Each system is different and each also has its peculiarities. I've got a quad core so having OS on one drive and games on another makes sense if you think about it. My OS is on a velociraptor, but next time I build a computer I will put games on the faster drive. With two drives each can be dedicated to their own functions and the quad core (at least on paper) helps in that process.
Otherwise it is the OS and a verys system intensive memory hog game sharing one location.
Makes sense - if the OS is thrashing the swap file on the same drive the game keeps asking to read things from you're going to bottleneck badly as the poor drive is tasked to do twice the work. I'd think this is only going to be a real problem on systems with insufficient RAM though.
all the stuff about PyFFI and splitting BSAs - eh.
Splitting the BSAs onto separate drives probably isn't going to make as much difference, but for the same reasons you just pointed out, if at least one of those is on a drive other than the OS, it should improve things a bit.
PyFFI though, yes, definitely. There's really no reason I can see not to optimize the meshes as much as can be done. It saves on polygons from duplicated verts/faces, and in turn saves on VRAM from not having so many polygons to render. Just stay out of the touchy stuff

There are a few other tweaks I use that help, but the best thing I did was clean the mods.
Agreed. Cleaning mods is definitely good for the health of the game.
So I tried unpacking all my BSAs (from Oblvion, SI, and DLCs) adding texture overhauls then repacking them.
The sound files had horrible performance. The game was unplayable if I used repacked sound files (From Oblivion, SI, DLCs). Any idea why? I do have onboard sound but the game plays great with the sound files packed it the original BSAs (only when i repack them to I have the problem). I can only assume its because the order of the repacking matters. Why is this true for sound files and not mesh/texture BSAs.
Don't compress the sound BSAs. You should in general seek to leave all your BSAs uncompressed, but the sounds for sure because adding that extra step to those really harms performance.