The top tips wish had known 48 hours ago was a useful thread right after game came out.
Now that it's been out long enough for people to min/max and restart new games with knowledge gained in first or second attempt, I am restarting yet again (my 5th restart) because of this ONE tip I wish I had known before:
IF you like settlements, and settlement building as part of your game play, personal style, reference, etc - then the one tip is:
1- Be frugal with your Wood supply. It starts out being and seeming most plentiful resource, but ends up being very limited towards even early mid game.
My only source for wood after breaking down large initial settlements with good wood scrap, is the trickle from scavenging like mad and scrapping eery item, including weapons, that have wood in them.
That's my PSA - if you like settlements and don't want to console cheat, be frugal with when and where you use up wood - there won't be enough to build towers in every settlement you come across.