» Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:53 pm
57, almost 58. I got hooked on gaming back in the mainframe days. I was employed at a research lab that had the original adventure game. It was called, ironically, "Adventure". I imagine it was the predecessor to the famous “Zork” text-based games on the PC. It was memorable and in many ways, the text-based equivalent of TES. "You are standing in a cave. Waterfalls cascade from the northern slope into a dark abyss below. To the east..." Your interface was simply commands like "take" or "go east". Of course there was no wiki or game guide and I can remember spending all of my lunch hours and even after work trying to solve the many puzzles.
Later, kids came along and the first Nintendo. My son, who is now 28, recently confessed to me that he and his brother used to sneak downstairs in the middle of the night and watch me (from behind the couch) play Mario Brothers and Teenage Mutant Turtles. I just had to beat those games!!
So PC and console-based games have been with me for quite some time. To be honest, I prefer the console these days. Simple, just pop in a disk, lean back in the recliner, and play on the big screen in my man-cave. I love the challenges of the “die many deaths” games like Dark Souls but TES takes me back to my roots.