the old guys :O

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:09 am

Speak for yourself. I'm sixty-mumble, and would stay up all night playing a game, but I still complain every time I have to take out the garbage. :wink_smile:

You know what they say, age is only a number :wink_smile:
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:16 am

I miss Oblivion, love Skyrim but it just... doesn't have the same feel. Guess it was because I played Oblivion when I was new to the entire 'Open-world' aspect so I was confused and lost, and then felt amazed when I discovered new stuff.

Roleplaying on Skyrim is soooo difficult ugh! Needing mods for it, unlike oblivion, to even allow myself to believe i'm truly there. At the moment I just feel like an Over-powered killing machine.
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:21 am

Ahh, makes sense. Maybe once all of the hardcoe power gamers have bled Skyrim dry, new "oldies" will emerge.

:lol: that will be a sweet day indeed! I cant help lurking Skyrim topics myself, though. My current faves to read are anythign to do with multiplayer (the MMoRPG/co-op crowd just don't understand what TES is all about, and I have a morbid tendency to get caught up in reading these discussions), PS3 issues (i like to be proactive), Steam, and occasional interesting topics that show up.

I refuse to read anything to do with how Skyrim is "broken" or how the gamer in the OP is "bored" after putting in 120 hours with a Level 60 character in 2 weeks. Also if there seems to be any sort of spoilers involved i try and iggy those too. there are some good folks in the Sky forums, here and there. I sometimes say "thanks' to these folks via PM. Thanks for a better-than-usual read, that is. ;)

Speak for yourself. I'm sixty-mumble, and would stay up all night playing a game, but I still complain every time I have to take out the garbage. :wink_smile:

Yea I know. I'm 42 myself, not that 42 is really "old" but sometimes...never mind..:whistling:
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:38 am

I'm feeling overwhelmed. every time I think I'm getting burnt of Skyrim i will find a new place to explore or get into an epic battle with like 10 undead draugrs. I LOVE those adrenaline rushes! I always have to see what's gonna happen next. :yes: I actually havn't finished any big quests yet in Sky, just some of miscellaneous ones.

When I started the game I loved seeing the big empty map. Now that I've played it a while, there are fewer and fewer empty areas and I'm hesitant to go there, just because I want it to be new longer. Then I'd start feeling burnt out. Then something cool would happen, or I'd find an item that opens a new quest up and then I'm content again.
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:57 am

When I started the game I loved seeing the big empty map. Now that I've played it a while, there are fewer and fewer empty areas and I'm hesitant to go there, just because I want it to be new longer. Then I'd start feeling burnt out. Then something cool would happen, or I'd find an item that opens a new quest up and then I'm content again.

I am probably 80 hours into Skyrim, I'd be surprised if I have even 50% of the map cleared. Heh.

Just popping in to say hi again. :)
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John N
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:35 am

I have played and loved skyrim, but I remember my first days of oblivion. I loved it. It was new and exciting and plenty of ways to play a character(although that is also a minus cause I have alt-itis). Skyrim hasn't gripped me like that and except for the twist the db isn't as fun. I think I might go back to oblivion and try to play my priestess that I'm trying to roll play.
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:36 am

I am probably 80 hours into Skyrim, I'd be surprised if I have even 50% of the map cleared. Heh.

Just popping in to say hi again. :)

So if this is not too far off topic, what difficulty level?

I'm starting to feel real bad about Skyrim, because of all the people saying that Master level difficulty is so easy, and I struggle at Expert against some high level bosses at level 17. It almost makes me feel like I'm so lousy at the game I should give it up and go back to Oblivion or Morrowind or Fallout 3 :sad:
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:25 pm

So if this is not too far off topic, what difficulty level?

I'm starting to feel real bad about Skyrim, because of all the people saying that Master level difficulty is so easy, and I struggle at Expert against some high level bosses at level 17. It almost makes me feel like I'm so lousy at the game I should give it up and go back to Oblivion or Morrowind or Fallout 3 :sad:

People say a lot of things. I'm of the opinion that half of the people who say they play on max difficulty in these games are actually blowing smoke rings. :wink_smile:
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:14 am

People say a lot of things. I'm of the opinion that half of the people who say they play on max difficulty in these games are actually blowing smoke rings. :wink_smile:

Thanks! I'm starting to wonder that myself. Because in Skyrim I just encountered a "boss" character a few hours ago (a Spriggan Matriarch) and with it's spells I just can't see how anyone would think that was easy at level 17. I killed it after several reloads but if someone thought that was easy I'd like to know how. And I'm playing on Expert not Master.

Back to Oblivion, it kind of reminds me of my very first play through of Oblivion right after the game was released. I kept getting killed by fireballs from stunted scamps near Belda. And that was on a Breton character with 50% magic resist. Now playing with OOO/MMM is no problem. Maybe I'll feel the same about Skyrim someday.
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Karl harris
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:50 pm

Roleplaying on Skyrim is soooo difficult ugh! Needing mods for it, unlike oblivion, to even allow myself to believe i'm truly there.

Heh, it's exactly the opposite for me. I needed mods to roleplay in Oblivion, but not in Skyrim. I'm playing a basically vanilla game (just using a mod to make the font look more attractive and a mod to cut down on the frequency of NPCs telling me their life stories as I pass) and I am finding it much easier to roleplay in Skyrim, right out of the box.

anythign to do with multiplayer (the MMoRPG/co-op crowd just don't understand what TES is all about

There was a moderator here, way, way back in 2002, who got so fed up with multiplayer threads that he finally snapped. He lost it. He let that guy have it, and good. He was relieved of his moderatorship that same day. Which is to say that we've had these threads since, like, forever. The only reason I hope Zenimax does make that rumored Elder Scrolls Online is that it might possibly cut down on some of these threads. No, on second thought, it probably won't. Forget I mentioned it.

the big empty map. Now that I've played it a while, there are fewer and fewer empty areas

This is going to sound strange, but one of the things I think is wrong with Skyrim's map is that the icons are too big. I guess, like the font in the menu (and Oblivion's menus as well) they were designed to be seen clearly from across a living room on a console. But on a computer monitor they look way too big, unnecessarily big. And when a great many icons cover up the landscape I think all those gigantic icons almost touching each other makes the map look small. I'm seriously thinking about redoing my icons to be half the size they are now, maybe even replacing them with something more attractive and map-like, like "X's."

half of the people who say they play on max difficulty in these games are actually blowing smoke rings.

Yes. Many gamers tend to be pretty competitive people, especially (it seems to me) those who comes from multiplayer or shooter backgrounds. Gaming forums are filled with guys (and I believe they are almost exclusively guys) who brag, loudly and often, about how fast and how easy they have done something. You can almost picture them puffing up their chests and drawling, as they hock into a spittoon near their feet, "Bah, I finished the main quest in a minute and a half. With my eyes closed. It was nothing, I breezed through it. I didn't even have to hold on to the controller. Any noob who has take a whole five minutes to finish the main quest is Doing It Wrong."

T if someone thought that was easy I'd like to know how.

Skyrim, I am finding, is a bit different than Morrowind or Oblivion, in that I mostly fight large masses of fantastically easy-to-kill "trash mobs." But then!...just when I'm starting to get cocky the game slaps me upside the head with a Draugr Overlord who two-shots me without so much as breaking a sweat.

I wasn't sure I liked this in the beginning, but now I'm actually beginning to appreciate it. I'm never sure what the heck I'm going to find when I turn a corner: it could be an easy fight, it could be the toughest fight I've had yet. This keeps me on my toes. I don't dare play on auto-pilot when I play Skyrim. If I do, it will slap me down.

I play on default setting, if that matters.
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:57 pm

I just finished the skyrim main quest, and afterward I just didn't know what to do. I actually decided to go back to oblivion and play my character more, there's still plenty to do. Waiting until the dust settles a bit, patches, and mods come out might be a good idea. I'd say that vanilla skyrim is better than vanilla oblivion, but I've got my oblivion tweaked just the way I like it and I'd miss it if I played skyrim. Oblivion doesn't look near as pretty, and it actually doesn't run as well, crashes a bit more, but it's still fun.
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:02 am

...Yes. Many gamers tend to be pretty competitive people, especially (it seems to me) those who comes from multiplayer or shooter backgrounds. Gaming forums are filled with guys (and I believe they are almost exclusively guys) who brag, loudly and often, about how fast and how easy they have done something. ...

I usually like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

But right now that is wearing thin on the Skyrim forums. Many people keep saying that the game is way too easy on Master (max difficulty) that I think I should try it. I moved to Master and when into a dungeon. Now maybe I'm not the best guy at combat in the world, but I'm convinced that even someone twice as good as me could not have finished that dungeon on Master level. That is really starting to ruin the game for me.

It was kind of like that with Fallout 3, with all the stories of how easy it was on "Very Hard". So then I tried "Very Hard" and at least had a chance. Skyrim for me is more than "Very Hard" on Master despite others saying they think it is "too easy" even if they handicap their characters.

Sorry I just wanted to vent, given that I just tried a dungeon with only two enemies at Master level, and wasn't able to survive even after about 45 minutes of trying.
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:24 pm

I was born in the hate of the Skyrim forums and must say that after reading the "elders" posts here I feel calm and I feel as though I have been lfted to a higher state of mind. This is like nothing I have ever experienced.......Fart. Sorry about that last part its the Skyrim in me.
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:03 pm

So if this is not too far off topic, what difficulty level?

I'm starting to feel real bad about Skyrim, because of all the people saying that Master level difficulty is so easy, and I struggle at Expert against some high level bosses at level 17. It almost makes me feel like I'm so lousy at the game I should give it up and go back to Oblivion or Morrowind or Fallout 3 :sad:

I'm playing on the default difficulty and I run into sections where I have to reload over and over again. I actually reset my character once because she got decapitated by a bandit chief for the nth time and I nuked my savegames. This second iteration is going much better.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:58 am

Just on the topic of difficulty, I'm finding myself saving a hell of a lot more than what I did in Oblivion, just because (like Pseron said) I have no idea what's around the corner.

And I'm also doing one thing I've never done in Oblivion - buy potions. There's two reasons for this, the improved Alchemy system and that I'm dying more often than I would like.
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