The one critical flaw in Fallout 4 (no spoilers)

Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:06 pm

It is just so sad that they missed the opportunity to make this game so much more than it is. It isn't that Bethesda failed to make it work, it's that they deliberately made it less! It would have taken no effort whatsoever to give our character the option to piss npcs off.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:47 pm

Wouldn't be half surprised if some people who praise Witcher 3 and knock down Fallout 4 here are also over on the CDPR forums knocking down Witcher 3 and praising Fallout 4. That's the way the internet works.

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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:30 am

You cannot possible be serious! Tell me that you are being sarcastic....

You are in for a big surprise when people turn to Cyberpunk 2077 and leave Fallout 5 in the dust.

People loved Ciri and were motived to save her. Can't say the same about a Shaun that I never knew.

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Anna Beattie
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:32 am

Well I have to disagree.. Fallout 3 we were forced to being born into a vault with a flaky dad who wanders off letting in a shlew of rad roaches and ticking off the rest of the population enough that they try to kill you. New Vegas we started off tied up on our knees with our grave being dug and then take a bullet in the head for a poker chip.. How is that any different then Fallout 4? You have a kid?? dude that kid could be any age by now.. You were frozen for 200 years, no idea when you saw your child being taken out of the Cryo chamber... So this game like the others yes you have a back ground and you choose how much you want to invest in it.

I guess some people lack imagination enough to dream their own dream.. I enjoy having some back story. Again with some perspective and imagination you can be who and what you want.. Lastly, you are saying you never saw a reply that stated "Sarcastic"? I have had options come up that just say something along the lines of "end conversation and fight" Make of things what you will and make your own story that you enjoy.. no one to stop you but yourself my friend.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:33 am

Then why are you on the Fallout 4 forums??

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Judy Lynch
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:24 am

Probably because he really wanted Fallout 4 but it ended up being a half assed RPG with strong shooter elements.

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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:58 pm

The question still stands, him posting here with his opinion based upon the opinion (Of which he only focuses on the perceived negatives) isn't going to change the game now. So, why is he here on the Fallout 4 forums and not int he Series discussion asking for Bethesda to change their entire way of making games? Maybe if he gave the game a chance?

Yes, we get that people have issues with the game. I've a few, but it doesn't stop me looking past them and enjoying a very good game and I've already put 100 more hours into this than I did Witcher 3. Really didn't like that game.

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victoria johnstone
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:48 pm

You contradicted yourself so badly that I have no idea what point you are trying to make. Are you saying that searching for a missing dad that I may or may not care about is the same as ending up in a ditch in a post apocalyptic wasteland? Or are you saying that they are different. I have no idea what you are saying. First off, I never said that having a story surrounding a missing child was a bad thing. Just about any character archetype would be motived to seek out their lost child (expect for one so pathetic that we could never like him/her). My entire post was that the overwhelming majority of conversations had no consequences and that I am required to be emotionally fragile, which is a particularly odd thing for a fighter as deadly as mine.

Having the (rare) option to end a convo and shoot is meaningless because you can technically do that any time you wish with this dialogue system. Let me ask you this what were the consequences of shooting that NPC? Did it make life in the wasteland more difficult for you? You will have to explain that one carefully. I can shoot up all of Diamond city and nothing happens. I can wipe out a major faction in the main quest and nobody even knows who the hell I am! How is that good thing?

I find it odd that you chock this up to "use your imagination". No I am forbidden to imagine anything in this game. Events are happening as they are. If I need to imagine that SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENED then I might as well ignore all npc encounters and just treat the game like an exploration FPS. That isn't the product that I bought.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:22 pm

:lol: The million dollar question. The dude is so bizarre.

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Amber Ably
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:17 am

He probably doesn't make as much money as me. I can afford games even when I'm not sure if they will be what I was hoping for. Some people aren't as fortunate. It is also possible that like me, he cares about this game's potential and wants Fallout 5 to actually live up to its potential. You'll have to ask him.

I also prefer futuristic settings so if Fallout 4 had the story quality of Witcher 3 I would have absolutely prefered it. Fallout 4 does have MUCH better combat in my opinion and the environment is far more interesting despite having weaker graphics. It is just too unfortunate that my character is a freakin soccor mom and there is nothing that I can do about it. At least Geralt was a badass and unafraid to torture those who hurt his 'family'.

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Chris Johnston
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:10 pm

I can afford to purchase Fallout 4. I just refuse to purchase Fallout 4 due to the stuff we seen so far that I don't like, at least in some RPG video games.

I said I'm ok with that four choice dialogue wheel in the Mass Effect video games, but not in Bethesda Game Studios developed video games or CD Projekt RED developed video games. Then there is the yes, yes, no, and yes options which are in the four choices of the dialogue wheel, which I don't like at all only in the Mass Effect video games I'm ok, but I never purchased Mass Effect 3 I only have purchased Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2.

I'm also not ok with Bethesda Game Studios removing the armor and weapons degradation system just like they removed it for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I did purchase The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on 11.11.11, but even with mods I just cant stand playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I have a total of 380 hours played of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

I instead since I don't have a Fallout 4 to play will criticize Bethesda Game Studios. Just like I do once in a while in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim General Discussions section as well.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:24 pm

The only thing I disagree with is your liking for the voice actor. I think he did a terrible job and it makes me cringe every time I talk to a NPC. I can't get into the story at all and it feels like I'm playing a Farcry game and not a Fallout game.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:07 am

Morchai, as was stipulated within the Grand Hipster Conclave of 2014 this information was not to be released to the public. Although you have paid your monthly dues to date we, of the Grand Hipsters Who Shall Not Be Named Due to Hoodies or Lack Thereof, shall not tolerate your sharing our modus operandi to the drooling masses. We would like to reiterate the clauses that you feigned to sign in your own blood as a Grand Hipster, because shedding ones own blood might hurt, that YOU would:

A: Not share our secrets to the drooling masses. ( You get extra points for referring to them as such so that is a wash. )

B. Allow our sacred ability to constantly demonstrate our superiority to be tarnished with the obvious fact we hate what we once loved.

C. Acknowledge that all previous and future tenants would, could, and should be applied solely upon an emotional bias and/or basis.

D. Never, ever....ever ever outright or even refer to a random person as a fellow Hipster.

While we certainly anticipate your attempts at an equitable arbitration in this matter; I regret to inform you that Cloves are expensive and nothing but your continued payment of membership dues owed to us, the Grand Hipsters Who Shall not Be Named Due to Hoodies or Lack Thereof, shall be paid according to whatever schedule you might feel is appropriate. Consider this a very harsh warning, Morchai. Please reduce your insults to obvious facts and/or verifiable emotions until further notice.

Signed on this day of our Non-existent Lord,


We wish you condemnation as well as a partial recovery and hope to hear from you soon.

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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:36 am

I love the game 90% of the time, I think around 150 hours of playtime can vouch for that, BUT! I do agree the dialog system in FO4 is WAYYYYYY TOOO STREAMLINNEEEEEED, I mean the way it is Bethesda almost could have saved a year in development and just made all the conversations automatic, like a cinematic we sit and watch. What's the point of having dialog options when all of them have the absolute same consequences? (par for the few minor quests where you can actually say "no" to decline the job, and that's about it).

The game forces you to be a very specific kind of emotional good guy, not a single person can deny that, not even me even if I really REALLY like FO4 all in all.

The only way around is to basically imagine everything and skip all the quest content in the game. I am currently playing as a psychopath who mutilates people, uses their blood and body parts for performance art, eats human flesh and has six with dead corpses, you can imagine I haven't done a single quest in the game because doing ANY of those would instantly break the whole character immersion. .. You can also imagine I've had to make alot of things up in my head because of how tame the game really is.

I'd call Fallout 4 "gray", it's a very aesthetic shade of gray infused in to velvety fabrics, expensive fabrics perfumed with lavender and cinnamon, they keep you warm at night and have a rich air about them but they're still gray, man I'd love to see black details and white highlights.

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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:02 pm

I said its the same stuff.. The fact that you are saying what you are and basically just trashing the game is a familiar theme.. What it adds up to is you. You posted your point but cant swallow what others have to say or even argue it logically.. So Hey I still disagree. If you cant get past a background story or feel every response railroads you into a goody two shoes reply thats your view and you are going to have to live with that. Good luck and I hope you can find enjoyment in another game! I enjoy Fallout4 no matter what trolls come thru forums here have to say about it in trash talking it.

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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:43 pm

While we, at the at the Grand Hipsters Who Shall Not Be Named Due to Hoodies or Lack Thereof, agree wholeheartedly that; in your words "What it adds up to is you." A majority of us also agree that no one can "argue it logically". But because you still disagree, for whatever reason, we wish to extend an offer to join our ranks. You, Sir, get it. While we are still debating upon what you got please feel free to send us a monthly stipend so that you may fully consider yourself amongst our ranks. We here at the Grand Hipsters Who Shall Not Be named Due to Hoodies or Lack Thereof would like to think of you as a kindred spirit...but a monetary "tithe" would cement any future association.

I shall part with this:

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:39 am

The impression that I have is that Fallout is a bit more linear in its storyline than a TES game. For example all of the TES games basically dump you into the open world. Fallout 3 and 4 have a more linear beginning.

I'm not saying this is fact. It's just the impression that I have gotten.
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:49 am

I think the biggest problem is how heavy handed they were with VATS, tying so many perks to it, and just not fixing third person shooting.

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Davorah Katz
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:43 am

But there is a clear different. I find it odd that people who makes this comment cannot see the fallacy in their logic.

Witcher 3, we Expect to be Gerald of Witcher, we've probably read the books, played the other games. But the thing about the Witcher series is the company never lost the integrity of the game they were playing. I play Witcher for different reasons than I do Fallout. Witcher I already know I am Gerald, and I already assume the role of Gerald.

Fallout, However, I assume the role of the character I created. The character's back story I want to design. I play games like Fallout, Oblivion, Dragon's Dogma, etc. To define a character and express a character I want.

Dialogue is fine in Witcher 3 because it fits my expectations of the game.

Dialogue is not fine in Fallout 4 because it doesn't fit my expectations of the game or expectations of how I want to express my character.

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Ellie English
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:30 am

This is simply not true, people need to stop doing this comparison. The thing with Fallout 4 is that you have to try really really hard to avoid to have the game tell you how your character is (it is especially impossible since he/she talks and you get much of the personality in the tone of voice automatically). And even if you try your hardest it will still not be completely possible. When you get the holotape from your husband/wife you will always hear what a loving, caring and patient husband and father/mother you where etc. Your whole backstory and personality is already predetermined. There where nothing like this in the previous Fallout games. Even if you had some sort of plot to start with your character where always a blank slate in terms of his personalty and character. Also add to this that it is pretty much impossible to play the game from a logical character perspective with this and then do other things then the main quest, because you ARE the good father/mother in this game, desperately searching for your son so why would you run off doing random sidequests for other people, it just does not make any sense. That is how the character is, there is no way around it. And if you want to try to be something else you have to more or less fight the game all the way through.

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stacy hamilton
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:33 pm

Lol, wow. What a life.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:47 pm

The one critical flaw of Fallout 4 is that it is just too much awesome to fit into my weekly schedule.

Why Bethesda? Why?

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:01 pm

Rescue the settlement quests are indeed timed and you can fail them and the settlement gets sacked. Cool your jets and find out what people are talking about.

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helen buchan
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:56 am


Main complain about the main quest on the Witcher 3 is that u stop caring about Ciri and what the [censored] happen to her bc everything take u away from the her. For a main quest where u are chasing Ciri bc the Wild Hunt is hunting her, u stop to deal with ALOT of [censored] on the middle (and i dont mean side quest, i mean the quest involving the main quest)

Witcher 3 is a really good game, but as a RPG game have alot of issue too, and worst part, no meter what u do the "dialogue" choice on the Witcher 3 take u to the same result MOST of the time.

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Red Sauce
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:10 am

I was really positively suprised when I saw that I got a message that a quest was about to run out. It was a radiant quest from a settlement that I needed to do a mission for to take over their settlement. But when I tested to wait it out to see what happens if it fails I failed it, but then I could just go to them and ask for the quest again to start it over. So in the end it was a totally meaningless system.

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