The Official Xbox Magazine

Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:15 am

Just finished reading The Official Xbox Magazine, and these things i learned.

The writers frist impression : "The first time you'll see Skyrim, it's a deliberately beautiful postcard scene. Shrubs and trees frame the borders." (Even gets my excited)

A small part he explains about alchemy and he says that you can discover one of the properties by eating a ingredient or mess around in the alchemy labs. If you combine 2 items with matching properties, you"ll always succeed. There is a photo of a hooded guy (probably the player where he's tinkering with a alchemy set-up)

A part about mining and smithing he says: That you have to take a pick-axe with you, like a small example : You go into a dungeon and chances are you'll find a mineral vein. Smithing lets you create weapons and armor. You can even tan the pelts you get from slaughtering wild animals and, combine them with minerals you can mine with your pick-axe.

And enchanting, enchanting uses soulgems you'll find them scattered around the world. Find a item with the enchantment you want, then disenchant it to destroy the item and figure out the enchantment. With a bit of skill and a soulgem you can apply that power to any weapon you like. It also has a beautiful screenshot with it where Dragonborn has a bow that's completely cover in ice and giving a white glow looks EPIC!

About cooking you have to learn the recipes and you can use cooking pots, you'll find them in taverns.There is no cooking skill, while basic recipes just restor a bit of health and advanced recipes provide you with a long term buff.

Bandits can have conversations which each other, and not the kind of conversations you heard in Oblivion like : Hey. Hey. goodbye. bye

There is even a picture with a mudcrab on it and it's covert in ice.

We all know skyrim is the home of the nords. They are a militant people, and are not particularly comfortable living under the roman-esque imperial rule. Not all of Skyrim is about humanoid versus dragon there's a fair amount of political friction and race hostility , too.

They even stated this : The Alyeids wild elves who retreated into the woods and haven't said much since, they might not b in Skyrim, but never say never....

There are a lot of books in the game for example they found a slave miner's diary and lengthy tomes with yet another tier of tales.

About stealing they said you'll be able to steal any weapons your enemy isn't using. At the very top end of the skill you'll be able to steal the clothes your victim is actually wearing.

The player created a Khajiit and when he entered Riverwood there was a dog that barked all the time at him he thinks it's because the dog cant stand sixy cats.They said
their are a lot of body type sliders (for creating a character).

There are also choices in side missions not only go to that dungeon and collect this and come back. When he enterd riverwood he came acros an elf called Faendal that asked him to help him. There is a other guy in that town called Sven and they don't like each other. Faendal asked him to give a letter to a girl they both like but pretending the letter is from Seven. Like a big snotty-nosed snitch , he ran to the store and told her the truth and went straight to Sven and told him everything. Sven gives him some gold, and even starts singing a song about Ragnar The Red.

Dragons don't appear that fast, they played for three hours and they didn't found a dragon. Weaker dragons appear really early although you have to keep an ear out for clues, which range from subtle clues keenly overheard in a conversation, or while you're in a tavern and some people start shouting "Come outside - there's a massive dragon!" If dragons attack a city or a settlement the people that live there will try to defend it.They came across a young dragon and he is easier to kill. Todd Howard says that a common tatic is to tease dragons back to built-up areas where the terrified locals will try to defend their village.( People will get hurt, but it makes your life easier)

There is a secret door leading to the dark brothergood's guild...
Necromancers are form the south-easterly region of the rift the heard... They played it for 3 hours and said it was not enought they wanted more!

And there are a couple of perks they talked about wich we already know from other forum members. I found 1 that got me pretty excited and i haven't heard from yet:
- Skilled archers can slow time for better accuracy.

I've got the magazine as pdf file
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:10 am

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Ria dell
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 5:58 am

Awesome! Thanks.
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:04 am

Yes, I think my brain might explode from waiting for this game :sadvaultboy:
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Dean Brown
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:30 pm

What does tease a Dragon to a "built up" area mean? Thanks for the write up!
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 9:24 pm

Yay! Thanks :D
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Red Sauce
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:41 am

What does tease a Dragon to a "built up" area mean? Thanks for the write up!

A town, camp, settlement etc i would assume.
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:25 am

A town, camp, settlement etc i would assume.

Yeah same, makes sense when reading the rest of the sentance about villagers defending their town.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 9:02 pm

What does tease a Dragon to a "built up" area mean? Thanks for the write up!

A town , settlement ect... where you'll have a advantage.
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Andrea P
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Post » Sat Sep 24, 2011 11:00 pm

What does tease a Dragon to a "built up" area mean? Thanks for the write up!

That would mean get it to chase you back to a town so the people there help you kill it.
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:28 am

Thanks for the info ^_^
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Robert Jackson
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