Would an authored list be editable by multiple people, or just the one person? I guess I'm not all that clear on that point.
It's listed under one user, but you can add a list of other people who have access to it. The link I posted above has all the details.
Personally I'm thinking lets just put it on the Nexus. It'd be a cut and paste job. Amd I already got permission from them to put up a wiki of recommended mods for new users.
Works for me. In any case, we'll need to get the rest of it converted; I did the Mid-sized mods yesterday (but didn't post them), so I'll work on the Small stuff today. And yes, I'll keep the old date format.

Now that I think about it, I'd lime to open a can of worms. If we add one more category to the quests template, that being something like "recommended for:" and options of "beginners", "advanced players", "experts", in terms of the overall installation and challenge to use, that might be good.
I was going to suggest also adding a level recommendation, but that can be added in the description - a lot of the ones we have already are noted.
Then the quest list could be a branch of a larger tree of recommended mods, and the core template could be the same, with slight tweaks depending on the branch. For instance, we have Quests, divided into Small, Medium, Large, Massive scopes. There could also be Game Mechanics, divided into Combat, Magic, Stealth, Economics, Leveling.
Sounds cool. Lots of work, but a good idea nonetheless. One thing that should be a requirement for any category: NO MAJOR BUGS. That would include: missing resources, bugs that cause the game to freeze/crash, dirty edits, etc. One of the Small quests on dev's list has a bad script that alters combat behavior for other NPCs (makes them freeze in place); dev recommends disabling it after you've done the quest. Personally, that's not the kind of mod I'd recommend other players to use. Conflicts/patches with major mods (FCOM, e.g.) should also be noted in the description.