That is waiting on some leaked walk throughs? I wasn't really too fond of the idea of the "Announce our game show one gameplay vid then show nothing" strategy.
That is waiting on some leaked walk throughs? I wasn't really too fond of the idea of the "Announce our game show one gameplay vid then show nothing" strategy.
Possibly... Imagine how awesome it would be to see with no idea what's to come. It's not that far away.
I just wish there was more information about the engine itself. The renderer improvements, scripting changes, etc.
See that would be really cool information to see.
Honestly I wouldn't even bother searching for leaked gameplay if they would just release the damn quakecon video.
Re: walkthroughs - you're likely not the only one, but I can't say I'm a part of that club. Really, most things I'm happy with to discover as I go, but I'm dying to get all the perks and ranks revealed @_@
You are the only one of many.
About video,dunno guess there trying not to over hype people with the game so when it's out it's not to disapointed.
We already have people complaining including me about stuff from what little video is shown to us.
i remember in oblivion they had very short clips per day and one of them spark at small outrage about the horse with no rein's.
yeah i can see how u dont like this approach, but for me, i loving this not only bc is one of the first game that have so little leaks, but also bc i will be playing a game that i have 0 clue about the story, something i been hating in the pass year that u normally get spoiler on every game-play trailer they do to promote the game.
Haven't even watched the playthrough of the beginning section. I did look at the crafting & combat compilation videos, but that's it.
I'd rather discover the game by playing it.
w/o spoiling anything for u Bethesda did a really smart move about what they show on that small gameplay video.
There's nothing we need to see before delving in for real...
This is as unspoiled as I've been for a launch for years.
It's terrific.
I would have prefered if they had showed less in the beginning walkthrough at E3. Those who watched it now know how the first half hour or so will unfold...assuming you don't wander off in a random direction. The introduction is important, be it a movie, piece of music, or game. They demonstrated a few gameplay mechanics, but they could have used random parts of the game to do that, as they did with other parts of the presentation. -Just my opinion ...but hopefully this will seem pretty insignificant once we get into the game, due it being amazing.
getting the info early doesnt add anything, i mean i can read the perks day 1 and see.
I don't want the story spoiled and I don't really ~care~ if the combat system is "spoiled" in videos since I will see that for myself eventually and it'll vary based on how I play... but what I ~would~ like to see, to be spoiled with, are the complete list of perks with full descriptions of all ranks. Since that WILL be available (one would assume) as soon as we get the game (or the strategy guide) or perhaps when we first level up.... but I'd rather have more planning options. Right now, I don't even know how I want to play the game because I don't know what the perks are, which means I don't know what SPECIAL I'll want/need, etc etc. At least it's only a week and a half away (give or take). I can hold out that long, I suppose.
well this is what i mean, about a smart move, what we saw on E3 was really similar to the early leak from the casting. It was a really smart move. since they show something similar and didnt give anything else.
I'm not familiar with their other marketing from fallout 3/skyrim. Did they show perk info for either of those?
Yeah some what they did show play through's while leveling.
I'm waiting for a leaked walkthrough of the perk chart.