The truth is... I actually like the new perk system! I even prefer having perks vs the attributes in Skyrim.
Debate about the terms here aside - I like them too.
Or more correctly - I like the new system. It isn't perfect (oh no, it very much isn't), but it is a good change. I hope Bethesda stick with it, refines it, and see to live up to its potential.
I hope they don't go back to the previous style attribute system, or if they really must go to something like it, it is a completely overhauled or re-imagined one - "tradition" alone is a poor justification ("an X style attribute system has always been a fundamental part of RPGS!") as is "fit it ain't broke, don't fix it" (it might not have been completely broke but it was far from perfect, and it isn't fixing something that ain't broke if you are replacing it with something that works better and/or has greater potential for growth).
I like the Perk system because it shifts the development of your character away from one initial attribute-delivering screen, and into your hands as you play. I can build my character as I go, which is not only more interesting and immersive for me, but also convenient. I started the game thinking that i wanted a destro-mage, but after about six or seven levels I found myself drawn to playing a warrior. The current skill and perk system meant that I was completely free to make that change so early in the game.
I would ideally like a combination of perks and attributes, but I feel like the flexibility and dynamism of perks is a fair replacement for attributes.
It's great, I love the perks. Definitely look forward to leveling up more than increasing some boring numbers. Even if most perks are basically just a bunch of numbers in disguise, they are at least interesting and exciting.
Indeed. I understand numbers will be inherent mechanical components of games for forever (or at least the long term), but the less I have to be reminded the things my character are doing comes down to an 8 in the strength or intelligence column and some virtual dice the better. Or be reminded that my reward for slaying Grimjaw the Unassuming is the sense of satisfaction that comes from halting the plans of eeevil plus the chance
for me to add some numbers to other numbers so I swing my sword harder
I understand I will make direct decisions that shape my characters growth and development as levels rise (if it is a game with levels - I love you Galsiah's Character Development mod for Morrowind), but I want my, the player's, choices dressed in such a way they don't stand out as much as number adding.
I want seamless character growth. I want fluid character growth. I character growth based on journey and actions (natural character growth). If I can't have it perfectly like that, I want as close as possible.
And I don't miss attributes, they were pointless in previous elder scrolls games.
I would have to disagree there. One could say they didn't like them, but they were about as pointless in previous ES games as wheels are pointless on a car.
i dont like the perks on this game only because you can't reassign them if you regret you decision..... and you can't get all the perks... if you play this game for such a long time you deserve to be able to get all the perks
Virtually no good RPG lets you reassign things you select at levels up etc at a later date if you regret them, unless you saved your game before you assigned them, regardless of the character mechanics in use.
As for getting all the perks... why? No, I can understand the people that like to get everything, but they are there for you to guide your character down paths and play styles. If you had them all...
Eh. I guess if you wanted them fine, but Bethesda has no real reason to include that in the game design and it isn't much of a real issue. Like saying "and you can't be boss of all the guilds in Morrowind, if you play this game for such a long time you deserve to be able to be boss of everything".