything from crytek our ea anymore, i have to see first before i gonna believe it.

they also say'd crysis 2 would be a pc beater, just like bf3, well crysis 2 failed at that part, so lets see what bf3 brings us

i know for sure crysis 2 having some sort of dx11 i seen vids /screens that had a way higher graphic setting.

luckely i be the one who can play the beta of bf3 (unknown when) so hopefully the didnt lie'd
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:14 am

Don't get me wrong. I think Crysis (1) must have been too expensive to develop and then only rake in on the pc market, for a sequel of the same magnitude. I understand the direction, but not why this game isn't being reviewed with its predecessor in mind. The few ratings I've seen are around 90%, but compared to the sequel its less than that.

In short: I feel dissapointed.

Hahaha I hear you. Again, think of it as a console game - its holding your hand

It does feel like it, and it feels dirty! Hopefully someone comes up with a mod to stop it :(
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:35 am

the out-of-bounds area around the manouverable enviroment.
Yeah you get this with the first Crysis game. There is only arma that i know of that appears to have endless boundaries within the game world.
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:50 pm

Ya i dont know about you fella's but crysis world/story is one of my all time favorites, being in the military myself its easy to understand why. Just a bit of a letdown with the direction they took with this franchise. Well CE2 will still challenge and entertain my pc setup for years to come though, meaning crysis 1 and warhead.
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:43 am

I agree with everything in the OP, except you can still knock over trees. Just not all trees - but that's how it was in Crysis and Warhead as well.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:57 pm

I agree with everything in the OP, except you can still knock over trees. Just not all trees - but that's how it was in Crysis and Warhead as well.

Well, every now and then one of the bonsai-sized trees might snap at some random point (and not were you actually hit them) when you hit it hard enough. Bigger trees will not fall, no matter what you throw at them.
Fine, C2 plays in an urban environment which makes tress much harder to find, but most of the trees you can find are indestructible.
(Which makes me think, maybe they should have build their skyscraqer with wood right from the start. Try to destroy our indestructible Cry-Wood? buildings, alien scum!)
I yearningly remember how you could cut down whole palm forrests with some grenades and a mounted machine gun...

Add this to the indestructible rest of NY, like newspaper stands which won′t even tremble or even send newspapers flying around, with the complete loss of the animal life we knew from Crysis and of the nice effects that made you see the shockwave and made trees and bushes shake when you threw a grenade and you have a game which is way more liveless and uninteresting (speak: generic) than its predecessor was or still is.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:57 am

Haha I want to buy Cry-Wood? as well! It will save my marrige too ;) Thank you Cry-Wood?.

This reminded me of something else. We don't have day-night cycles either. I was looking forward to seeing skycraqer shadows pan across the streets. I have been thinking that Cryteck/EA use special math. Here Crysis "1 > 2" and CryEngine "2 > 3". Many teachers will be baffled.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:25 pm

Got this game expecting a game revolution (like the previous).Expecting endless fun sandbox and an ass kicking physics (just like the previous), what I got? Not clear action, a game made for people who never played a FPS before, seriously guys, this game should have another name, generic call of corridor shooter field 2, not crysis, this isn't crysis anymore.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:07 pm

I totally agree that the indestructible environs are ****, but I'm quite sure that there are some medium sized trees that can be toppled by shooting them. I'm thinking of the park areas very early in the game, when you first find the SCAR. It's possible that these are the only areas with kill-able trees, though, because I don't recall knocking any down later in the game.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:44 am

The only excuse I could see would be if the infamous patch enabled destruction - after shipping and reviews of the game have gone out. Or else the console crowd might feel left out for not being able to interact with the enviroment (sandbox ftw btw).

Do you people remember the early trailer that showcased "destructable enviroment"? It then shows windows being shot at...

Holy **** I just found it. Am I mistaken or did these features get cut from the consoles? I don't remember seeing Time-of-day lighting on pc.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:22 am

Binoculars work fine. You're an idiot if you can't activate them.
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Angus Poole
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:24 pm

I'm an idiot and you use binoculars with x1.5 zoom.
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