Reflect Spell. That effect was awesome. I know it was pretty ridiculous if you got it to 100% but why remove it completely? Maybe they'll add more effects in DLC. Any others you guys miss?
I don't miss most of the spells since they were pretty much broken and made the game too easy. Only spell I miss is pretty much feather because I like to carry alot.
Blind, Lock, Weakness to, Open, Water Walking, hell the list goes on and on really. All had interesting properties that could help flesh out an RP or create a truly unique spell in spell creation.
why remove spells? thats [censored]. Unless they have equivalent replacements, then its ok I guess their gone, but if thats the case their just renames and that is [censored].
So this magic fudging is [censored]. Damn retards...
i used to moon walk on the river pushing forwards in front of riverwood in the middle of the night while hollering gibberish. But then i took an arrow in the knee.
Yeah, water walking is my most favorite spell effect that has gone in skyrim.
why remove spells? thats [censored]. Unless they have equivalent replacements, then its ok I guess their gone, but if thats the case their just renames and that is [censored].
So this magic fudging is [censored]. Damn retards...
They do have an equal replacement a double firebolt will pretty much kill anything in no time at all.
I definitely miss open - I hate picking locks. Cure disease/poison was really useful too and saved me having to run around with all those annoying potions.
They removed WAY too many spell effects. Spells have been so drastically reduced from previous titles that I shudder to think of TES 6. Magic is my favorite part, and the lack of spell variety and spell creation makes me not truly love Skyrim like I did with previous titles (even Oblivion). If TES 6 has less spells than Skyrim, I may have to consider not buying it. :cryvaultboy: