Reading your post made me stop and think about why the old group was so much more fun than the forums here. I think it has to do with being a moderated forum. You are required to stay on topic. In the old days, a thread could (and often did) wander off in hysterically funny directions. Ribald humor aimed at fellow posters was not unheard of. Wit, and a sense of humor were the order of the day. Of that group, the only name that still comes to mind is Chicken George.
I don't remember Chicken George, but I do remember George IV, and Brute Dragon, the proprietor of, which unfortunately only now survives in a skeletal, imageless form, somewhere within the confines of the Internet Archive... And Georgina Allen, of course.
The last time I dropped by the newsgroup, it was completely inundated by spam. Needless to say, I didn't stick around.
Things change, of course; that's life. It is refreshing, however, not to have Imperator attacking me for my place of residence or political views, however.