Hehehe no trees can possibly fall on my ancient Corolla, glargg. It's impossible...that portion of the road has been felled of trees long ago.

So BRING ON THE SNOW! I have a roomate who's got 4-wheel drive Jeep, too.
sorry to hear of your pickup, though, glargg. Anyways,...
Lady Saga is so happy.

Tonight she made the trek from Chorrol to Skingrad, avoiding a couple dungeons on the way because she's somewhat terrible at combat. She's waiting to build her little adventuring party before she does some serious dungeon diving.
For example, Saga nearly got pwned by Raelyin the Gravefinder when she stayed at the Roxey Inn and got the associated quest. She's nearly been pwned (killed in other words) by a couple boss NPCs in a couple other dungeons, as well. So it's most prudent for her to wait. Build up her party. Do the smart thing.
Anyways, she gets to Skingrad. She meets Glarthir, speaks to the Mage's Guild leader (who tells Saga about Erthor) and gets a warning about Glarthir from Dion. Saga has no idea what Glarthir is on about, and even though he's a fellow wood elf, she's not comfortable meeting him behind the Chapel after midnight. Therefore, she pretty much nodded at Dion's warning, and is cooperating with the guards. :yes:
After defeating the zombies in Bleak Flats Cave, Saga has met the first member of her adventure party. Erthor is a little jumpy, a little impatient, but this is okay. He's good at magics. :thumbsup: Saga is not. So they balance each other.
After defeating a couple forts full of NPCs on her way to Anvil, Saga and Erthor got sidetracked, and are now in Lord Drad's cabins (Erthor and Saga each took a different cabin). After paying Miss Drad, Saga cleaned up one of the slave cabins, and is now calling it her home. :dance: Yaah!